Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 - Phần: Ngữ pháp - Năm học 2016-2017

1.My father waters this flower every morning.

2.John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.

3.Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.

4.We should clean our teeth twice a day.

5.Our teachers have explained the English grammar.

6.Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city.

7.Tom will visit his parents next month.

8.The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.

9.Did Mary this beautiful dress?

doc 17 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 2800
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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 - Phần: Ngữ pháp - Năm học 2016-2017

  1. a. What is the price of this watch? b. What is the price of your car? c. What is the price of his coat? d. What is the price of her hat? e. What is the price of these beautiful scarves? f. How much are these oranges? g. How much is the pork? h. How much do these dresses cost? i. How much does the petrol cost? j. How much is a cup of coffee? 2. QUESTIONS WITH “ HOW TO GET TO” Can you show/tell me the way to + a place? Can you tell me how to get to + a place ? a. Can you tell me the way to the bank? b. Can you tell me the way to Chu Se post office? c. Can you tell me the way to the station? d. Can you tell me the way to the pagoda? e. Can you tell me the way to the bank? f. Can you tell me the way to Ham Rong mountain? g. Can you tell me how to get to the bus station? h. Can you tell me how to get to the bus station? i. Can you tell me how to get to Tan Son Nhat Airport? j. Can you tell me how to get to Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum? k. Can you tell me how to get to the Cao Ba Quat seconary school? l. Can you tell me how to get to Chu Se market? 3. HAVE -THERE IS/ARE: S + have There is/are a. The café has a lot of tables. b. Theatre programmes usually have lots of information c. London has more than fifty theatres. d. The garden has a swimming pool. e. The system has both private and state schools. f. My house has four rooms. g. There will be more than 8 billion people in the world in 2020 h. There have been more robberies in this town recently. i. There will be a lot of interesting TV programmes for people. 4. ADJECTIVE + NOUN: S + be + adj + noun Noun + be + adj a. The national theatre has very comfortable seats.
  2. e. She felt happy with the toys. => The toys made f. She heard the song and she felt homesick. => The song made g. They were late because of heavy traffice. h. Nam’s sister is always sad when she sees that film. i. He was successful thanks to his hard work. => His hard work made . j. We work all day and we have no time to spare. => Our work makes . 8. ADJECTIVE-ADVERB : S + be + adj + noun S + verb + adv a. They are fast typists. b. He is a fluent speaker. c. Peter is a hard worker. d. Van is a good singer. e. They are fast runners. f. Morgan is a slow driver. g. Tony and Bob are very good footballers. h. We are lazy students. i. Mary is an excellent dancer. j. They are frequent church goers. 9. EXCLAMATORY SENTENCES: S + be + adj What + (a/an) + adj + n ! How + adj + S +be S + V + adv How + adv + S + V ! a. She is a very graceful girl. b. How fast he run! c. The meal was excellent. d. This is a beautiful picture. e. She sang very beautifully. f. What a sweet little girl! g. What a great idea! h. What a beautiful home you have! i. How nice that Jane could come with you! j. How nice she is! 10. TO LIKE- TO BE FOND OF: S + like + sth S + be + fond of sth a. I like detective stories. b. She likes drinking coffee. c. Children like sweets. d. The tourists like to lie on the beach sunbathing.
  3. e. Drinking alcohol is said to do us harm. f. It’s your duty to be on time. g. Nobody wanted you to be hare. h. Everybody expected the flight to be on time. i. It’s your duty to help his parents with housework. j. People wanted the train to arrive at 6.00. 14. PREFER- WOULD RATHER a. S + would prefer S + would rather + S + past subj b. S + like .better than S + would rather than . c. S + prefer S + would rather + V. a. He would prefer you to tell him a story. b. We’d prefer you not to smoke. c. Daisy likes to eat fish better than meat. d. They like to go to the zoo better than to the cinema. e. Peter likes to be a tractor driver better than to be a farmer. f. We prefer to stay at home tonight. g. Tony would rather watch sports on TV than play. h. Mr Ba likes to live in a city better than in the countryside. i. I like to be a worker beter than to be a farmer. j. He likes to be a supporter better than to be a player. 15. THE VERB KEEP/FIND + O + ADJ S + V + O S + keep/find + O + adj S + find + it (unreal object ) + adj + to_inf a. The heavy traffic annoys the residents. b. We must clean and tidy our school. c. Some visitors to Britain get depressed by the weather. d. Cark has no problems in marking friends. e. He found that it was difficult to tell them the truth. f. English pronunciation confuses us. g. We think that learning English grammer is easy. h. The office work doesn’t allow us to rest. i. We shouldn’t pollute our environment. j. Her words embrrassed us. 16. TOO + ADJ + TO_INFI. AND SO THAT a. S + be + too + adj + to_infi S + be + so + adj + that + ( S + can’t + V_infi ) b. S + V + too + adv + to_infi S + V + so + adv + that + ( S + can’t + V_infi )
  4. i. She is advised to take part in the music festival. j. You ought to take a rest. 19.20. USED TO. TO BE USED TO a. S + be accustomed to + V_ing b. S + often + V S + be used to + V_ing c. This is the first time + The present perfect tense S + be not used to + V_ing a. They once started these machines by hand. b. He doesn’t get up late any more. c. I don’t listen to the radio any more. d. They don’t have a dog any more. e. My brother doesn’t serve in the army any longer. f. Ben is not as keen on travel as she used to be. g. When he was young, he usually did morning exercises in the park. h. The man often spent his holiday in the mountain when he was young. i. Before he had the car, he went to work by bike. j. When I was young , I often got up early. k. Janie isn’t accustomed to working so hard. l. I often get up early. m. My English friend finds driving on the right difficult. n. This is the first timethat I have lived in a city with a high crime rate. o. She has always got up early in the morning. q. Working a large office is a new experience for me. r. My brother is accustomed to living in a cold climate. s. I don’t normaly go into town by car. t. My grandmother is not accustomed to the cold weather. u. This is the first time my daughter has eaten European food. 21. NOT ONLY BUT ALSO a. S + V + both .and . b. S + V + O/C + and + O/C S + V + not only .but also c. S + V + and + S + V a. You are both funny and witty. b. She can enjoy a good meal and she can go fishing on the lake. c. They ate lamb chops and fish. d. The underground is quick and cheap. e. Mr Nam has read a novel by Shakespear and he has seen the film made from it. f. They like field events and they like team games.
  5. c. . It isn’t necessary to make an appointment to see the bank manager. d. In the event, the extra insurance we took out wasn’t necessary. e. It isn’t necessary for you to finish by Saturday. f. It isn’t necessary to have any previous experience to apply for the job. g. It isn’t necessary for us to repay the loan. h. It isn’t necessary for me to explain all the recent absenteeism. i. It isn’t necessary for you to do the test. j. It will be necessary for her to give up her job soon. 25. THE VERB “MAY” Perhaps + S + will or S + will probaly + V Look as if It is possible that S + May Seem There’s a good chance + S + will + V In all probability / likelihood + S + will + V It’s quite likely that + S + will + V a. I think it may rain. b. The house may have been occupied for several months. c. It may solve my problem, but I haven’t just had time to read it. d. If I am lucky I may get the job I have applied for. e. The strikers may go back to work next week. f. Over the years one may become an authority on one’s hobby. g. They might have a party at the Town Hall. h. Mr Grey’s business may be better than he says it is. i. George may work in a bank. j. Mr and Mrs Grey may have dinner in a cheaper restaurant now. 26. SURPRISE-FANCY: What a surprise to do sth Fancy + doing a. What a surprise to see you here! b. What a surprise to plant vegetables on the top floor of the building! c. What a surprise to hear that he passed his college entrance exam! d. What a surprise to learn well in a such a condition! e. What a surprise to learn a language in 24 hours! f. Fancy having a swim in this clod weather! g. Fancy living in the condition of zero gravity! h. Fancy raeding with blind eyes! i. Fancy working underground for months!
  6. 30. DOUBLE COMPARATIVES: If + S2 + V2 + comparative adj / adv + S1 + V1 a. If you work harder, you make more products. b. If you have a better job, you get higher pay. c. If you are happier, you look younger. d. If there are more people, it will be better. e. If they rise higher, they will fall harder. f. If it rains and rains, you feel more like not going out. g. If you get here sooner, we’ll be able to start out sooner. h. If you hear more about it, you become more anxious. i. If the letter is heavier, you have to put more stamps on it. j. If you travel to more places, you find out more about the world. CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN 1. She is very shy; that’s why she doesn’t enjoy parties. 2. He is very unhealthy because he doesn’t take any exercise. 3. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop. 4. The only way that I can take you is my father lends me a car. 5. He doesn’t save enough to buy a computer but he’d like to 6. I’d like to go with you tonight but I am very busy. 7. She wasn’t able to answer the questions, so she failed the exam. 8. The reason why I didn’t phone you was that I didn’t know your phone number. 9. Without the sun, we wouldn’t exist. 10. Peter was very nervous and failed the driving test. 11. I can’t tell you what time it is because I don’t have a watch. 12. She didn’t learn mathematics; that’s why she was cheated by that salesman. 13. We missed the train because the clock wasn’t right. 14. The dress is very expensive, so she can’t buy it. 15. The teacher was very angry. His pupils did their homework carelessly 16. He doesn’t eat fish when he isn’t extremely hungry. 17. We didn’t hurry, so we were late for the concert. 18. In order to get a driver’s license, you must be at least 18 years old. 19. A person must have a passport to be able to travel abroad. 20. Ann’s having a lot of trouble because she lost her passport last week. 21. Tom doesn’t do anything if you don’t tell him what to do. 22. We must take steps to preserve natural resources, or the planet will be in danger. 23. It’s such a pity your sister can’t come as well. 24. The soil would become poor unless the farmer added fertilizers.