Đề cương ôn tập học kì II môn Tiếng Anh 9

I. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question:

 Chiang Mai, also sometimes written as “Chiengmai”, is the largest and most culturally significant city in Northern Thailand, and the capital of Chiang Mai Province. It is about 800 kilometers north of Bangkok, among some of the highest mountains in the country. The city stands on the Ping River, a major tributary of the Chao Phraya River. In recent years, Chiang Mai has become an increasingly modern city, although it lacks the cosmopolitan gloss of Bangkok. It has many attractions for the thousands of foreign visitors who come to the city each year. Chiang Mai’s historic strength derived from its important strategic location near a southern branch of the ancient Silk Road, and long before the modern influx of foreign visitors the city served as an important center for handcrafted goods, umbrellas, jewellery particular silver, and woodcarving. 

1.Where is Chiang Mai ? (1)

A. in the east of Thailand                            B. in the south of Thailand

C. in the north of Thailand                          D. in the centre of Thailand

2.Which of the following sentences is NOT true about Chiang Mai ? (1)

A. It is the largest city in Thailand.

B. It is the capital city of Chiang Mai Province.

C. It is surrounded by high mountains.

D. It is over one thousand kilometers from the capital of Thailand.

3.Chiang Mai is now ________. (2)

A. a quickly developing city                        B. famous for its rivers

C. an ancient city                               D. near the Silk road

4.Which jewellery is Chiang Mai most famous for? (2)

A. umbrellas                   B. silver                C. woodcarving     D. silks

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  1. 198 Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting He asked me if she will come . A B C D (2) 199.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting Tom uses to wear glasses ,but he does not now . A B C D (2) 200. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting She wishes she can speak English as fluently as her brother. A B C D (2) 201 Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting Bill and me are in the same class ,we are in class 9a . A B C D (2) 202. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting This car was clean by Mr. Quang yesterday. A B C D (1) 203.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting I asked Minh where would he spend his holiday the next summer. A B C D (3) 204.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting He asked me whether I know that man over there. A B C D (2) 205. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting Hoa said that learning English is very interesting. A B C D (2) 206.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting Your brother doesn’t like playing computer games, is he ? A B C D (2) 207.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting My sister wishes she has a large house in the countryside. A B C D (2) 208.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting I didn’t read a newpapers since I bought this television. A B C D (2) 209.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting Do you usually go fishing when you were small? A B C D (2) 210.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting You studied English at a university in London , weren’t you? A B C D (2) 211.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting Would you mind to help me with this English exercise? A B C D (2) 212.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting If I won’t get up on time tomorrow, you must wake me up. A B C D (2) 213.Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting
  2. A. There are books enough for student to have one. B. There are enough books for student to have one. C. There are books enough to have for student one. D. There are enough books to student have for one. (3) 221.Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. now / studies / he / to / every / night / used / he / dance / but. A. He used to dance every night, but now he studies. B. Now he used to dance every night, but he studies. C. He used to studies every night, but now he dance. D. He studies, but now he used to dance every night. (3) 222.Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. yesterday / I / brother / bicycle / repair / elder / the / my / had. A. I had the bicycle repair my elder brother yesterday. B. I had repair my elder brother the bicycle yesterday. C. I repair the bicycle my elder brother had yesterday. D. I had my elder brother repair the bicycle yesterday. (3) 223.Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. would / holiday / you / like / to the / summer / with / spend / us ? A. Would you like to spend holiday summer with us ? B. Would you like to spend with us summer holiday ? C. Would you like to spend summer holiday with us ? D. Would you like spend to summer holiday with us ? (3) 224.Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. I love listening to pop music. A. I am fond of listen to pop music. B. I am fond of to listen to pop music. C. I am fond of listening to pop music. D. I am fond of listening pop music. (2) 225.Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. It is 2 years since she last wrote to me. A. She doesn’t write to me for 2 years. B. She didn’t write to me for 2 years. C. She hasn’t written to me for 2 years. D. She wasn’t written to me for 2 years. (3) 226.Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D wh ich has the same meaning as the given one. “Do you like learning maths?” Hoa said. A. Hoa asked me if I liked learning maths. B. Hoa asked me if I liked to learn maths. C. Hoa askes me whether I like learning maths. D. Hoa asked me if I like to learn maths. (3)
  3. I /when / was / girl / a / litte / used to / I / get up / 9 o'clock /at / . A .When was I a little girl,I used to get up at nine o’clock. (2) B. When I was a girl little ,I use to get up at nine o’clock. C. When I was a little girl, I used to get up at nine o’clock. D. When I used to get up at nine o’clock,I was a little girl. 235. Circle the correct sentence (A,B , C or D) made from the suggested words What a pity ! you are’nt here with us now . (2) A. I wish you are’nt here with us now . B. I wish you were’nt here with us now . C. I wish you were here with us now. D.I wish you would be here wish us now. 236. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. He must go now . (2) A. He wishes he doesn’t go now B. He wishes he didn’t have to go now. C. He wishes he won’t go now . D. He wishes he hadn’t to go now. 237. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. How long is it since you saw Tom ? (3) A. When have you seen Tom? B. When do you see Tom ? C. When will you see Tom ? D. When did you see Tom ? 238. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. He usually plays the piano at night . (2) A. He used to play the piano at night . B. He is used to play the piano at night . C. He is used to playing the piano at night. D. He was used to playing the piano at night. 239. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. When did you buy this car ? (3) A. How long do you buy this car ? B. How long have you buy this car ? C. How long did you buy this car ? D. How long have you bought this car GRAMMAR I. Tense 1. Present Simple tense.( Thì hieän taïi ñôn) - Form: + S + V/Vs / es + . Ex -The earth goes around the sun. - S + don’t/doesn’t + V+
  4. ? Modal verb + S + V + .? Ex : May I come in ? - Modal verb : must, mustn’t, needn’t, shouldn’t, should, ought to, can , can’t, could, may, might II. Pattern: 1. USED TO + V- inf : Ñaây laø caáu truùc duøng mieâu taû thoùi quen , moät vieäc thöôøng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù . Noù ñöôïc thaønh laäp vôùi cuïm töø USED TO + Ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu. Ex: When I was young, I used to look after my younger brothers. Note: Caàn chuù yù: + Used to + bare infinitive -> chæ thoùi quen trong quaù khöù (past habit) Ex: When he was a boy, he used to go swimming. + To be + used to+ V-ing -> chæ thoùi quen hoaëc vieäc thöôøng xaûy ra ôû hieän taïi (present habit) To get + used to+ V-ing -> trôû neân quen vôùi Ex : I am used to reading in the library. 2. To take someone to somewhere (a place) = ñöa ai ñi ñeán ñaâu, daãn ai ñi ñeán ñaâu 3. Wish sentence: Ñaây laø caâu töôûng töôïng hoaøn toaøn khoâng coù söï thaät. Vì theá ñoäng töø khoâng theo ñuùng thì cuûa noù. Trong chöông trình lôùp 9 coù caùc daïng caâu öôùc sau: Present • S + V-ed / V2 (simple past) • Past subjunctive: Be duøng WERE cho caùc ngoâi Past S + had + V-ed / V3 (past participle) Future S + would / should / could + V (infinitive) Ex : - I wish I spoke English fluently. - We wish my mother had been here with us last year. - He wishes he would come to my party. 4. Preposition of time ( Giôùi töø chæ thôøi gian ) : at, in ,on, from . . . to, for, by - AT : + moät ñieåm thôøi gian cuï theå Ex : We have class at one o’clock. + night Ex : I sleep at night. - IN : + thaùng/naêm cuï theå Ex : I was born 1994 + the morning/afternoon / evening Ex : We have class in the morning. - ON: + ngaøy trong tuaàn Ex : We have class on Monday. + ngaøy thaùng naêm Ex: I was born on April 6, 2006 - FROM + moät ñieåm thôøi gian + TO + moät ñieåm thôøi gian Ex: We have class from 7.00 to 10.15 - FOR: + moät khoaûng thôøi gian : ñeå noùi raèng moät caùi gì ñoù dieãn ra bao laâu roài Ex : We walked for 2 hours to reach the waterfall. - BY: + moät ñieåm thôøi gian Ex: Can you finish the work by five o’clock. 5. Adverb clauses of result :( Meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ keát quaû)
  5. Tenses: S + said (that) + S + V(past) Am / is / are(not) → was / were V(s/ es) → Ved/cột 2 Don’t / doesn’t + V → didn’t + V Will / can + V → would / could + V must / may →had to / might Have / has + Ved/cột 3 → had +Ved/cột 3 Am / is / are + V-ing → was / were + V-ing Ved/cột 2 → had + Ved / cột 3 Had + Ved/ cột 3 * Adverbs: - this / these → that / those - now → then - tomorrow → the next / following day - here → there - tonight → that night - next → the following - yesterday → the day before / the previous day - last week → the week before / the previous week. - ago → previously / before Would would could could might might should should ought to ought to 12.Reported questions (caâu hoûi traàn thuaät): khoâng coù cuøng traät töï töø (trôï ñoäng töø tröôùc chuû ngöõ)nhö caâu hoûi tröïc tieáp.Trôï ñoäng töø “do,does,did”vaø daáu hoûi khoâng xuaát hieän trong caâu. - Yes – No questions : thöôøng ñöôïc môû ñaàu baèng caùc ñoäng töø nhö “ ask, inquire, wonder, .” Vaø ta duøng “if” hay “whether” trong lôøi noùi traàn thuaät vaø theo sau caùc ñoäng töø môû ñaàu . Ex: “ Do you see new friend?” he said He asked if you saw new friends. - Wh –questions : Thöôøng ñöôïc baét ñaàu baèng caùc ñoäng töø “ask, wonder,want to know . . .”vaø theo sau laø caùc nghi vaán töø : who,which,whom,what,. . . Ex: “ Who is going for a walk?” he asked them. He asked them who was going for a walk. 13. Tag questions ( Caâu hoûi ñuoâi) - Caâu hoûi ñuoâi hôi gioáng “caâu hoûi ñaùp laïi” ,noù ñöôïc taïo bôûi trôï ñoäng töø + ñaïi töø nhaân xöng. - Caâu hoûi ñuoâi ñöôïc ñaët ôû cuoái ñeå hoûi söï kieåm ñònh moät thöù gì maø chuùng ta khoâng chaéc laém hay ñeå hoûi söï ñoàng yù , noù gaàn nghóa nhö laø “ Is this true?” hay “ Do you agree?” Ex: You’re new student, aren’t you? 14. Making suggestion( Caâu ñeà nghò ) : Caâu ñeà nghò goàm nhieàu hình thöùc
  6. It is the first time I have read this book. – I haven’t read this book before. * Dạng 3: - S + HTHT (phủ định) + since / for + - S + last + QKĐ (khẳng định) + when + mệnh đề - The last time + S + QKĐ (khẳng định) + was + thời gian Ex: I haven’t heard him since August. – The last time I heard him was in August. I haven’t seen him since I left school. – I last saw him when I left school. *Dạng 4: S + HTHT (khẳng định) + for + thời gian - S + began / started + V-ing + thời gian + ago Ex: I have worked here for ten years. – I began working here ten years ago. It started raining two days ago. – It has rained for two days. Passive voice: