Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh 8 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Trường THCS Phong Phú

A. Phần lý thuyết:

1. Tenses: 

a. Past progressive tense (Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn )

     S + was/ were + V-ing …

 (at 8 o’clock last night/ at this time last Sunday, When, While…)

b. Present progressive tense (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn với “always” diễn tả lời phàn nàn.

          S + is/ are/ am + always + V-ing…

2. Passive voice (Câu bị động )

- Simple present tense: S + is/ am/ are + p.p (V-ed / V3)…

- Simple past tense: S + was/ were + p.p (V-ed / V3)… 

- Future simple tense: S + will + be + p.p… 

- Present perfect tense: S + have / has + been + p.p… 

3. Request with would you mind…? (Câu yêu cầu lịch sự) 

- Would/ Do you mind + V-ing …? ( Yêu cầu người khác làm giùm mình)

- Would you mind if I + V (past tense) …? (Xin phép làm một việc gì.)

- Do you mind if I + V (present tense) …? 

4. Question words before infinitive: (Vấn từ đứng trước động từ nguyên mẫu có TO)

Why, What, Where, How, When, Which, Who + to – V…

5. Adjective before infinitive/ noun clause: (Sau tính từ là một động từ nguyên mẫu có TO hoặc một mệnh đề với that…

6. Reported speech: (Câu tường thuật)

- Statements (câu kể) S + said/ (told + O) + (that) + S + V (lùi về quá khứ một bậc)

- Yes/ No questions: (câu hỏi yes/ no) S + asked +O + if + S + V (lùi về quá khứ một bậc)

7. Vocabulary: Từ vựng từ đơn vị 9 đến đơn vị 14

B. Phần bài tập:

doc 10 trang Hải Anh 17/07/2023 1780
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  1. III. Put the verbs in brackets in correct forms. Would/ Do you mind + .? 1. Do you mind (move) .your car? It’s on my way. 2. Do you mind if I (turn down) .the radio? 3. Would you mind if I (use) your computer for some minutes? 4. Would you mind (lend) .your pen for a moment? 5. Do you mind (give) me a lift to the city center? 6. Would you mind (show) .how to operate this machine? 7. Would you mind if I (ask) you some questions? 8. Do you mind if I (take) a photo of your house? 9. Would you mind (drive) me around the town? 10. Would you mind if I (sit) here waiting for the manager? IV. Reported speech 1. Tom said, “I’m a student” . 2. Nga said to her brother, “I can’t answer this question.” 3. Charles said, “I’m living in London now.” . 4. He said to us, “You are my friends.” 5. Mary asked me. “Do you want to visit London?” 6. She said, “Can you speak Spanish, Minh?” 7. Nien asked Hoa, “Do you have many new friends?” 8. My friend said, “Are you going to leave tomorrow? . V. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence. 1. Millions of Christmas cards every year A. were sent B. are sent C. send D. is sending 2. He asked me a driving licence. A. if I have B. whether I have C. if I had D. whether I have had 3. In the rice-cooking festival, a fire in traditional way A. is making B. will making C. is made D. made 4. She asked me if I . pop music A. like B. to like C. will like D. liked 5. Would you mind I smoked here? A. When B. that C. if D. for 6. I don't know how .the game A. playing B. to play C. player D. can I play 7. Lan asked Minh he knew Ha Long Bay. A. what B. as if C. weather D. if 8. Would you mind if I . on the light? A. turned B. turn C. turning D. to turn 9. It is difficult all the in structures at the same time
  2. A. getting B. to get C. get D. got 30. Milk bottles can be after being cleaned. A. recycled B. thrown away C. broken D. reused 31. This project next month. A. is carried out B. will carry out C. carried out D. will be carried out 32. It’s dangerous in this river. A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam 33. The pyramid of cheops is one of the seven of the world. A. pyramids B. temples C. landmarks D. wonders 34. It’s to travel around Vietnam. A. interesting B. interested C. interestingly D. interestedly 35. Would you mind the windows. A. to close B. closing C. close D. closed 36. you mind if I smoke ? A. Could B. Don’t C. Do D. Would 37. I was reading my sisters were playing with their dolls. A. when B. while C. at which D. at time 38. Jane saw her old friend while she the street. A. crossed B. is crossing C. was crossing D. crosses 39. Do you mind me a hand with this bag A. give B. giving C. to give D. to giving 40. Liem is . going out in the evening. A. always B. often C. usually D. sometimes 41. Hoa asked Ba he was hungry. A. what B. whether C. weather D. where 42. At 9 o’clock yesterday, we___ on the beach. A. are lying B. have lain C. lay D. were lying 43. I don't know how___the game. A. to play B. playing C. played D. can I play 44. While my father was reading newspapers, my mother___meal at 5pm. yesterday. A. cooked B. cooks C. has cooked D. was cooking 45. Could you please tell me how___a sticky rice cake? A. to make B. is making C. make D. to be made 46. These houses ___ 100 years ago. A. are built B. built C. were built D. build 47. My friend told me what ___when I visited Hoi An. A. do B. doing C. to do D. done 48. Ann ___ television when the phone rang. A. watches B. watched C. has watched D. was watching 49. you mind if I smoke? A. Could B. Don’t C. Do D. Would 50. “ to come and have dinner with us?”-“I’d love to but I’m busy.” A. Do you want B. Would you like C. Would you mind D. Could you please VI. Match column A with column B to make correct sentences:
  3. Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is a city of contrasts. It is an exciting, crowded, modern city and at the same time, a city that is full of history. The streets of Bangkok are usually noisy and crowded with people. Some are selling food, other selling clothing, cassette tapes, flowers, or souvenirs. Visitors love the river markets, the beautiful temples and architecture, and the nightlife. They also enjoy the food, the shopping, and the friendly Thai people. Everyone seems to smile there. Most of the year, Bangkok is hotter than any other capital city in Asia, but from December to February, the weather is cooler and much more comfortable. Actually, it is an interesting city to visit at any time of the year. The shopping is excellent, and the price is cheaper than in many other large cities in south-east Asia. There is always plenty to do in Bangkok any time of the day or night from watching Thai dancing or boxing to taking a boat trip on the river or trying some of the delicious and spicy food. And if you get tired of the city and the traffic, there are beautiful beaches only two hours away by bus. * Answer the questions: 1. What is Bangkok? 2. How are the streets of Bangkok? . 3. What is the weather like in Bangkok in January? . 4. Can visitors come to visit Bangkok all the year round? 5. How long does it take visitors from Bangkok to the beaches by bus? . True or False? 1. .Thailand is an interesting city to visit only from December to February. 2. .The capital of Thailand is Bangkok. 3. .You can try some of the delicious and spicy food in Thailand. 4. .There are beautiful beaches only two hours away by train. MOCK EXAM 1 (16-17) II. USE OF ENGLISH Task 1. Choose the best option (A,B,C or D)to complete each sentence. (1pt) 1. Mary asked me if with her to the theater. A. could go B. can go C. goes D. will go 2. We dinner when my friends arrived yesterday evening. A. are having B. having C. were having D. was having 3. The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven of the world. A. wonders B. temples C. landmarks D. Pyrramids 4. The chilren .to shool by bus every day. A. taken B. take C. are taken D. is taken Task 2. Match the questions in column A with the suitable answers in column B. (1 pt) A B 1. Would you mind if I used your phone? a. I went to Nha Trang. 2. What were you doing at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon? b. She went there by plane. 3. Where did you go last summer vacation? c. No, of course not.
  4. A B 1.Would you mind lending me some books? a. I was wathing TV. 2. Is English spoken in many countries all over b. She said that she felt glad to meet you the world? again. 3. What did Lan say to you yesterday? c. Not at all. 4. What were you doing at 7 o’clock last night? d. Yes, it is. 1- 2- 3- 4- III. READING (2pts) It was the first time Jim went to Ho Chi Minh City with his parents. When the plane landed at Tan Son Nhat Airport, the day was fine. There was a bright sun and the sky was cloudless and blue. It is said that Ho Chi Minh City is the city of sunshine. The family took a taxi to Rex Hotel. After checking in, they went upstairs to their room on the fifth floor. Jim was eager to see the sight of the city. Through the window of the bedroom, he could see the beautiful picture of Ho Chi Minh City. It was marvellous to see the city sparkling in colorful lights at night. Jim visited many places of interests such as Nha Rong Harbour, Dam Sen Park, suoi Tien, Saigon Water Park. Jim bought a lot of souvenirs for his friends at Saigon Tourist Trade Center. Finally, the whole family came to a vegetarian restaurant to enjoy delicious food. It was really wonderful. Task1. True/ false statements: T (True)/ F (False) (1pt) 1. Jim went to Ho Chi Minh City with his parents for the first time. 2. Jim’s family took a bus to the hotel from the airport. 3. Jim and his family stayed on the second floor. 4. Jim visited many interesting places and bought plenty of souvenirs for his friends. Task 2. Answer the questions. (1pt) 1. What could Jim see through the window of the room? 2. Did Jim and his family like vegetarian food? IV. WRITING. (2pts) Task 1. Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. (1p 1. Nam / always / playing/ video games. / is 2. the door / mind / opening / you / for me? / Do . 3. asked / She / my house / if / me / near / my school. / was . 4. built / My school / in 1990. / was . Task 2. Rewrite sentences with the given beginning. (1pt) 1. The weather is hot, so I want to turn on the fan Do you mind if I 2. “Do you like English?” My teacher asked. My teacher asked me MOCK EXAM 3 (18-19)
  5. 2. always / the / Nga / bus. / is / school / missing . 3. asked / cooking. / He / if / liked / I / me . 4. was / Golden Gate Bridge / 1973. / in / opened . Task 2. Complete the sentences, using the cues given. (1pt) 1. It / difficult / find / an expensive hotel / in this town. . 2. Would you mind / if / I / turn off / fan? . 3. English / speak / in many countries/ in Asia. . 4. They / asked / us / whether / we / must leave / here / tomorrow. .