Đề thi chọn HSG cấp Huyện môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Năm học 2014-2015 (Có đáp án)


I. 2 points. Each correct answer gets 0.5 point.

  1. some school sports equipment       
  2. in the car park by the lake               
  3. in the library             
  4. book a ticket

II. 2 points. Each correct answer gets 0.5 point.

  1. sleeping/sleep bag
  2. swimming/swim
  3. drink(s)
  4. post office


I. 3 points. Each correct answer gets 0.25 point.

doc 2 trang Hải Anh 12/07/2023 2440
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Nội dung text: Đề thi chọn HSG cấp Huyện môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Năm học 2014-2015 (Có đáp án)

  1. III. 3 points. Each correct answer gets 0.5 point. 1. He is too young to drive a motorbike to school./ He is not old enough to drive a motorbike to school. 2. Mrs. Nga told Nam that she had to meet his teacher the following week. 3. If I knew the answer, I could tell you. 4. It is very important to keep the environment clean. 5. Hung has collected stamps since 2006. 6. Because it rained heavily, we couldn’t go to school this morning. Part 3: READING I. 2 points. Each correct answer gets 0.25 point. 1. language 5. rest 2. festival 6. competitions 3. local 7. sell 4. attended 8. provides II. 2 points. Each correct answer gets 0.25 point. Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Answer A B A D C C B D III. 1 points. Each correct answer gets 0.25 point. 1. Yes, she did. 2. No, it wasn’t. 3. She taught at the school and gave music lessons to earn money for her tuition. 4. No, she wasn’t. Part 4: WRITING (3 pts) enough words 0.5 good spelling 0.5 exact grammar 0.5 coherence 0.5 good ideas 1.0 Total 3.0 THE END 2