Đề thi cuối học kỳ I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường Tiểu học Bình Thuận

II. Listen and circle. Then write. (1 ms)


    a. subject                         b. subjects                                 c. a subject


    a. flying                          b. riding                                    c. playing

III. Choose the correct answers below: (2 ms)

1. Odd one out: 

     a.   Australian                b.  Vietnamese                        c.  Japan 

2. What’s your hobby?

     a.   I like riding a bike.   b. She likes riding a bike.        c. He’s listening to music.

3. What  is he doing?   He’s ……………….

doc 2 trang mianlien 05/03/2023 3120
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Nội dung text: Đề thi cuối học kỳ I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Trường Tiểu học Bình Thuận

  1. a. reading b. skating c. flying a kite 4. Can you cook? a. No, I can. b. Yes, I can. c. It can cook. 5. Where are you from? a. I’m from Japan. b. I’m reading. c. I can swim. 6. What do they like doing? They like a. swim b. drawing pictures c. play chess 7. What class is Peter in? a. He’s in class 4C. b. It’s his class. c. He has Music and Art. 8. I’m English. What about you? a. I’m from England. b. I’m Japanese. c. I like English. 9. My birthday is on the of December. a. thirty b. thirty-one c. thirtieth 10. When do you have Music? a. I have it on Tuesdays and Fridays. b. He likes Tuesday and Friday. c. I have Music. IV. Read and complete: ( 1,5 ms) England in from school Street Nam: Hello. My name’s Nam. David: Hi, Nam. I’m David. Nam: Nice to see you, David. David: Nice to see you, too. Nam: Where are you (1) , David? David: I’m from London, (2) ? Nam: Where’s your (3) ? David: It’s in Hill (4) , London. Nam: Oh, my school is (5) Nguyen Du Street, Ha Noi. V. Put the words in the right orders: (1,5 ms) 1. you / Can / play / volleyball / ? / . 2. What / date / today / is / the / ? / 3. I’m / Japan / from / . / . 4. Hoa / Science / Monday / has / on / . / 5. nationality / is / What / he / ? /