Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 19 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Tran Thi Nhon


1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: 

- Knowledge: Ss know what to do when they meet situations that require first – aid.

- SkillFocus on speaking and reading skills

- Attitude: Be willing to help people when they need first- aid

          2. Students’ competence and development:

          - Self study

- Cooperation

- Communication

- Problem solving


- Teacher: book, lesson plan, board, tape, realia

- Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary


1. Activity 1: Warm up: Chatting

* Create a comfortable atmosphere before entering the new lesson

- Ask Ss some questions.

+ Have you ever had an accident that requires first – aid?

+ Have you ever met any situations?

+ What did you do at that time?

- Ss answer: (Yes, I have./ No I haven’t; cover it with; raise one’s head; cool the burn with; stop the bleeding)

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  1. + A girl has a nose bleed -> Use a handkerchief to stop the bleeding / tell her to lie down . + A boy has a bee sting -> Use medicated oil - Follow and give feedback - Introduce the content and the situation of the dialogue Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content 2. Activity 2: Presentation: * Introduce some words so that Ss understand the dialogue better - Introduce some new words * New words: - Ss follow, give Vietnamese meaning and + first aid (n) take notes. (sự sơ cứu, vết bỏng, chảy máu, + burn (n) đốt, cấp cứu, băng, dầu cù là, cồn, bông gòn, + bleed (v) xe cứu thương, vết thương, tỉnh táo, bất tỉnh) + sting (v) - Guide Ss to read + emergency (n) - Ss repeat and practice reading + bandage (n) = sterile dressing (n) - Check the words by Rub out and remember + balm (n) + alcohol (n) + cotton (n) + ambulance (n) + wound (n) 3. Activity 3: Practice: (25ms) + conscious (a) >< unconscious (a) * Ss practice reading and select the topics * covered the dialogue - Play the tape twice - Ss look at their books and listen - Ss practice in pairs - Ss role play in front of the class - Help in pronunciation - Ask Ss some questions about the content - Ss answer: Lan and the nurse/ Lan is at 1. Who are talking in the conversation? school and the nurse is in the hospital/ a 2. Where are they? student is hurt because she fell out off the 3. What happened? Why? bike and hit her head on the road/ It’s 4. Where is the school? betwwen Quang Trung Street and Tran Hung Dao Street. - Show the board - Explain the task to Ss * - Ss work in groups a. describing the condition of the injured - Ss give their answers, give sentences to give person Ký duyệt: 04/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  2. - Ss follow Will - Introduce some structures are used to give Would you (please) + V . ? promises Could - Read and Ss repeat Can * Reponses : + Sure / Ok / All right. - I am sorry. I can’t/ I am afraid not 2. To make an offer: Will / Won’t you Shall I + V ? Can I Would you like +to V ? What can I do/ get for you ? Can I get you ? * Responses : + Yes, please./ That would be nice. - No, thank you. 3. To make a promise: I promise I will/ I will not I will I promise . - Show picture a I promise to - Ss look and say what happens * Reponses : (a girl cuts her finger) I hope./ Good./ I am glad./ Don’t forget - Ask Ss to give request, offer and promise - Ss give their answers: - Could you give me a bandage, please? + Could you give me a bandage, please? Sure. Here you are. Sure. Here you are. - Can I get you a bandage? + Can I get you a bandage? Yes, please. That would be nice. Yes, please. That would be nice. - I will be more careful. I promise. + I will be more careful. I promise. - Follow and give feedback 3. Activity 3: While- speaking: * Ss practice to make and respond to requests offers and promises - Show the rest pictures - Ss look and say what happens + A boy has a headache Ký duyệt: 04/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  3. b. I promise I won’t go to school late any more. - I hope so./ Don’t forget c. Shall I take you to across the road? - Yes, please. That’s very kind of you - Follow and give feedback UNIT 9: A FIRST AID COURSE LISTEN Subject: English; Class: 8A,B,D,E Date of planning: 02/01/2021; Period: 57; Week: 19 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss continue to get knowledge about first – aid situations - Skill: Focus on listening skill - Attitude: Do exercises, stay healthy 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, board, pictures, tape - Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up: Chatting * Create a comfortable atmosphere before entering the new lesson - Show the picture - Ask Ss some questions + Where is it in the picture? + Who are they? - Ss answer: in the hospital/ doctors, nurses, patients, baby, mother, - Introduce the new lesson Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content 2. Activity 2: Pre listening: * Help Ss some new words to understand the listening better - Give Ss some new words. * New words: - Ss give Vietnamese meaning: phòng cấp - emergency room (n) cứu, hộ lý, bệnh nhân, chữa trị, kiểm tra thị - paramedic (n) lực, tựa vào - patient (n) Ký duyệt: 04/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  4. 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss practice * more about structures: In order to / so as to * make and respond to requests, offers and promises Ss know the way to change an active sentence into a passive sentence. - Skill: Focus on developing reading and speaking. - Attitude: Ss should be polite in communication. 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, board - Students: notebook, workbook, school things III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up: * Introduce the new lesson - Introduce the new lesson - Ss follow Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content 2. Activity 2: Presentation: * Remind structure in order to/ so as to and requests, offers and promises - Remind structure in order to/ so as - in order to V/ so as to V: để, nhằm để to and requests, offers and promises - in order not to V/ so as not to V: nhằm để - Ss follow to remember and take không notes - Requests: Can you/ Could you ? - Offers: Would you like / Shall I ? - Promises: I promise I will 3. Activity 3: Practice: * Ss do exercises about structure 5/57: In order to/ So as to: để , nhằm để in order to/ so as to and requests, Eg: Perhaps she went to another store in order offers and promises. to get better milk of lower price. - Explain the task to Ss b. She called at a flower shop so as to buy - Give the example flowers for her friend’s birthday. - Ss follow to understand c. Mrs Quyen decided to go to work by bike in - Give the task to Ss order to keep fit. - Ss work in pairs d. A man ran to the telephone box to call an - Ss give answer then go to the board ambulance in order to take the victim to the and write down: hospital. Ký duyệt: 04/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  5. 4. Activity 4: Production * Practice reading aloud - Some Ss role play exercise 2 in front of the class - Ss read aloud exercise 3 in front of the class - Follow and correct pronunciation if necessary. 5. Activity 5: Presentation: * Remind Ss how to change a S + V + O sentence into passive form. - Show the board (the form) S + BE + PP + by + O - Ss look - Introduce the way to change - Ss listen and take notes 6. Activity 6: Practice: 4/60: Put the words in brackets into passive * Ss do exercises about passive sentences form Eg: (cloth bags/ use/ instead of plastic bags.) - Show another board - Cloth bags are used instead of plastic bags. - Explain the task b. milk/ contain/ paper boxes/ nowadays - Give an example c. That beautiful toy/ make/ from recycled - Give the task to Ss paper - Ss work in groups of 4 d. dried sugar canes/ reuse/ to produce paper. - Ss show their answers: e. leftover cloths/ weave together/ to make + Milk is contained in paper boxes blankets. nowadays. f. vegetable matter/ decompose/ and become + That beautiful toy is made from fertilizers for fields. recycled paper. g. the market/ sweep every day/ to keep a clean + Dried sugar canes are reused to environment for the neighborhood. produce paper. + Leftover cloths are woven together to make blankets. + Vegetable matter is decomposed and become fertilizers for fields. + The market is swept every day to keep a clean environment for the neighborhood. - Follow and give feed back - Explain the task 5/61: Rewrite the sentences. Use the verbs in - Give an example and explain the the present passive form. way to do a. People wash the used plastic bottles with Ký duyệt: 04/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở