Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 2 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng


(Leson 4 Read )

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about the characters of people. 

+ Vocabulary: 

-character  (n)

-sociable   (adj)

-orphanage (n)

-reserved (adj)

-out going (adj)

-joke (n)

-annoy (v) = tired (of)

+ Grammar: Review

- Skills: Listening, Reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about the characters of people. 

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality:

a. Competence:

          - General capacity: self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… 

          - Specialized capacity: English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 

b. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanity, cooperate with people around,…

doc 7 trang Hải Anh 19/07/2023 980
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 2 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng

  1. Ss some questions. -How many people are there in he -T. uses “Net work” to picture? introduce word “ -Who are they? character” -What is Ba doing? -T. elicits to Ss to pick out *NET WORKS the new words. -T. reads model -Ss. read loudly in -T. checks and gives chorus. Kind feedback People’s character -Ss. read the new Generous words individual. *NEW WORDS -character (n) -sociable (adj) -orphanage (n) -reserved (adj) -out going (adj) -joke (n) -annoy (v) = tired (of) 3. While-Reading 1)Chose the best answer & write T. gives feed back -Ss. listen to the tape a. three. . b. does not affect his school work . -Ss, read the text c. don’t talk much in public. silently and choose d. get tired of. the best answer. -Ss. give the answers and write them on the board. 2) Answers a. Be feels lucky having a lot of -Ss. work in pairs to friends. find out the answers b. Bao is the most sociable. . c. Khai likes reading . -Ss. practice (one d. A bad thing about Ba’s jokes is asks, one answers) sometimes his jokes annoy his friends. e. Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local arphanage. f.(students’ answer) 4.Post-Reading -Ss. read the text *MIND –MAPPING again short hair thin -Ss. use “mind - 14 years old mapping” to talk humorous about Sb Lan with her parent
  2. III. Procedures: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1’) 2. Checking the previous lesson: (5’) 3. New lesson: (35’) Teacher ’s Activities Students ’ Activities Contents 1.Warm Up -T. was Ss ask -Ss. practice (one *Cue words &answer the asks, one answers) a)What/ your / name? questions with Cue b)What / address? words. c)Who/ you /live /with? -T. gives feedback. d)you/have / close friends 2.Pre-Writing -T. introduces the -Ss. read information new words and pick out the new 1)Read the information about Tam: words. *NEW WORDS -Ss. give the -appearance (n) meaning . -humorous (adj) -Ss. read the text *QUESTIONS describing about a) How old is Tm? Tam b)Where does he live? And compare with c)Who does he live with? form information. d)Is he fat? -Ss. answer some questions. 3. While-Writing 2)Fill in a similar form for your -Ss. work in pairs to partner. Use the following questions write the information as prompts page 15. About their friends ( -Name: Ngo Van An , Age :14. -T. gives feedback. base on questions as -Appearance: thin , short, short hair. prompts). -Characters: humorous. -Ss. write the -Address: 12Tran Phu Street, Bac information on the Lieu. board. -Family: parents , elder sister . -Friends: Minh , Quang -Ss. write a 3)Write a paragraph about your paragraph about partner. your partner (work (Suggested idea) in groups) . She is 14 years old. She lives at 12 -Ss. write on paper. Tran Phu Street with her parents and elder sister. She is thin , sort and sort hair. She is humorous. Her best friends are Minh and Quang. 4.Post-Writing -T. gives feedback -Ss. look at the -What’s is your close friend name?
  3. III. Procedures: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1’) 2. Checking the previous lesson: (5’) 3. New lesson: (35’) Teacher ’s Activities Students ’ Activities Contents * Warm Up : -T. asks Ss to talk -Ss. answer some *QUESTIONS some information questions. -Who’s your close friend? about their close -Do you and your close friends have friends the same or different characters? Activity1 -T. introduces how to -Ss. note -Present simple tense to talk about do the exercises. general truth. -(not) adj + enough + infinitive 1.Complete the paragraph a)1-lives 3- was 2- sent 4-is b)1- are 2-came 3-showed 4-introduced Activity2 2.Complete the dialogue -T. introduces how to -Ss. do the exercises 1-sets 3-moves 5-is do the exercises. 2-goes 4-is 6-is Activity3 3.Look and describe -T. introduces how to -Ss. do the exercises a. There are 4 people in the pictures. do the exercises. b. There is a tall, heavy-set man there is a tall, thin woman with short hair, there is a boy sitting on the ground, holding his head and there is a short man standing across the street. c. The man standing next to the taxi is wearing a yellow shirt and black trousers. Activity4 -T. introduces how to -Ss. do the exercises 4.Complete the dialogue do the exercises. a. not big enough to carry. b. not old enough to drive. c. strong enough to lift . d. good enough to be. 5.Homework -Ss. copy the answers in the notebook. -Ss. prepare Unit 2 “ Getting started & listen and read” on page 18,19