Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 20 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Tran Thi Nhon


1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: 

- Knowledge: Ss know some steps to do in some first aid situations   

- SkillFocus on reading skill

- Attitude: Ss are willing to help people when they have accidents.

          2. Students’ competence and development:

          - Self study

- Cooperation

- Communication

- Problem solving


- Teacher: book, lesson plan, board, tape, picture

- Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary


1. Activity 1: Warm up: 

* Introduce the new lesson

- Introduce the  content of the reading 

- Ss follow

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  1. - Check the words by Rub out and remember - victim (n)= injured person 3. Activity 3: While- reading: (25ms) - over heat (v) * Ss practice doing some tasks to understand the reading - Play the tape twice - Ss look at their books and listen - 3 Ss read 3 parts aloud - Show the board (treatments) - Explain the task to Ss - Ss work in groups to match A, B, C to them . - Ss show their answers * Matching: A. Fainting: a, c, e A. Fainting: a, c, e B. Shock: b B. Shock: b C. Burns: d C. Burns: d - Follow, check and give feed back 4. Activity 4: Post- reading: * Help Ss remember the content of the lesson - Ask Ss to summarize first aid for 3 cases Fainting: again - Leave the patient lying flat. - Ss give answers then go to the board and - Elevate the patient’s feet or lower his head. write down - Do not force him to sit or stand. Fainting: - Give him a cup of tea when he revives. - Leave the patient lying flat. Shock: - Elevate the patient’s feet or lower his head. - Do not overheat the victim with blankets or - Do not force him to sit or stand. coats. - Give him a cup of tea when he revives. - Do not give the victim any food or drink or Shock: drugs or alcohol. - Do not overheat the victim with blankets or Burns: coats. - Cool the burn immediately to minimize the - Do not give the victim any food or drink or tissue damage. drugs or alcohol. - Put the affected part under a running cold Burns: tap. - Cool the burn immediately to minimize the - Ease the pain with ice or cold water packs. tissue damage. - Cover the burned area with a thick sterile - Put the affected part under a running cold dressing. tap. - Ease the pain with ice or cold water packs. - Cover the burned area with a thick sterile dressing. Ký duyệt: 11/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  2. 2/ were 5/ am 2/ were 5/ am 3/ helped 6/ will phone 3/ helped 6/ will phone - Follow and give feed back - Ask Ss some questions in the book - Ss answer + a pen / a watch / a good book / a + birthday / Christmas / New year / + beautiful / nice / lovely / delicious / + happy / surprise / + sad / bored / free / busy/ + telephone / email / - Write Ss’ answers on the board - My friend gave/ sent me on * Ghi cụm từ, cấu trúc phù hợp, giúp - It was/They were học sinh sử dụng đúng ngữ pháp. - I felt very when received the present. 3. Activity 3: While- writing: - Now I am * Ss practice writing a thank you note - Will you, Would you base on the questions. Suggesting letter: - Explain the task to Ss Dear Mary, - Ss work in groups of 4 Thank you very much for the gift you sent me on 4. Activity 4: Post- writing: my birthday. They were beautiful and they really * Correct Ss’ product helped to cheer me up. Now I am happy. Will you - Some groups show their answers come over to my house on the weekend? I'd love - Correct and give feed back some to see you . writings in front of the class I 'll phone you on Saturday afternoon - Check and give feed back Your friend, - Some Ss read aloud their letters in Huy front of the class - Follow and give feedback UNIT 9: A FIRST AID COURSE LANGUAGE FOCUS Subject: English; Class: 8A,B,D,E Date of planning: 09/01/2021; Period: 60; Week: 20 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss practice more about: in order to / so as to, future simple tense, modal “will” to make requests, offers and promises - Skill: Focus on developing reading and speaking. - Attitude: Ss know to use modal “will” to make requests, offers and promises in the right way Ký duyệt: 11/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  3. - Give the task to Ss 3 – won’t 6 – ’ll - Ss work in pairs to complete the dialogues 1. will 2. will 3. won’t 4. shall 5. will 6. ’ll - Call some pairs to read their dialogues in * “WILL” to make requests front of the class. B. Mrs Tuyet: Will you give it to me, ? - Comment and give the correct answers. c. Mrs Tuyet: Will you answer the telephone, - Explain the task to Ss d.Mrs T: Will you turn on the TV please - Ss complete sentences with “will” e. Mrs T: Will you pour a glass of water b. Will you give it ? f. Mrs T: Will you get me the cushion, c. Will you answer the telephone ? d. Will you turn on the TV ? e. Will you pour a glass of water ? f. Will you get me the cushion ? - Follow and give feedback - Guide Ss way to do exercise 4 (so as to * Make requests, offers and promises understand more about the use of “will” and b. Will you paint the door, please?/ Shall I “shall” in requests, offers and promises.) paint the door? I will paint the door this - Ss do exercise (pair – work) afternoon, I promise. - Call on some Ss to read their sentences in c. Will you study harder, please?/ I will front of the class study harder, I promise. b. Will you paint the door, please? d/ Will you carry the bag for me, please?/ c. I will study harder, I promise. Shall I carry this bag for you? d. Will you carry the bag for me, please? e/ Will you hang the clothes, please?/ Shall I e. Shall I hang the clothes for you? hang the clothes for you? f/. I will cut the grass for you. I promise f/ Will you cut the grass, please?/ I will cut - Comment and give the correct answers. the grass for you. 4. Activity 4: Production * Free practice about in order to/ so as to - Ss make sentences using in order to/ so as - I do exercise every morning in order to to keep fit. - Follow and give feedback. - I have my hair cut so as to look taller. PASSIVE SENTENCES Subject: Extra lesson; Grade: 8 Date of planning: 09/01/2021; Period: 20; Week: 20 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss are familiar with passive sentence, know how to change an active sentence into a passive sentence. - Skill: Focus on speaking and writing skills Ký duyệt: 11/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  4. - Give some examples. E.g: Nam /kicks/ the ball. - Guide Ss to change from step to step, The ball is kicked by Nam. explain some more. - Ba /closes /the windows. - Ss give their opinion if possible. The windows are closed by Ba. - Ss take notes. - Peter/ killed/ a snake. 3. Activity 3: Practice: A snake was killed by Peter. * Ss practice changing active sentences Exercise: into passive ones. 1. A farmer makes rice. - Show the board 2. The doctor/ examined /the patients. - Explain the task to Ss 3. Jack/ grew/ an apple tree/ five years ago. - Help Ss analyse the sentences, the tenses 4. Mother/ bought/ an umbrella/ for me. are used. 5. Tom/ writes/ many letters. - Ss give answers: HTĐ, QKĐ, QKĐ, 6. Mr Green/ met/ her/ yesterday. QKĐ, HTĐ, QKĐ, HTĐ, HTĐ 7. He/ takes/ his children/ to the zoo. - Ss discuss in groups of 4 then give 8. He/ gives/ her/ a present. answers - Some students go to the board and write. + Rice is made by a farmer. + The patients were examined by the doctor. + An apple tree was grown by Jack 5 years ago. + An umbrella was bought for me by mother. + Many letters are written by Tom. + She was met by Mr Green yesterday. + His children are taken to the zoo by him. + She is given a present. - Class give remark - Follow and give feedback. 4. Activity 4: Production * Ss practice reading aloud - Ss practice reading sentences in pairs ( one reads active sentence other reads passive one) - Follow and correct their pronunciation if necessary UNIT 9: A FIRST AID COURSE Subject: Extra lesson; Class: 8A Ký duyệt: 11/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  5. 7. I spend so as to speak English well. 8. I check my test so as not to make any mistakes. - Explain the task to Ss II. Supply the correct form of the verb in - Ss discuss in pairs brackets. - Some Ss give answers 1. What are you doing this evening? – May be I 1. are you doing, will stay, do will stay at home and do my homework. 2. will the baby be 2. When will the baby be due? 3. will you pick 3. Will you pick up the children when you get 4. are you doing, will look, will do back from work? - Follow and give feedback 4. What are you doing today?- I will look in my 4. Activity 4: Production diary. I don’t think I will do much to day. * Help Ss practice reading aloud - Ss read aloud all sentences on the board - Follow and give feedback 5. Activity 5: Presentation: - so that: để, nhằm để = in order to * Remind Ss about comparative of - so that: qúa cho đến nổi adjectives, so that, so that - taller- more expensive - Ask Ss the meaning of so that, so that - the tallest- the most expensive - Ss answer: nhằm để, qúa cho đến nổi - Remind comparative and superlative of adjectives - Ss follow and take notes 6. Activity 6: Practice: * Ss do exercises I. Sentence transformation - Explain the task to Ss 1. Traveling by train is much cheaper than - Ss discuss in pairs traveling by plane. - Some Ss give answers 2. I have never tasted such as delicious cake + is much cheaper than traveling by plane. before. + never tasted such as delicious cake 3. The gate is closed so that children can not run before. into the road. + children can not run into the road. 4. I think it will rain. + it will rain. 5. The door was too heavy for the children to put + heavy for the children to put open. open. + buy a house in that district for less than 6. You won’t be able to buy a house in that 100000 $ district for less than 100000 $ + you will help me to give this to the 7. I hope you will help me to give this to the teacher. teacher. + what you’ve said” she told John. 8. “Please repeat what you’ve said” she told - Ss go to the board and write John. Ký duyệt: 11/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở