Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 21 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Tran Thi Nhon


1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: 

- Knowledge: Ss know some ways to protect the environment and save natural resources.

- SkillFocus on speaking and reading skills

- Attitude: Be aware of keeping class, school clean.

          2. Students’ competence and development:

          - Self study

- Cooperation

- Communication

- Problem solving


- Teacher: book, lesson plan, board, tape

- Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary


1. Activity 1: Warm up: Brain storming

* Create a comfortable atmosphere before entering the new lesson

- Ask Ss a question: What should we do to reduce the amount of garbage?

- Ss give their ideas in individual: We should

+ use cloth bags. 

+ use tree leaves to warp things.

+ make garbage into fertilizer.

+ make vegetable matter into animal food.

- Follow and give feed back

doc 11 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1360
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  1. quá nhiều, bón phân, phân bón, người đại - warp (v) diện, tổ chức) - over packaged (v) - fertilize (v) – fertilizer (n) - representative (n) - organization (n) - Introduce two model sentences * Model sentences: - Ss follow and take notes - It’s not difficult to remember. - Guide Ss to read - I’m please that you want to know more. - Ss repeat then practice reading - Check the words by Rub out and remember * True / false predictions: - Set the scene “A representative from 1. Friends of the Earth is an organization to help Friends of the Earth, Miss Blake , is people make friends with each other. talking to the students of Quang Trung 2. Miss Blake asks the students to remember 3 School. Friends of the Earth shows things: reduce, reuse and recycle. people how to protect the environment 3. Reduce means buying the products which are and save natural resources” over packed. - Show the board 4. We can not reuse things like envelopes, glass, - Explain some phrases plastic bottles, old plastic bags. - Ask Ss to guess and check T or F 5. Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags - Ss guess then give their guessing and should not use plastic bags at all. - Write Ss’ guessing on the board 6. Recycling means not just throwing things F- T – F – F – T - T away but trying and finding another use for them. 1. False -> to show people how to protect the environment and save natural resources. 2. True 3. False -> Reduce means not buying 4. False -> We can reuse things 5. True 6. True 3. Activity 3: Practice: * Ss practice reading and answer the questions about the content of the dialogue * Answers: - Play the tape twice a. Reduce means not buying products which are - Ss look at their books and listen over packed. - Ss read silently to check the guessing b. We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, - Ss practice reading in groups plastic bottles and old plastic bags. - Role play in front of the class c. Recycle means not just throwing things away. - Follow and give feed back Try and find another use for them. Ký duyệt: 18/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 2
  2. - Ss play game: Slap the board in groups (reduce, reuse, recycle, throw, wrap, over packaged) - Follow and give feedback - Show the picture (P.91) - Ss look at the picture - Ask questions: + What can you see in the picture? + Why do we need to group or classify those things? - Ss answer: garbage: waste paper, used plastic bags, bottles, / to reuse and recycle Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content 2. Activity 2: Pre- speaking * Help Ss some new words so that Ss can classify the garbage. - Introduce some new words * New words: - Ss give Vietnamese meaning: vải sợi, da, - fabric (n) chất, phân xanh) - leather (n) - Ss follow and take notes - matter (n) - Guide Ss to read - compost (n) - Ss repeat and practice reading * - Check the words by Rub out and remember - Give the task to Ss - Ss work in groups to classify the garbage. - 7 groups show their answers + Paper: paper, old/ used newspapers, books, cardboard boxes, + Glass: bottles, glass, jars, . + Plastic: plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic wares, + Metal: food cans, drinking cans, tin, . + Fabric: clothes, pieces of material, + Leather: shoes, sandals, schoolbags, ) + Vegetable matter: fruit peels, vegetables, - Check and give feed back - Explain 2 examples - Which group do clothes belong to? + Put them in fabric. - What can we do with those clothes? + We can recycle them and make them into paper or shopping bags. - Is/ Are fruit vegetable matter? - That’s right. - What will we do with it? Ký duyệt: 18/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 4
  3. * Ss practice listening B. a place that gets sun and shade - Play the tape twice c. Should you water the compost? - Ss listen and take notes A.Yes B. No - Ss cross check d. How long does it take before you can use - Ss give their answers the compost? - Play the tape again to check all A. after it rains B. six months - Give feed back * Answers: 7. Activity 7: Post listening: A – B – B - B * Get further ideas from Ss - Give the task to Ss (ordering) * Ordering: - Ss practice in groups then give their a. Use shovels to turn the compost regularly. answers b. Not water the compost. 1d - 2c - 3a - 4b - 5e c. Place it in the garden. - Some good Ss read the steps to make d. Use only vegetable matter. compost e. After six months we can use it. * Ask questions Ss answer 1d - 2c - 3a - 4b - 5e - What should / shouldn’t we use to make compost? - Where/ How long? UNIT 10: RECYCLING READ Subject: English; Class: 8A,B,D,E Date of planning: 16/01/2021; Period: 63; Week: 21 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss know some recycling facts. - Skill: Focus on reading skill - Attitude: Be aware of protecting environment and saving natural resources. 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, board, tape, picture - Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up: Chatting * Create a comfortable atmosphere before entering the new lesson Ký duyệt: 18/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 6
  4. c. They made a new law that there must deposit is returned when people bring the cans be a deposit on drink cans. back for recycling. d. Compost is made from household and d. Compost is made from household and garden garden waste. waste. e. We can call or fax the magazine at 5 e. If we have a recycling story to share, we can 265 456. call or fax the magazine at 5 265 456. - Ss do lose pairs - Ss do open pairs 4. Activity 4: Post- reading: * Help Ss remember the content of the * Complete: lesson in passive form. - Car tires: are recycled to make pipes and - Explain the task to Ss floor coverings - Do an example - Milk bottles: are cleaned and refilled (with - Ss follow milk) - Ss work in pairs - Glass is broken up, melted and made into new - Ss give their answers: are cleaned and glassware. refilled/ is broken up, melted and made - Drink cans: are brought back for recycling. into new glassware./ are brought back for - Household and garden waste is made into recycling./ is made into compost. compost. - Follow and give feed back REVIEW 9 Subject: Extra lesson; Class: 8A Date of planning: 16/01/2021; Period: 35,36; Week: 21 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss practice more about future simple tense and prepositions Ss practice more about word orders, sentence transformation. - Skill: Focus on speaking and writing skills. - Attitude: Be active in pair work and group work. 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, board - Students: notebook, book, school things III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up: Ký duyệt: 18/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 8
  5. pronunciation if necessary 5. Activity 5: Presentation: * Remind Ss about present perfect, past simple and some structures - Ask Ss to give the form of present perfect, past simple - Ss give answer: S+ have/ has + pp S+ have/ has + pp S + V- ed/ V2 S + V- ed/ V2 - Ask Ss to give the kinds of words in sentence - Ss answer: Adj: sau be, trước N N: sau a, an, the Adv: làm rõ nghĩa cho đt thường 6. Activity 6: Practice: * Ss do exercises - Ask Ss to open book page 104 I. Rewrite the sentences without changing the - Explain the task to Ss meaning. - Ss discuss in pairs 1. We have been close friends for a long time. - Some Ss give answers 2. I have collected stamps since 2000. - Go to the board and write 3. We have lived here for ten years. 1. We have been close friends for a 4. It’s very important to keep the environment long time. clean. 2. I have collected stamps since 2000. 5. I’m very sad not to be accepted in that school. 3. We have lived here for ten years. 4. It’s very important to keep the environment clean. 5. I’m very sad not to be accepted in that school. - Follow and give feedback - Explain the task to Ss - Help Ss to recognize the kinds of II. Word forms: missing words polluted – important – heavily – assistant - kind - Ss discuss in pairs - Some Ss give answers polluted – important – heavily – assistant - kind - Follow and give feedback - Explain the task to Ss - Ss give answers then go to the board III. Put the verbs in present perfect tense: Ký duyệt: 18/01/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 10