Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 23 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng



I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review of grammar notes.

- Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about Revision of grammar notes

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation 

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,extra-boards,... 

- Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler.

III. Procedures     

1. Class organization ( 1’)

Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 

2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’)

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 23 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng

  1. - Ask Ss to give the answer - Give the answer f.A long pipe is used, it is dipped into the liquid, the liquid - Check and give feedback - Copy the answer is blown into intended shapes. *Put the pictures in the correct order. a.Picture 1 d.Picture5 b.Picture4 e.Picture2 c.Picture3 f.Picture6 Activity 2. (10’) Aim: Help Ss understand how to use future simple in “Passive forms” Structure: S + will be + PP(V-ed/V3) 2)A famous inventor, Dr.Kim, is Example: goimg to build a time machine. The new school will be finished - Follow One of his assistants, Hai, is before Tet. asking him questions about the - Explain how to do the - Ask and answer invention. Complete the exercises. in pairs. dialogue. Use the correct form - Ask Ss to practice in pairs - Give the answer of the verbs in brackets. - Correct the (1)will be shown - Have SS give the answer answer (2)will be built - Let them correct the answer (3)will be finished - Check and give feedback - Copy the answer (4)will be made Activity 3. (10’) Aim: Help Ss understand how to use Adjective follow by an infinitive 3)Complete the dialogues. Use - Explain how to do the - Follow the words in the box. exercises. b)easy to understand. - Ask Ss to practice in pairs - Ask and answer c)hard to believe. in pairs. d)dangerous to go. - Have SS give the answer - Give the answer e)important to wait. - Let them correct the answer - Correct the answer - Check and give feedback - Copy the answer Activity 4. (10’) Aim: Help Ss understand how to use Adjective follow by a noun clause - Explain how to do the - Follow exercises.
  2. III. Procedures 1. Class organization ( 1’) Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’) 3. New lesson Teacher ’S Activities Students ’ Activities Contents Activity 1. Warm up (5’) Chatting -Do you like traveling? Aim: Help Ss know about -Which places did you go to? famous places in VN -Who do you travel with? - Ask Ss some questions - Answer . +GETTING STARTED a)Ngo Mon (Gate) - Have Ss guess the content - Work in pairs. b)Nha Rong Harbor. c)The Temple of literature. - Check and give feedback - Take note d)Ha Long Bay -Have you ever gone to these places? -What can you see in the first picture? What is this? Activity 2. Presentation(7’) Aim: Help Ss scan the new -Who is talking in the words and structures conversation? -Ask Ss to listen to the tape. - Listen to the tape. -Where are they now? +VOCABULARY - Have Ss pick out the new - Pick out the new -water buffalo (n) words and give the meaning. words and give the -rice paddy (n) meaning. -crop (n) -Ask Ss to repeat. - Repeat. -sugar cane (n) -luggage (n) -Ask Ss to read loudly. - Read loudly. -farmland=farm(n) - Introduces new structures. - Follow EXAMPLE *Would/Do you mind +V- -Would you mind sitting in the ing ? front seat of the taxi, Mr Jones ? *Would you mind if + S + EXAMPLE past simple? -Would you mind if I took a *Do you mind if + S + photo? present simple ? - Let Ss give examples. - Give examples - Have Ss copy structures - Copy structures Activity 3. Practice (25’) 1)Practice the dialogue in group Aim: Help Ss practice the dialogue and find out the 2)True or false? Check(√) the answers boxes. Then correct the false
  3. 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make suggestion and respond to requests and understand correct positions on the map. - Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing. - Attitude: Positive about making suggestion and responding to requests and understanding correct positions on the map. Students know how to learn English in the right way. 2. Competence and quality - Self- study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. Preparation - Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,extra-boards, cassette tape - Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler. III. Procedures 1. Class organization ( 1’) Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’) 3. New lesson Teacher ’S Activities Students ’ Activities Contents Activity 1. Warm up (3’) Aim: Help Ss elicit the -Would you mind closing the first-aid window? -Ask Ss some questions - Ss. answer -Would you mind if I phoned you? - Have them work in pairs - Work in pairs - No, I don’t mind. - I’m sorry, I can’t - Check and give feedback - Copy the answer Activity 2.Presentation(3’) Aim: Help Ss understand some structures - Remind the structures - Follow *Would/Do you mind +V- ing ? *Would you mind if + S + - Would you mind If I closed the past simple? window? *Do you mind if + S + - Do you mind If I close the present simple ? window? - Let Ss give examples. - Would you mind phoning you? - Have Ss copy structures - Do you mind phoning you? Activity 3. Practice (12’)
  4. - Have Ss pick out the - Pick out the -next to prepositions and give the prepositions and give -to the left meaning. the meaning. right -Ask Ss to repeat. - Repeat. -opposite -Ask Ss to read loudly. - Read loudly. Activity 7. Practice (11’) Aim: Help Ss match the right letter - Have Ss listen to the tape. -Ss. listen to the tape. +Listen and match the places in the box to their correct positions -Ask Ss to match the places - Match the places in on the map. in the map. the map. a) Restaurant b) Hotel - Let Ss exchange their - Exchange their c) Bus station answers. answers. d) Pagoda -Ask Ss to give the answers - Give the answers e) Temple - Check and give feedback. - Copy the answers Activity 8.Consolidation (2’) Aim: Help Ss develop speaking skill in pairs by asking and answering the questions. - Have Ss answer the - Answer the -What is number a? questions questions -Where is the bus station? Retell the places that you went - Check and give feedback. - Copy the answers to last summer vacation. 4. Homework (1’) - Practice the letters fluently. - Prepare Unit 11 “Read” pages 102-105. IV. Check and evaluate: (1’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback P.HT Duyệt tuần 23 Ngày / /20 Huỳnh Thanh Tùng