Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 23 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Tran Thi Nhon


1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: 

- Knowledge: Ss practice more about structures: Would/ Do you mind + V-ing / if I …?

- SkillFocus on speaking skill

- AttitudeBe polite to everyone.

          2. Students’ competence and development:

          - Self study

- Cooperation

- Communication

- Problem solving


- Teacher: book, lesson plan, board

- Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary


1. Activity 1: Warm up: 

* Introduce the new lesson

- Introduce the new lesson

- Ss follow

doc 9 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1240
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  1. - Explain the task to Ss A: Would you mind if I asked you a - Ss work in pairs to complete question? - 2 good Ss role play B: Please do./Please go a head. 3. Activity 3: While – speaking A: I want to visit a market. Would you mind * Ss practice speaking suggesting one? - Give the task to Ss B: I suggest going to BT/ TB market. - Ss practice in pairs making dialogues with A: Would you mind telling me what time it Restaurants, Stamps and Coins Market and opens? Museum B: It opens from 5 am to 8 pm. - Ss role play in front of the class A: That sounds interesting. / - Follow and give feed back No. I don’t want to go there. B: How about going to TB / BT market? A: Thank you very much. B: you are welcome. Have a nice day. 4. Activity 4: Post – speaking * Practice writing a short dialogue using A: Would you mind suggesting me a place to would you mind ? go? - Give place: Zoo and Botanical Garden B: I suggest going to the Zoo and Botanical - Ss write a short dialogue Garden. - Follow and give feedback A: Would you mind telling me what time it - Give the situation (suppose that you meet a opens? tourist who visits your town for the first time. B: It opens from 10 am to 6 pm. The tourist wants to know somewhere in A: That sounds interesting. Thank you very your town) much. - Help Ss some places in Bac Lieu by B: You are welcome. Have a nice day. pictures: Xiem Cang Pagoda, Bac Lieu Longan Garden, Bac Lieu Prince’s House * Would you mind suggesting me a place to - Ss work in pairs see in Bac Lieu? - Follow and give feedback UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM LISTEN Subject: English; Class: 8A,B,D,E Date of planning: 30/01/2021; Period: 68; Week: 23 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss know how to describe the position of some places by using prepositions - Skill: Focus on listening skill - Attitude: Active in pair work. Ký duyệt: 01/02/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  2. - Ss listen and take notes e. The temple is just past the pagoda on the - Play the tape again and check Ss’ same road. answers and guessing a - hotel, b - restaurant, c - bus station, - Give feed back d - pagoda, e – temple - Ss work in individual to match places in the box to their correct positions on the map - Ss give their answers: a- hotel, b- restaurant, c- bus station, d- pagoda, e- temple - Follow and give feedback 4. Activity 4: Post listening: * Get further ideas from Ss - Ask questions - What is letter a,b,c,d,e? - Ss answer: Letter a is a hotel. Letter b is - Where is the hotel, ? a restaurant. Letter c is a bus station. + It’s on Ho Tay Road. Letter d is a pagoda. Letter e is a temple. UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM READ Subject: English; Class: 8A,B,D,E Date of planning: 30/01/2021; Period: 69; Week: 23 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss can understand some simple tourist advertisements. - Skill: Focus on reading skill - Attitude: Be proud of beautiful country and love the nature 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, board, tape, picture - Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up: Chatting * Create a comfortable atmosphere before entering the new lesson - Ask some questions: + Do you like traveling? Ký duyệt: 01/02/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  3. - Follow and check then give feed back - Praise for the best group 4. Activity 4: Post- reading * Get further ideas from Ss * Answer. Where should these people go? - Explain the task to Ss a. Sa Pa - Help Ss understand some phrases b. Nha Trang - Ss work in groups. c. Nha Rong Harbor - Ss show their answers d. Ha Long - Follow and check then give feed back e. Da Lat PASSIVE SENTENCES Subject: Extra lesson; Grade: 8 Date of planning: 30/01/2021; Period: 23; Week: 23 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss practice more about passive sentences. (mixed tenses) - Skill: Focus on speaking and writing skills - Attitude: Be active in pair work and group work. 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: lesson plan, board - Students: notebook, school things III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up: Brainstorming * Remind the form of to be in present, past, future simple in passive sentence. - Ask Ss to give the form of to be in present, past, future simple in passive sentence. - Ss answer: S + is/are/am + PP S + was/ were + PP S + will be + PP - Follow and give feedback. Teacher and Ss’ activities Content 2. Activity 2: Presentation: * Help Ss know the way to add be in a passive sentence in a present perfect tense Ký duyệt: 01/02/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở
  4. 15. The runway of this airport will be repaired soon. - Class give remark - Follow and give feedback. 4. Activity 4: Production * Ss practice reading aloud - Ss practice reading sentences in pairs ( one reads active sentence other reads passive one) - Follow and correct their pronunciation if necessary REVIEW 10 Subject: Extra lesson; Class: 8A Date of planning: 30/01/2021; Period: 39,40; Week: 23 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss practice more about passive form, sentence transformation. - Skill: Focus on speaking and writing skills - Attitude: Be active in pair work and group work. 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: lesson plan, board - Students: notebook, school things III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up: * Introduce the new lesson - Introduce the new lesson - Ss follow Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content 2. Activity 2: Presentation: * Remind Ss about passive form, - Ask Ss to give the form of passive sentence - Ss give answer: S + be + pp 3. Activity 3: Practice: Ký duyệt: 01/02/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở