Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 26 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng


 Lesson 2 Read 

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about the simple advertisements about tourist.

- Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about the simple advertisements about tourist.

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation 

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,extra-boards, cassette tape... 

- Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler.

III. Procedures     

1. Class organization ( 1’)

Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 

2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’)

3. New lesson 

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 26 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng

  1. -Ask Ss to listen to the tape. - Listen to the -What did she do? tape. -Where did she visit? - Have Ss pick out the new - Pick out the new +VOCABULARY words and give the meaning. words and give -lava (n) the meaning. -pour out (v) -Ask Ss to repeat. - Repeat. -overhead (adv) -wharf (n) -Ask Ss to read loudly. - Read loudly. -valley (n) -prison (n) - Introduces new structures. - Follow new -volcano (n) Strucures: structures. -carve (n) Past progressive tense with +STRUCTURE “When” Past progressive tense with - Let Ss give examples. - Give examples. “When” - Have Ss copy structures - Copy structures EXAMPLE -The lave was pouring out when we flew overhead. Activity 3. Practice (25’) 1)Write what Mrs Quyen did and Aim: Help Ss practice the saw in each of these places dialogue and find out the answers Place What she did and saw - Listen to the a. Hawaii Went swimming, visited Kilauea - Ask Ss to listen to the tape Volcano again. tape again. b. New Went shopping, bought lots of York souvenirs - Let Ss work in pairs to - Work in pairs to c.Chicago Saw Lake Michigan practice. practice. d. Mount Saw the heads of four American Rushmore presidents e. San Visited Fisherman’s Wharf, the Napa - Ask Ss to practice (Role play) - Role play. Francisco Valley wine-growing area and the Alcatraz prison - Have Ss work in pairs to find - Work in pairs to 2)Answer the following questions out the answers. find out the a. She went there by plane. answers. b. She saw the prison on the island - Write the - Have Ss write the answers or of Alcatraz. the board. answers or the board. c. People can see Mount Rushmore from more than 100 - Check and give feedback - Copy the kilometers away. answer. d. It is also called “The Windy City”
  2. - Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler. III. Procedures 1. Class organization ( 1’) Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’) 3. New lesson Teacher ’S Activities Students ’ Contents Activities Activity 1. (10’) Aim: Help Ss understand how to use “Past progressive 1)Look at the pictures. Say what ” each person was doing at eight Structure: o’clock last night. S + was/were + V-ing a. Ba was taking a shower at eight Example: o’clock last night. Ba was taking a shower at 8 b. Hoa was eating (dinner) at o’clock last night. eight o’clock last night. c. Bao was reading a comic at - Explain how to do the - Follow eight o’clock last night. exercises. d. Nga was writing a letter at eight o’clock last night. - Ask Ss to practice - Practice e. Na was walking her dog at eight o’clock last night. f. Lan was talking to her - Ask Ss to give the answer - Give the answers grandmother at eight o’clock last night. - Check and give feedback - Copy the answers Activity 2. (20’) Aim: Help Ss understand how to Past progressive With when/while 2)Look at the pictures. Then Structure: match the half-sentences in When + Past simple + . column A to those in Column B. While + Past progressive + Write the full sentences in your Example: exercise book. The Le family was sleeping a.The Le family was sleeping when the mailman came. when the mailman came. While the Le family was b.While Hoa was eating, the sleeping , the mailman came. telephone rang. - Explain how to do the - Follow c.When Nam won the race, the exercises. crowd was cheering.
  3. UNIT 13 FESTIVALS Lesson 1Getting started& Listen and Read I. Objectives 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to to understand the festivals. - Skills: Listening, reading, speaking and writing. - Attitude: Positive about the festivals Students know how to learn English in the right way. 2. Competence and quality - Self- study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. Preparation - Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,extra-boards, cassette tape - Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pen, ruler. III. Procedures 1. Class organization ( 1’) Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date 2. Checking the previous lesson ( 2’) 3. New lesson Teacher ’S Activities Students ’ Contents Activities Activity 1. Warm up (5’) Chatting Aim: Help Ss practice the previous lesson -Tom should go to HaLong Bay. - Ask Ss to tell about places - Practice in pairs -David should go to Hoi An. that these people should before class. -Huckleberry should go to SaPa. visit. -Olives should go to DoSon. - Check and give feedback - Take notes -Robinson should go to SonLa. Activity 2. Presentation(7’) Aim: Help Ss scan the -Where are they now? new words and practice -Who are talking in the them conversation? -Ask Ss to listen to the tape. - Listen to the tape. +VOCABULARY -festival (n) -rice-cooking (n) -competition=contest (n)
  4. Aim: Help Ss practice about the festivals -Ask Ss to answer some - Answer some How many people are there in questions. questions. Water-fetching contest? - Further practice - Practice Have you ever seen a festival like that?Retell. - Check and give feedback - Copy the answer. 4. Homework (1’) - Practice the lesson by heart. - Copy the answer in the notebook. - Prepare Unit 13 (read) page 124-126. IV. Check and evaluate (1’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback P.HT Duyệt tuần 26 Ngày / /2020 Huỳnh Thanh Tùng