Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 28 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Tran Thi Nhon


1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: 

- Knowledge: Ss know how to make preparation for festivals, some of the Robinsons’ preparations for Tet Festival through listening activity.

- Skill: Focus on developing listening and speaking.

- Attitude: Ss love Vietnamese traditional festivals. 

2. Students’ competence and development:

          - Self study

- Cooperation

- Communication

- Problem solving


- Teacher: book, lesson plan, board

- Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary


1. Activity 1: Warm up: 

* Ss understand the situation of the dialogue

- Introduce the situation

- Ss follow to understand          

doc 13 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1240
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  1. - Ss role play the dialogues 3. Activity 3: While- speaking: * Ss practice making dialogue about preparation for festivals - Guide Ss to choose festivals * School festival (Teachers’ Day) - Help Ss some phrases - flowers - Give the task to Ss - presents, gifts - Ss work in pairs - new clothes - Some pairs role play - try to have many good marks 4. Activity 4: Post- speaking Get further ideas from Ss + What does Mrs Quyen buy for Tet - Ask questions holiday? - Ss answer: + What does Lan do to make her house nice + She buys some fruit: oranges and at Tet? pomegranates for Tet. + How about the Robinson’s family? Can you + She cleans all the glass windows guess what they do to prepare for Tet? - Write Ss’ guessing on the board: buy flowers, clean the house, buy good food, 5. Activity 5: Pre- listening: * Ss guess what the Robinson prepare for Tet. - Show the board - Ss guess to complete 6. Activity 6: While- listening: * Ss practice listening and taking notes * Listen and fill in the gaps: - Play the tape (twice) a/ Mrs Robinson wants Mr Robinson to go to - Ss listen and take notes the flower market - Ss cross check b/ Mrs Robinson wants some marigolds - Ss give their answers: Mr Robinson, flower because they are traditional at Tet market, traditional, dried watermelon seeds, c/ Mrs Robinson wants Liz to buy a packet make of dried watermelon seeds - Follow and check the answer and the d/ Mrs Robinson is asking Mrs Nga to make guessing spring rolls - Give feedback - Some Ss read all - Show the board (the notes) * Complete the notes: - Explain the task to Ss Things to do - Play the tape again Mr Go to the flower market to buy - Ss work in groups, listen then make a list Robinson peach blossoms and a bunch of marigolds. of thing Go to the market to buy some - Ss show their answers: Ký duyệt: 22/3/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 2
  2. III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up: Game: Guessing * Create a comfortable atmosphere before entering the new lesson - Give Ss some guided sentences and ask them to guess. + This is the biggest festival in western countries. + People often decorate a tree and exchange best wishes by giving cards to each others. + It is on December 25th. - Ss guess then give their answers: Christmas - Introduce the content of the new lesson Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content 2. Activity 2: Pre- reading: * Introduce some new words so that Ss * New words/ phrases: understand the reading better - Patron Saint(n) - Give Ss new words/ phrases - spread (v) - Ss give Vietnamese meaning: Thánh bảo - jolly (a) trợ, lan rộng, vui vẻ, trang trí, phong tục, - decorate (v) bài hát, thiết kế, sự miêu tả - custom (n) - Ss follow and take notes - carol(n)= song - Guide Ss to read - design (v) - Ss repeat and practice reading - description (n) - Check the words by rubbing and remember - Show the board True/ False statements? - Clear some phrases to help Ss 1. Christmas is an important festival in every understand country in the world. - Ss give their guessing 2. The custom of decorating a tree first - Write Ss’ guessing on the board: appeared in Europe. F,T,T,F. 3. The leaders of the church were unhappy with Christmas carols when they were first performed. 4. Sending Christmas cards was an American's idea. 1. F (not every but many countries in the world) 2. T 3. T 3. Activity 3: While- reading: 4. F (an Englishman's) * Ss practice doing some tasks to understand the reading - Play the tape twice Ký duyệt: 22/3/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 4
  3. WRITE Subject: English; Class: 8A,B,D,E Date of planning: 20/3/2021; Period: 84; Week: 28 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss know the way to write a report - Skill: Focus on writing skill - Attitude: Ss love Vietnamese traditional festivals. 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, board - Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up: Brain storming * Remind some compound words - Ask Ss to give the name of some contests in the March 26th Festival using compound words - Ss answer: water-fetching contest, pan-beating without eyes contest, Ngo boat- racing contest, rope-pulling contest, flower-picking contest, lemon-passing contest, Teacher and Ss’ activities Content 2. Activity 2: Pre- writing: * Ss know the report about the rice- cooking festival 1. Rice cooking 2. one - Show the board 3. water fetching 4. run - Explain the task to Ss 5. water 6. traditional - Ss work in groups 7. bamboo 8. six - Ss give their answers: Rice cooking, one, 9. separate 10. added water fetching, run, water, traditional, bamboo, six, separate, added - Follow and give feedback - Show the board - The March 26th festival - Help Ss choose some contests in the March - Phong Phu school yard 26th festival - half a day / on Monday morning - Elicit the content through questions - 2/3 contests Ký duyệt: 22/3/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 6
  4. 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss practice more about reported speech. (statement and Y/N question) - Skill: Focus on speaking and writing skills. - Attitude: report in the right way. 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, board - Students: notebook, book, school things III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up * Introduce the new lesson - Introduce the new lesson - Ss follow Teacher and Ss’ activities Content Activity 2: Presentation: * Statements in reported speech. * Remind the way to change Muốn đổi một câu trần thuật sang câu gián tiếp ta phải from some examples nắm rõ: ai là người nói, ai là người nghe, ai là người - Remind Ss about the statement. thuật lại. Câu tường thuật gồm có một mệnh đề chính - Give the way to change có động từ giới thiệu và một mệnh đề phụ nằm trong - Give example. ngoặc. Khi đổi sang câu tường thuật thì ta cần một chủ - Ss follow and take notes. từ (người nói), một động từ giới thiệu, cần tân ngữ (người nghe) và một mệnh đề đã được tường thuật lại. “I’m a plumber.” I: là ông thợ ống nước. He said he was a plumber. * Động từ chia tụt xuống một thì, các thành phần khác - Explain the task to Ss. đổi theo nếu cần để nghĩa của câu không đổi. - Help Ss understand some b. “I can fix the faucets.” phrases. c. “The pipes are broken.” - Ss work in pairs in 5 minutes. d. “New pipes are very expensive.” - Ss give their answers: e. “You must pay me now.” + He said he could fix the faucets. Exercise: + He said the pipes were broken. 1. He said, “I must prepare the lesson before going to + He said new pipes were very class.” expensive. He said + He said Mrs Nga had to pay him then. 2. “I like your new dress.” Ký duyệt: 22/3/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 8
  5. 4. Nam: Is it cold in Sydney in January? Nga: No, it isn’t. 5. Nam: Do the Pyramids in Egypt attract a lot of tourists every year? Nga: Yes, they do. 7. Activity 7: Production 6. Nam: Is Ha Long Bay in Viet Nam one of the world * Help Ss practice reading heritages? aloud Nga: Yes, it is. - Ss read aloud all sentences on 7. Nam: Do your parents speak English? the board Nga: No, they don’t. - Follow and correct their 8. Nam: Are Australian people very friendly? pronunciation if necessary Nga: Yes, they are. UNIT 13: FESTIVALS Subject: Extra lesson; Class: 8A Date of planning: 20/3/2021; Period: 49, 50; Week: 28 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss review about reported speech, practice more about passive form, word order - Skill: Focus on speaking and writing skills. - Attitude: report in the right way. 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, board - Students: notebook, book, school things III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up * Introduce the lesson - Introduce the new lesson - Ss follow Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content 2. Activity 2: Presentation: Ký duyệt: 22/3/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 10
  6. - Explain the task to Ss II. Word order: - Ss discuss in pairs 1. Please tell her I will call her at 6: 00. - Some Ss give answers 2. I think I must go to the barker’s to get some - Go to the board and write bread. - Follow and give feedback 3. Mr Robinson said that he enjoyed the festival 4. Activity 4: Production very much. * Help Ss practice reading aloud 4. Six people from each team took part in the rice- - Ss read aloud all sentences on the cooking contest. board 5. How many tons of rice were exported to Japan - Follow and correct their last year? pronunciation if necessary TOPIC 1, 2 OF ORAL EXAMINATION Subject: Extra lesson; Grade: 8 Date of planning: 20/3/2021; Period: 28; Week: 28 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss practice speaking topic 1,2 of oral examination - Skill: Focus on speaking skill. - Attitude: willing to participate in 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, board - Students: notebook, school things III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up * Introduce the lesson - Introduce the new lesson - Ss follow Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content 2. Activity 2: Presentation: * Good morning teachers. My name is and * Help Ss to make a paragraph about I’m in class 8 My topic is talking about the topic Thanks for your listening. Ký duyệt: 22/3/2021 Nhận xét: Thực hiện đúng theo tinh thần công văn 5512 của Sở 12