Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 29 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Tran Thi Nhon


1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: 

- Knowledge: Ss practice more about: passive form, compound nouns, reported speech

- Skill: Focus on developing reading and speaking.

- AttitudeBe active in groups work, pairs work.

2. Students’ competence and development:

          - Self study

- Cooperation

- Communication

- Problem solving


- Teacher: book, lesson plan, board

- Students: notebook, book, school things 


1. Activity 1: Warm up: 

* Introduce the new lesson

- Introduce the new lesson

- Ss follow

doc 4 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1300
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  1. the p.p of those verbs 1500s) - Ss answer: performed, decorated, made, c/ is made held, awarded, written d/ will be held .(next) e/ was awarded .(yesterday) f/ was written (19th century) - Show the board Passive form in present perfect. - Explain the task to Ss S + have/ has + pp - Ss follow to understand S+ have/ has been + p.p - Ss work in pairs * 2: Complete the conversation: - Ss give their answers: jumbled, broken, 1. jumbled broken, scattered, pulled 2. broken - Follow and give feedback 3. broken 4. scattered 4. Activity 4: Production 5. pulled * Practice reading aloud - Ss practice reading those sentences again 5. Activity 5: Presentation: Brain storming * Remind the way to form compound noun - Ask Ss to go to the board and write Rice- cooking, fire- making, water- down some compound nouns they know. fetching, - Remind the way to form Compound noun = noun + V-ing - Ss follow to understand 6. Activity 6: Practice: 3: Rewrite the sentences, using a * Ss do some tasks compound word: - Show the board a/ It’s a fire – making contest. - Give example b/ It’s a bull – fighting festival. - Ss follow c/ The USA has a big car – making - Give the task to Ss industry. - Ss work in pairs d/ Vietnam is a rice – exporting country. - Ss give their answers: fire – making, bull e/ It’s a clothes – washing machine. – fighting, car – making, rice – exporting, clothes – washing - Follow and give feedback - Show the board 4: Report what the man told Mrs Thu - Explain the task to Ss a/ He said he was a plumber. - Give the examples and explain the way b/ He said he could fix the faucets. to report c/ He said the pipes were broken. - Ss follow d/ He said new pipes were very expensive. - Ss work in individual e/ He said I had to pay him then. - Ss give their answers - Follow and give feedback 2
  2. (noun clause) so that Ss understand the dialogue better - Introduce some new words and structure * New words: - Ss give Vietnamese meaning: kì quan, - wonder (n) gợi ý, luật lệ - clue (n) - Ss follow and take notes - rule (n) - Guide Ss to read * New structure: - Ss repeat then practice reading I don’t know how to play it. - Check the words by rub out and remember - Play the tape twice - Ss look at their books and listen 3. Activity 3: Practice: * Ss practice doing some tasks to understand the dialogue - Ss practice reading in groups of 3 * Practice the dialogue with two - Ss role play in front of the class classmates - Ask some questions - What is the game? - Ss read the dialogue again and answer: - How to play it? 20 questions, one asks Y/N questions, other answers - Show the board * Complete the summary: - Explain the task to Ss 1 – game 5 – America - Ss work in groups 2 – place 6 – golden - Ss show their answers: game, place, 3 – clue 7 – right clue, Viet Nam, America, golden, right, 4 – Viet Nam 8 – was was - Check and give feedback 4. Activity 4. Production: * Ss understand more about the game - Remind Ss the way to make Yes / No questions - Ask Ss to play game, - Ss play game (if have time) LÃNH ĐẠO KÝ DUYỆT TUẦN 29 (29/3/2021) 4