Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 3 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng


( Leson 1 Getting started& Listen and Read )

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude:

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make and confirm arrangements on the phone.


              Arrange, arrangement, mobile phone, mobile home, answering machine, downstairs, upstairs


              -Review future with: be + going + to + V

              -Adverbs of places.

              -Present progressive.


              -Hold on 

              -Where is it on?

              -I’m using my cousin’s bike tonight.

              -Is 6.30 all right?

- Skills: Listening, Reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about making and confirm arrangements on the phone.

                 Students know how to learn English in the right way.

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 3 - Huỳnh Thanh Tùng

  1. questions -Do you know a telephone? -T. introduces and -Do you have a telephone at home? reads model the -What’s your telephone number? objects in pictures. -Can you speak on the phone? -T. shows each *OBJECTS pictures and asks Ss -a fix machine some questions. -a public telephone -T. corrects them. -an address book -a mobile phone -a telephone directory -an answering machine 2.Presentation -T. asks Ss some -Ss. answer *QUESTIONS questions -Who made the call? -T. introduces the -Ss. listen to the tape -Who answered the call? situation of the (D) -What are they talking about? -T. asks Ss some -Ss. find out the new *NEW WORDS questions to find out words and structures - arrange (v) the new structures. -arrangement (n) -Ss. take notes -answering machine (n) -mobile phone (n) -mobile home (n) -downstairs (adv) -upstairs (adv) *STRUCTURE -hold on -where is it on? -I’m using my cousin’s bike tonight. 3. Practice -Is 6.30 all right? -Ss. listen to the tape -Ss. practice in pairs 1)Practice the (D), page 19 -Ss. role plays -Ss. scan the 2)Ask and answer dialogue to answers Who the questions in a Made the call. pairs b Introduce herself. -One asks, one c Invited to the movies. answers d -Ss. write the answer on the extra board 4.Consolidation -Ss. practice -The real situation (Roleplay) EXAMPLE -Ss. makes the real -go shopping situation -Tuesday
  2. 2. Checking the previous lesson: (5’) 3. New lesson: (35’) Teacher ’s Activities Students ’ Activities Contents 1.Warm Up Play volleyballactivities a)Do you like playing sports? b)Which sports do you play? c)Can you play chess tonight? d)What time can we meet? 2.Pre-Speaking -T. sticks extra board on the -Ss. notice the board. situation of the The situation of the dialogue. -T. explains Ss how to do the dialogue. exercises 3. While-Speaking -Ss. work in pairs and make a 1.Put the sentences below in the complete the correct order to make a -T. gives feed back conversation. conversation. -Ss. write the 1-b 4-a 7-e 10-h answers on the extra 2-f 5-i 8-k 11-d –board. 3-j 6-c 9-g -Ss. role play -Ss. work in pairs -Ss. write the 2. Complete the dialogue answers in the extra Bao: Can I speak to Ba, please? board. Bao: I’m fine, thanks. And you? Bao: Can you play chess tonight? Bao: I’ll meet you at the central 4.Post-Speaking chess club. Bao: Is it 200 0’clock? To play soccer To see movie -Ss. make similar arrangements To go out 5.Pre – listening: - Asks Ss some questions. - Answer (can use * Questions Vietnamese) - What will you say:
  3. - Gives helps (if - Practice in front busy. Would you like to hold or necessary) of the class. try again later? - Calls on some pairs to - Take note. present their dialogues. - Can provide Ss some structures used in telephone communication * Phần dành cho HS lớp khá giỏi: Give the massage on the phone 5.Homework -Ss. practice the dialogue fluently. -Ss. prepare “Listening” , page 21 IV. Check and evaluate: (4’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to Give the invitation for entertainment. - Ss: Give the invitation for entertainment. - T: Give the comments V. Feedback: Date of planning: Week: 3 Period: 9th Unit 2. MAKING ARRANGEMENTS ( Leson 4 Read , page 21,22) I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude: - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to to know about the biography of the famous Scientist, Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone. + Vocabulary: -deaf- mute (n) -experiment (n) -emigrate (v) -transmit (v) -invent (v) -conduct (v) -device (n) -exhibition (n) -demonstrate (v) -countless (adj) -commercial (adj) + Grammar: Tenses, modals
  4. -T. gives feed back 1)True or False? Correct the False -Ss. listen and read sentence. the text silently. a-F  Alexander G. Bell was born -Ss. practice in pairs in Edinburgh. to choose “True or b-FHe worked with deaf-mutes at False” sentences, Boston University. compare them with c-T their guessing d-Fin 1876 before. e-FBell started experimenting -Ss. write the correct with ways of transmitting speech answer on the extra- over long distance. board. 2) Put the events in the correct order . -Ss. work in pairs, exchange their answers. 4.Consolidation -Ss. summarize the Where/live? biography of famous Where/born? scientist Alexander Bell Graham Bell and his invention. What /invent? When? 5.Homework -Ss. learn the new words by heart. - Ss. read the text fluently. -Ss. copy the answers in the notebook. -Ss. prepare “Write” , page 23,24 IV. Check and evaluate: (4’) ( oral check) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback: P. Hiệu trưởng Duyệt tuần 3 /. ./ Huỳnh Thanh Tùng