Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 30 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Tran Thi Nhon


1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: 

- Knowledge: Ss know some more famous places in the world, are familiar with reported speech

- SkillFocus on speaking skill

- Attitude: Ss love nature, be aware of protecting heritage sites.

          2. Students’ competence and development:

          - Self study

- Cooperation

- Communication

- Problem solving


- Teacher: book, lesson plan, board, tape, picture

- Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary


          1. Activity1: Warm up: Networks

* Create a comfortable atmosphere before entering the new lesson


doc 6 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1740
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  1. name of some famous places in the world - Introduce some places in the box by pictures * New words: - Give Vietnamese meaning of the others - Great Barrier Reef - Ss follow and take notes - Petronas Twin Towers - Guide Ss to read, - Ss repeat - Give the task to Ss (choose) - Ss answer - Write Ss’ answers on the board 3. Activity 3: While- speaking: * Ss practice doing some tasks - Guide Ss to make yes / no questions and answer - Ss work in pairs - Ss practice asking and answering - Write Ss’ questions and answers on board - Explain the way to report a yes/ no Nam: Is mount Everest the highest mount in question through examples the world? - Give the task to Ss, - Ss report Ba: Yes, it is. - Follow and give feedback Nam asked Ba if mount Everest was the - Show a picture about Nha Trang highest in the world. Ba said that it was. - Ask: Where is it in the picture? + Do you know Nha Trang? - Ask some questions: + Is NT famous for its beach? - 3 Ss, one asks, one answers and one reports 4. Activity 4: Post- speaking * Ss free practice reporting yes/no questions - Are you hungry? - Ss free practice. - Do you like playing soccer? - Follow and give feedback UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD LISTEN Subject: English; Class: 8A,B,D,E Date of planning: 03/4/2021; Period: 89; Week: 30 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss can recognize and correct some mistakes in an advertisement - Skill: Focus on listening skill - Attitude: Ss should do everything in careful way. 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study 2
  2. - Praise for the best group * far north, hotel, rain forest, 69243927 - Ask Ss to open books - Explain the task to Ss - southern (far north) - Ss work in pairs - Inn (Hotel) - Ss give their answers: far north, hotel, rain - jungle (rain forest) forest, 69243927 - 68243927 (69243927) - Give feedback 4. Activity 4: Post listening: * Get further ideas from Ss - Ask one student to read the right advertisement - Where are Mr and Mrs Robinson going for - 1 s reads aloud their vacation? - Ask some questions - Where are they going to stay there? - Ss answer: Great Barrier Reef Marine - Is hotel near a jungle or a rain forest? Park; Coconut Palm Hotel; a rain forest; - What activities can they do there? UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD READ Subject: English; Class: 8A,B,D,E Date of planning: 03/4/2021; Period: 90; Week: 30 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: Ss get more knowledge about wonders of the world, especially about the seven ancient wonders of the world and others. - Skill: Focus on reading skill - Attitude: Ss love nature, be aware of protecting heritage sites. 2. Students’ competence and development: - Self study - Cooperation - Communication - Problem solving II. PREPARATION: - Teacher: book, lesson plan, board, tape, picture - Students: notebook, book, school things and vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Activity 1: Warm up: Brain storming * Create a comfortable atmosphere before entering the new lesson - Ask Ss to give some wonders they know - Ss answer: The Pyramid, Sydney Opera House, Stonehenge, - Introduce the new lesson 4
  3. structure in the world HIỆU TRƯỞNG KÝ DUYỆT TUẦN 30 (05/ 4/2021) PHẠM VĂN HÀ 6