Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 34 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Tran Thi Nhon

I. Aims: 

1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: 

- Knowledge: + Introduce the matrix of the exam

  + Help Ss to make passage about topics for oral exam

- SkillFocus on speaking and writing skills

- Attitude: Be active in pair work and group work.

  2. Students’ competence and development

- Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation:

- Teacher: book, lesson plan, board.

- Students: notebook, book and school things

III. Procedures:

1. Class orderGreeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2. Checking up:

          3. New lesson: 

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  1. Trần Thị Nhơn giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Task 2: Answer the questions/ choose A,B,C,D (4/1pt) III. WRITING: (2pts) Task 1: Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make meaningful sentences (4/1pt) Task 2: Complete the sentences using the cues given (4/1pt) * Help Ss to make B. REVISION FOR ORAL EXAM passage about Topic 1: Talking about a place you last visited. topics for oral ( what place/ distance from Bac Lieu/ how to get there/ what to do exam. (25 ms) there/ your feeling) - Introduce two * Good morning teachers. My name is and I’m in class 8 topics My topic is talking about Thanks for your listening. - Elicit the details of My family and I have just returned from a trip to Da Lat. We each spent three days there and I didn’t want to leave. It’s about six - Ss follow, give hundred kilometers from Bac Lieu City and we got there by coach. In ideas and take Da Lat, we visited Cam Ly Waterfall, Love Valley and many flower notes gardens. The weather was cool and sunny so we took a lot of photos. * Consolidation: We ate some delicious food and bought some souvenirs. We felt very (8ms) happy and relax after the trip so we will return there next summer. - Ss practice reading Topic 2: Talking about a place you want to live in. (where: country or in front of the class city) why? (how about the air, the life, the people, the food, ) - Follow and give I prefer to live in the countryside because of many reasons feedback Firstly, in the country, the air is fresher and cleaner than in the city. Next, in the country, the life is simple, the food is fresher and cheaper than in the city. Especially, the people in the country are friendly and kind. We usually help each other to over many difficulties in the life. The last, it is a place I was born in. 4. Home work: (1m) - Relook the matrix - Make your own passages about two topics and practice fluently IV. Feedback: Date of planning: 09/ 4/ 2019 Period: 101 - Week: 34 REVISION FOR THE EXAM I. Aims: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude: - Knowledge: + Review some grammar structures follow the matrix + Ss do some exercises to remember - Skill: Focus on speaking and writing skills 2
  2. Trần Thị Nhơn giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Give some examples b. Yes/ No questions: - Ss follow and take notes “Do you know Mi Son, Ba?” Mai said Mai asked Ba if he knew Mi Son. “Is Phong Nha cave in Quang Binh province, Nhi? Hoa asked Nhi whether Phong Nha cave was in Quang Binh province. 1. Tom said, “I’m a student” 2. Nga said to her brother, “I can’t answer this - Show the board question.” - Do example 3. Charles said, “I’m living in London now.” - Give the task to Ss 4. He said to us, “You are my friends.” - Ss work in pair then go to the 5. Mary asked me. “Do you want to visit London?” board and write 6. She said, “Can you speak Spanish, Minh?” - Follow and give feedback 7. Nien asked Hoa, “Do you have many new friends?” 8. My friend said, “Are you going to leave tomorrow? - Remind the ways to use 3. Would/ Do you mind + V-ing? structure: Would/ Do you Diễn tả lời yêu cầu một cách lịch sự. mind .? Ex: Would you mind telling me the result of the exam? - Give some examples - Would / Do you mind if + I + V . . .? - Ss follow and take notes Diễn tả xin phép làm một việc gì Ex: Would you mind if I opened the window? Do you mind if I open the window? - Show the board 1. Would you mind if I (sit) here? - Ask Ss to give the correct form 2. Do you mind (lend) . me a ruler? of the verbs in brackets 3. Would you mind (bring) that chair for me? - Ss work in pair then give 4. Do you mind if I (smoke) ? answers - Follow and give feedback - Remind the way to change into 4. Passive forms: S+ BE +PP passive form a. Simple present tense S + is /am are + p.p - Remind the verb be in some b. Simple past tense: S + was /were + p.p tenses. c. Modal verbs : Will / Shall /Could /Must/ Should S + Modal verb + be + p.p - Show the board * Drill: Chuyển những câu sau sang bị động: - Ss work in pairs, change into 1. My father bought this house two years ago. passive 2. We have done these exercises carefully. - Ss go to the board and write 3. People recycle car tires to make pipes. - Follow and give feedback 4. The workers will build a new school in my town. * Consolidation: (2ms) Ask Ss about the above structures 4
  3. Trần Thị Nhơn giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 (sure, certain, right, careful, lucky, wrong, được theo sau bởi to V. Ex: He’s certain to win the game. Be careful not to dirty the picture. b. Một số tính từ được theo sau bởi một mệnh đề danh từ (a noun clause). Ex: I’m glad that you can make it. * Consolidation: (38 ms) * Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) - Show the board 1. Millions of Christmas cards every year - Ss discuss in pairs A. were sent B. are sent C. send D. is sending - Ss give their answers 2. She asked me if I . pop music - Follow and give feedback A. like B. to like C. will like D. liked 3. Would you mind I smoked here. A. When B. that C. if D. for 4. I don't know how .the game A. playing B. to play C. player D. can I play 5. The librarian asked us so much noise. A. don’t make B. not make C. not making D. not to make 6. It is difficult all the in structures at the same time. A. to remember B. remember C. remembering D. remembered 7. Would you mind for a few minutes? A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. be waiting 8. Do you mind if I here A. to sitting B. to sit C. sit D. sitting 9. Would you mind if I a photo? A. take B. took C. taking D. to take 10. We dinner when he arrived yesterday evening. A. were having B. is having C. are having D. knew 11. The pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven of the world. A. pyramids B. temples C. landmarks D. wonders 12. In the rice-cooking festival, a fire in traditional way A. is making B. will making C. is made D. made 13. Lan asked Minh he knew Ha Long Bay A. what B. as if C. weather D. if 14. It’s dangerous in this river. A to swim B swim C swimming D swam 4. Home work: (1m) 6