Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


                   *Put the verbs in correct tenses:

                    a. She (have) lots of friends in Hue.

                    b. She (not have) any friends in Ha Noi.

                    c. I (need) some stamps.

                    d. You still (miss) your parents?

                    e. She (go) to school now.

                    f. They (watch) a movies now ?

                    g. You (have) a lot of friends soon.

                     h. I (be) at home yesterday.

                    i. Ba (get up) at 5 last year

           j. He (not buy) it last year.


                 - Give other examples for structures.

                 - Prepare Unit 1: Getting started & Listen and read. 

       (find out new words, read the dialogue ,the questions to understand the content.)


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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 1 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 - It’s to 6. Suggestions – invitations - Let’s - Why don’t we ? - Why don’t you ? - What’s about + V-ing .? - Would you like + to-inf ? 7. Modal verbs: should, may - S + should + V(inf) - S + shouldn’t + V(inf) - S + may + V(inf) - S + may not + V(inf) II. Structures: - How far is it from .to .? - How much is/are ? - Why ? – Because - Too – either - So – neither - S + prefer + to-inf - S + (don’t) like + V-ing 4.Consolidation: *Put the verbs in correct tenses: a. She (have) lots of friends in Hue. b. She (not have) any friends in Ha Noi. c. I (need) some stamps. d. You still (miss) your parents? e. She (go) to school now. f. They (watch) a movies now ? g. You (have) a lot of friends soon. h. I (be) at home yesterday. i. Ba (get up) at 5 last year j. He (not buy) it last year. 5.Homework: - Give other examples for structures. - Prepare Unit 1: Getting started & Listen and read. (find out new words, read the dialogue ,the questions to understand the content.) IV. Feedback: 2
  2. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 words, structures -seem(v) -Guide Ss to read - Repeat and practice You seem happy. -Play the tape twice reading -next door neighbor(n) - Call some pairs of Ss to -Listen * Structures: practice the dialogue in -Role play -What does she look like? front of the class. She’s beautiful -Give feedback -She wasn’t old enough to be in my class. -What a lovely smile! -Explain the task to Ss -Work in pairs * Answers: - Help Ss understand the -Practice asking and a) She lives in Hue content of the questions answering in front of the b) No. she does not know - Follow and give feedback class her. c) “She wasn’t old enough to be in my class”. d) She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas. 4.Consolidation: - Ask Ss to retell the content of the dialogue. - Asks Ss to give some examples of structures: look like – enough 5.Homework: - Practice the dialogue fluently - Rewrite the answers into notebooks -Remember new words and structures - Prepare part speak IV. Feedback: Week: 01 Date of planning: Period:03 Date of teaching: UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS SPEAK+LISTEN I. Aims: - Ss can describe a person’s appearance, using the adjectives of build/ hair/ . . . (such as: tall, short, straight, curly, .) - Review of structures at the first meeting. - Focus on developing speaking listening skills. 4
  3. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 describe his/ her friend’s - Practice has full lips. appearance (one describe, the B: Is he Nam? other guess what he/ she is) A: Yes. (he is) *LISTEN - Answer - What do you say if you - Ask Ss some questions - Remind meanings of meet someone for the - Give feedback. those structures first time? - Introduces/ reviews structures - Take notes - What will you say if you - Writes the structures on the are introduced to board. someone? -Shows the board, introduce the - What will you say when dialogues - Scan and guess you introduce someone? - Ask Ss to scan the dialogues to - Nice to/ please to/ good get main ideas and guess where to/ glad to meet (see) you. the expressions are filled - How do you do? - It’s a pleasure to meet you. - I’d like you to meet * Answers: - Explain how to listen and - Listen and take notes a). (1) I’d like you to complete the conversations. - Cross check meet. - Play the tape (2 – 3 times) -Give the answers (2) nice to meet you. b). (3) I’d like you meet. -Play the tape again and check (4) It’s a pleasure to -Give feed back - Read aloud meet you. - Call some pairs of Ss to read c). (5) Come and meet. the completed dialogue loudly. d). (6) How do you do? 4.Consolidation: - Remind the structure describing a person appearance - Sticks some pictures of famous persons on the board. Team A describes the persons in the pictures after looking at them. Team B guesses who he/she is What + do/ does + S + look like? S + be + adj Ex: - What does she look like? - She is thin and short 6