Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 2 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. Aims:

- Ss can describe their friend’s character 

- Focus reading skill.

  1. Teaching aids:

Extra board, tape.

  III. Procedures:

        1. Class organization:

   - Greetings.

   - Checking the attendances.

2. Review of the previous lesson:

3 .New lesson:

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 2 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 He is sociable. -Play the tape twice *Questions: - Ask Ss to scan the text to - Work in groups - How many close friends answer teacher’s question(s) - Scan then answer. does Ba have? - What are they like ? - Bao is . - Khai is . - Song is . - Ba is - Show the board. * The answers(1) - Explain the task to Ss. -Work in groups of 4. a. A - Check and give feedback. -Give their answers. b. C c. B d .D - Show the board (questions). - Give the task to Ss. - Work in pairs find out *The answers(2) the answers. a) He feels lucky to have a lot -Practice asking and of friends. - Give feedback. answering the questions. b) Bao is the most sociable. c) Khai likes reading. d)The bad thing about Ba’s jokes is that sometimes his jokes annoy his friends. e) He spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage. 4.Consolidation: * Adjectives of character - Ask Ss to practice reading the -Read aloud. + Friendly (a) text + Smart (a) -Gives the task to Ss + Honest(a) - Goes around groups and gives - Work in groups to + Sensitive (a) helps (if necessary) (T can give discuss the question f). + Pleasant(a) Ss other adjectives of character) Student compares his/ + Flexible(a) her own character with + Ambitious(a) his/her partner’s. + Confident(a) + Shy(a) + Reliable(a) + Punctual(a) + Optimistic(a) >< pessimistic ) 5.Home work: -Write the answers into notebooks.
  2. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 groups of 4 Ex: Her name’s Nguyen Cam - Show their answers ( Linh and she’s fourteen four answers) on the years old. She lives in My board Dien with her parents and -Ask Ss to ask and answer about - Work in pairs her younger brother. that information She’s slim and has long - Ask Ss to write a paragraph - Work in groups of four black hair. She’s flexible, about his/her friend ( using the - Show their answers pleasant and reliable. Her writing sample in part 1 and close friends are Nhi, the answers in part 2) Thuy and Phuong - Go around the class and gives helps (if necessary). - Give feed back 4. Consolidation: Ask some Ss to read aloud their paragraphs. 5. Homework: - Copy own paragraph into notebooks. - Remember some adjectives - Prepare “language focus”(pages 16) IV. Feedback: . Week: 02 Date of planning: Period: 05 Date of teaching : UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Aims: - Competencies: Review of: • Simple tenses • Present simple to talk about general truths. • (not) adj + enough + to - inf - Focus on developing reading, speaking and writing skills. II. Teaching aids: Extra board, picture. III. Procedures: 1.Class organization:
  3. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 4.Consolidation: Shows the boars and explain the the task ( Combine 2 sentences in to 1 using “ enough” He is very strong.He can carry that box. 5.Homework: - Write down the exercises in notebooks. - Prepare unit 2 “GETTING STARTED – LISTEN AND READ “ IV. Feedback: Signature-Week 2 27/8/2012 Vưu Kim Diệp