Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 4 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


- Ss know how to take a message, fill the information to complete the paragraph.

- Focus on writing skill.

II.Teaching aids:



1.Class organization:


    -Checking the attendant

 2.Review of the previous lesson:

   -Asks Ss to tell something about Alexander Graham Bell

                          Some parts in a telephone message

3.New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content
doc 5 trang Hải Anh 20/07/2023 1420
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  1. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 called about his stationery order. He wanted you to call him at 8.634.082 Taken by: Mr Toan 4.Consolidation: -Has Ss practice the dialogue 3. Message:Tom will come over to pick you up to play tennis at 1:30 this afternoon. 5.Home work: -Rewrite 2 message cards into your notebooks -Prepare lesson 6 for the next time IV.Feedback: Week: 04 Date of planning: 7/8/2012 Period: 11 Date of teaching :17/8/20012 UNIT 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Aims: - Competencies: Review of: • Intention with: be going to • Adverbs of place - Focus on developing speaking and writing skills. II. Teaching aids: Extra boards III. Procedures: 1. Class organization: -Greetings -Checking the attendance 2. Review of the previous lesson: -Ask about structure: be going to -What verb is synonym with be going to? -Explain the difference between be going to and will -e.g: Iwill visit him tomorrow. I am going to visit him tomorrow. 3. New lesson: 2
  2. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Week: 04 Date of planning: 8/9/2012 Period: 12 Date of teaching : 20/9/2012 UNIT 3: AT HOME GETTING STARTED – LISTEN AND READ I. Aims: - Competencies: • Review some name of the chores that Ss usually do at home • Describe places of things • Study reflexive pronouns. - Focus on developing speaking reading and writing skills. II. Teaching aids: Cassette, pictures. III. Procedures: 1.Class organization: -Greetings -Checking the attendance 2. Review of the previous lesson: -Show the picture -Ask Ss some questions: + What is she doing ? +Is she washing the dishes? +Do you have to cook meals? +Do you have to feed the chickens/pigs/ducks? +Do you have to look after your younger brother? - Ss look at the pictures and try to answer - What do you have to do at home? + washing dishes (doing the washing up) + making the bed + sweeping the floor + cooking + tidying up + feeding the chickens 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content -Introduce the situation of the dialogue. ( Nam’s mother , Mrs Vui is going to be home late tonight .So she calls home and asks Nam to do some things) 4