Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 5 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp


- Competencies: describe positions of things in house by using adverbs of place.

- Focus on developing speaking skill.

        II.Teaching aids:

Posters (describe some rooms)


               1.Class organization:


-Checking the attendance

                      2. Review of the previous lesson:


          +prepositions of place: to the left, to the right, in, on, under, above, opposite, beside, next to, behind,

         in front of, near, …

          +items in the kitchen: sink, plate, cupboard, bowl, dishes, clock, calendar, table, refrigerator, chair, 

          sauce pan, frying pan, …

            -Read and Ss repeat all

                     3.New lesson: 

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_8_tuan_5_nam_hoc_2011_2012_vuu_kim_diep.doc

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  1. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 -Some pairs practice in the couch. front of the class - OK. And I think we ought to put -Follow and give feedback the rug between the armchair and the couch. Ex: - let’s put the magazines on the shelf, above the books. - I think the shelves ought to be at one of the corners, opposite the couch. - The TV and stereo should be put on the shelves. 4.Consolidation: -Ask Ss to describe Mrs Vui’s living room after arranging *Guided questions: -Where is the rug? - Where is thetelephone? 5. Home work: -Remember prepositions of place and name of some things in the house - Prepare section LISTEN IV.Feedback: Week: 05 Date of planning: 15/9/2012 Period: 14 Date of teaching :20/9/2012 UNIT 3: AT HOME LISTEN I. Aims: - After the lesson Ss know how to make the “special Chinese fried rice” - Focus on developing listening skill. II. Teaching aids: Cassette, pictures, board III. Procedures: 1. Class organization: -Greetings -Checking the attendance 2. Review of the previous lesson: -Show the picture and ask Ss to describe the position of some items. 3. New lesson: 2
  2. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Week: 05 Date of planning: 16/09/2012 Period: 15 Date of teaching :22/9/2012 UNIT 3: AT HOME READ I. Aims: - Ss know some things to protect their home safely - Focus on developing reading comprehension. II.Teaching aids: Extra board, tape and realia III .Procedures: 1. Class organization: -Greetings - Checking the attendance 2. Review of the previous lesson: Ask questions: -What ingredients do you need to cook the Special Chinese Fried Rice? -Can you cook the Special Chinese Fried Rice? Tell me the way. 3.New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content - Introduces the reading * T’s introduction: - Has Ss list things in the kitchen There’re many different which are dangerous to small - Work in groups objects in the kitchen . children, then discuss about the Some of them may be question: what must we do to keep dangerous to small children safe? children if we don’t keep - Goes around and gives helps (name them carefully. of objects) * New words: - Gives Ss some new words which are -Take notes • safety precaution (n) in the new lesson. • safe (a)><dangerous - Guides Ss the way to read -Practice reading • chemical (n) • match (n) • cause a fire (v) • injure (v) • electrical socket (n) • bead (n) -Introduce the title of the poster -Listen -Play the tape twice -Some Ss read aloud 4