Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. Aims:

- Ss can describe the room in the house base on picture cues and word cues

     - Focus on developing writing description skill.


  1. Teaching aids:

Pictures, extra board .

  1. Procedures:

1. Class organization:


   -Checking the attendance

2. Review of the previous lesson: 

  -Net works:

  - Ask Ss to give some prepositions of place

  - Read and Ss repeat all

3. New lesson:

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 4.Consolidation: -Give the task to Ss:work in individual to write the description of one room in their house 5.Homework: - Write paragraph 2 and your own paragraph into your notebooks -Prepare lesson 6 for the next time IV. Feedback: . Week: 6 Date of preparing: 18/09/2012 Period: 17 Date of teahing : 27/9/2012 UNIT 3: AT HOME LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Aims: - Ss practice more about : modal verbs must, have to, ought to 1. Why- Because 2. Reflexive pronouns - Focus on developing speaking, reading skills. II. Teaching aids: Flash cards, pictures , extra board III. Procedures: 1.Class organization: -Greetings -Checking the attendance 2.Review of the previous lesson: Ss play game: pelmanism about reflexive pronouns ( explain the way to play, praise for the winner, Ss repeat all ) 3.New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities content -Show the extra board 1. Use the reflexive pronouns - Explain then give the -Work in groups of 4 0.himself 1.ourselves task to Ss -Give their answers to 2.myself 3.yourself -Follow and give complete 4.himself 5.herself feedback 6.themselves 7.yourselves -Look 2.Complete the dialogues , use -Show the picture -Answer “must” or” have to” and the -Ask Ss questions verbs in the box -Show the board -Read aloud -What is she doing? 2
  2. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Be going to (to talk about intentions) Adverbs of place. Why – because Reflexive pronouns Modal: must, have to, ought to. - Focus on developing speaking, reading comprehension and writing. II.Teaching aids: extra boards. III.Procedures: 1. Class organization: -Greetings -Checking the attendance 2. Review of the previous lesson: Net works: Adj about Adj about appearance characters thin sociable 3. New lesson: -Show the board * Supply the correct tense for the -Explain the task verbs in brackets -Give the task to Ss -Work in groups Mai (be) Lien’s friend. She -Check and give feed -Give answers to (come) to HN last year. In back complete HN Mai (live) with her aunt .The two girls (study) in the same class at Tran Phu School. Every day they (go) to school together. Mai (like) studying and playing with Lien .Now they (be) on their summer vacation . They (visit) Ha Long next week. * Modal verbs: must, have to, should, ought to -Ask Ss to give some modal verbs - Give their answers -It’s really a good film. You -What follows a modal go and see it. verb? - Answer -You cover the electrical -What do we use should / socket. ought to for ? * Reflexive pronouns: - She is looking at in the -Give personal pronouns mirror. 4