Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 - Tuần 1+2+3 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trần Ngọc Bích


1. Knowledge, skills and attitude

          * Knowledge Grammmar:- Past simple tense ;Present perfect tense.. 

                                                   -  Prepositions;…………..

          - Skills: Writing, reading and listening

  - Attitude: Ss study hard.

          2. Competences:

          - Self-study ability;

          - Communicative ability;

          - Co-operative ability;

          - Problem solving and creation ability.


          1. Teacher: Textbook, lesson plan. 

          2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.


1.Class organization:Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)

2.Checking old lesson: none


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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 - Tuần 1+2+3 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trần Ngọc Bích

  1. - Problem solving and creation ability. II- PREPARATION: * Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape, . * Students: textbooks, extra boards, III- PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking old lesson: none 3. New lesson : TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Activity1:Warm up (8 ms) Help Ss understand the lesson Ss work in pairs K-G/-Is she Lan’s classmate or pen pal ? “ A foreign pen pal is coming to match. TB/-Where is she from ? to stay with you for a week. Ss answer TB/-Has she ever been in Viet Which places do you want to Yes/ No Nam ? take her to ?” K-G/If yes, which places did she -T. has Ss look at the picture visit ? and recognize some places in the pictures. a. Hung Vương Temple -T. has Ss work with a partner b. Van Meu Temple with a partner with the situation c. Dong Xuan Market d. Museum -Ss. Work in pair. e. Food stall f. Post office EXAMPLE S1:( pointing picture C) I think this is one of the places I want to take my friend to. We can do the shopping or I’ll just introduce her a Vietnamese market. S2: Good idea! I believe she will be interested in it. Activity2:Presentation(10ms) *VOCABULARY Aim: Help Ss understand Ss work in pairs -correspond (v) vocabulary about some to match. -impress (v) famous places correspond (v)  be impress by (v) -T. introduces Razali Maryam -impress (v) -friendly (adj) then asks Ss some questions.  be impress by 4
  2. -Learn vocabulary by heart. Ss:- write the answers into their exercise notebooks -Write the exercises they have done into their exercise notebooks . -Prepare “Speak and listen” , page 8,9 T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Do you know about Maryam ? Ss: Yes, I -T: Do you think she is from Thailan ? - Ss : - T summarizes: Ss study hard V.Feedback: Sign and report Date of planning: Week: 2 Period: 3 Unit 1. A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL (Speak + Listen ) I-OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude: -Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond to introduction; and select the correct pictures by listening. - Skills: Focus on speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. - Attitude: Loving how to make and respond to introduction; and select the correct pictures by listening. 2. Competences: - Self-study ability; 6
  3. -T. goes around and helps if to practice b (on B:Please to meet you, Nam. I’m necessary. page 8) Yoko one of Maryam’s friends. b/ While- speaking A: Are you enjoying your stay in -Teacher introduces the Viet Nam? situation : Nga is talking to B: Yes, I’m. I like Vietnamese Maryam. They are waiting for -Ss. speak in people and I love the old cities in Lan outside her school. front of class Viet Nam. - Students work in pairs ( read and put the sentences in the A: Do you live in a city, too? correct order to make a B: Yes, I live in Tokyo, the capital complete dialogue. city of Japan. It is a busy big capital city. -Ss. take notes -Tim Jonh’s Mexican Pen Pal, -T. corrects if necessary. Carlo, is visiting the USA. Listen to their conversation and check () the numbers of the correct pictures. -Ss. listen to the * STRUCTURES tape twice and -Let’s go to a restaurant downtown c/ Pre-listening check () the = Why don’t we go to a restaurant - Help Ss to tell each picture’s numbers of the downtown? content. correct pictures. -You’re lucky to have a place like -T. introduces and explains the -Ss. exchange this close to your home. requirement. their answer. -Be careful! -T. notices Ss some structures -Ss. listen again -You’re walking on the grass. before listening. to check. -You’ll kill the grass. -Ss. give their d/ While- listening answer. *ANSWER , page 9 - Help Ss Listen to their -Ss. can listen a- 1 conversation and check the again if b- 2 numbers of the correct necessary. c- 3 pictures. -T. plays the tape a- 1 8
  4. V.Feedback: Week : 2 Date of planning : Period :4 Unit 1. A VISIT FROM A PENPAl (Read ) I-OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude: -Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to have some information about Malaysia, one of the Asean countries. -Vocabulary: -divide (v),region (n),comprise (v),-climate (n)-ringgit (n)-official (adj) -religion (n)-compulsory (adj)-Tamil (n)-Islam (n)-Buddhism (n)-Hinduism (n) - Skills: Focus on speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. - Attitude: Getting some information about Malaysia, one of the Asean countries. 2. Competences: - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II- PREPARATION: * Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape, . * Students: textbooks, extra boards, III- PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking old lesson: Have Ss write some words. (3ms) 3. New lesson : TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Activity1:Warm up (5 ms) Ss work in pairs 1. Where is Malaysia ? 10
  5. 5.Capital city: Kuala Lumpur. Activity3:While-reading 6.Official religion: Islam. (20ms) 7.National language: Bahasa Aim: Help Ss Fill in the table Malaysia. -T. has Ss scan the information -Ss. work in 8.Compulsory second about Malaysia then fill in the individual. language: English . table. -Ss. exchange their b).True or false? -T. gives feedback and answer. 1.T corrects if necessary. -Ss. write on the 2. F  There are more than two -T. gives feedback. board. religions in Malaysia. -Ss. checks 3. F English, Chinese and themselves. Tamil are also widely spoken. 4. F Primary school children T. has Ss scan the information -Ss. read the text learn one of the 3 languages. about Malaysia then choose again and make true 5.T True or false? or false. Then -T. gives feedback and correct the false corrects if necessary. statements. -T. gives feedback -Ss. work in pair. -Ss. checks each other. Activity4:Post- reading(5ms) *QUESTIONS Aim: Help Ss answer the -Ss. answer -Is Malaysia a member country questions Teacher’s questions. of ASEAN? -Ss. answer teacher’s -Which is the country’s official questions religion: Islam or Buddhism? T has ss answer -Which languages are spoken T. gives feedback. in Malaysia? 4. Homework (1m) - Aim: Help Ss understand vocabulary about vocabulary about some information about Malaysia - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words, Copy down all the lesson 12
  6. 2. Competences: - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II- PREPARATION: * Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape, . * Students: textbooks, extra boards, III- PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking old lesson: Have Ss write some words. (divide (v),region (n),comprise (v),- climate (n)-ringgit (n)-official (adj) -religion (n)-compulsory (adj)-Tamil (n)-Islam (n)-Buddhism (n)-Hinduism (n)(3ms) 3. New lesson : TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Activity1:Warm up (5 ms) Y K:-Is Malaysia a member country Aim; help Ss pay attention of ASEAN? tothe lesson K-G-Which is the country’s official -T. asks Ss some questions religion: Islam or Buddhism? about Malaysia. Ss answer K-G-Which languages are spoken in -T. gives the situation . Malaysia? - T gives feedback EXAMPLE -How many regions is Malaysia divided into? -Ss. ask and -What is the capital of Malaysia? answer about -What is the national language? Malaysia. Activity2:Presentation(10ms) Aim: Help Ss Write a letter to their family. -Ss. take notes “ Imagine you are visiting your -T. introduces the situation relatives or friends in another part of -T. guides Ss to write each Viet Nam or in a different country. paragraph . Write a letter to your family.” -T. notes Ss to use tenses: past *OUT LINE simple present perfect and + First paragraph + First paragraph future. + Second + Second paragraph 14
  7. -Ss. write a complete letter into their exercise notebook. -Ss. prepare “ Language focus” on page 11,12. T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Can you write a letter ? Ss: Yes, I - T summarizes: Ss study hard V.Feedback: Week:3 Date of planning: Period:6 Unit 1. A VISIT FROM A PENPAL (Language focus) I-OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: Students will be able to consolidate their knowledge of the past simple and the past simple with wish. * Skills: Reading , writing ,speaking skills. *Attitude: Ss can Listen and read carefully 2. Competences: - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II- PREPARATION: * Teacher: textbook, teacher’s notes, pictures, Cassette, tape, . * Students: textbooks, extra boards, III- PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking old lesson: Have Ss write some words. (divide (v),region (n),comprise (v),- climate (n)-ringgit (n)-official (adj) -religion (n)-compulsory (adj)-Tamil (n)-Islam (n)-Buddhism (n)-Hinduism (n)(3ms) 3. New lesson : TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ CONTENTS 16
  8. the swimming c. I wish I had a computer. pool now. d. I wish I lived closer to school. c. I wish I had a I wish I didn’t live so far from computer. school. e. I wish I had a sister. f. I wish I could draw better. g. I wish I had my friend’s phone number. h. I wish I knew many friends. -Ss. do exercises i. I wish there were some rivers and lakes in my home town. Activity4:Consolidation(5ms) Aim: Help Ss remember how to use: “ the simple past” and -Ss. remind how How to use “ the simple past to use: “ the with wish simple past” and T has Ss. remind how to use: “ How to use “ the the simple past” and How to simple past with use “ the simple past with Wish” Wish” T gives feedback 4. Homework (1m) - Aim: Help Ss understand how to use: “ the simple past” and How to use “ the simple past with Wish” - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words, Copy down all the lesson and redo all at home. - Ss: Learn vocabulary by heart. -T: Write the exercises they have done into their exercise notebooks . -Ss : repair the new lesson ( Unit 2 getting ) -write a complete letter into their exercise notebook. -T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Do you remember the grammar? Ss: Yes, I -T: What will you do if you forget it ? - Ss : I write it in to 18