Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp



 I / Aims 

- Compentences :

  + Ss can be able to write an exposition about secondary school students should wear casual clothes.

- Focus on : Writing skill.

  1.   II / Teaching aids 

- Large paper, extraboards.

  III / Procedures :

       1. Class organization


  •  -Checking the attendance

2.Review of previous  lesson

        -T asks Ss some questions about “Jeans”.

               +Where does word Jeans from ?

               +Why did more and more people begin wearing Jeans in 1970s ?

               +When did Jeans at last become high fashion clothing ?

               +Do you like wearing Jeans ? Why / Why not ?

      -Ss answer the questions.

       3 . New lesson :

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2011-2012 - Vưu Kim Diệp

  1. questions. questions. -Do you think that school students -Groupwork. should wear casual clothes ? -How does wearing casual clothes -Read their writing make students feel ? -Explain how to write the loudly. -Do students have freedom of argument base on the outline B. -Correct their choice ? -Have Ss work in group. writing each other. -What size / colors / fashions can they choose ? -Can you guess what their favorite clothes are ? -How does the school become when every student wears casual clothes ? 4. Consolidation -Ask Ss to read aloud their writing before class. -Check the Ss’writing. 5. Homework: -Copy down the correct arguments into the notebooks -Prepare part “LANGUAGE FOCUS” page 11. IV/ Feedback. Week :6 Date of preparing: 23/ 9 / 2012 Period : 12 Date of teaching : 26/9/2012 UNIT 2. CLOTHING I / Aims - Competences : Ss can be able to use correctly + The past simple. + The present perfect. II / Teaching aids Extraboards. III / Procedures : 1. Class organization -Greeting - -Checking the attendance 2.Review of previous lesson 3 . New lesson : Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Content 1.Exercise 1 : -Read the model 1. -Have Ss read the model dialogue in pair. Nga:Come and see my photo album. dialogue (given on the Mi:Lovely! Who’s this girl ? extraboard). Nga:Ah! It’s Lan, my old friend. -Review the usage of the Mi:How long have you known her Nga:I’ve known her for six months. present perfect.
  2. 4. Consolidation 5. Homework: -Copy down the activities in 1), 2), 3) and 4) into the notebook -Prepare Revision IV/ Feedback. Signature-Week 6 24/9/2012 Vưu Kim Diệp