Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Sách Thí điểm) - Tuần 10 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lê Thị Gái


Lesson 5: Language  focus

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the past simple with wish, prepositions of time and adverb clauses of result.

- Skills: Reading, listening, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about country. Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

- Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassette... 

- Students: Books, notebooks.

III. Procedures

1. Class organization (1’)

2. Checking the previous lesson.

3. New lesson (41’) 


doc 7 trang Hải Anh 15/07/2023 1700
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  1. - Give feedback. many English books - I wish I could go on a picnic with my friend *Activity 2: Prepositions of 2.Prepositions of time time. (10’) - at: 6 o’clock, night, 7 pm Aim: Help Ss understand - on: Monday, 2nd May, about prepositions of time. - in: July, 1970, Fall, - Explain how to use the - Listen - Between: 2.30 and 3.45 prepositions of time. - from up to/to At, on, in, till, from up - after/ before + time to, between, after, before, - till: time -Set the scene: “Look at Mr. -Listen to the teacher. - for: Thanh’s itinerary for his *Key: business trip to Singapore. a) at Complete the sentences. Use b) on the prepositions in the box”. c) between - Let Ss read Mr. Thanh’s - Read Mr. Thanh’s d) till itinerary itinerary e) after - Call on Ss to answer. -Answer. f) up to - Give feedback -Write down. * Activity 3: Complete the 3. Complete the sentences sentences with prepositions with the prepositions of time. of time (8’) Aim: Help Ss know about prepositions of time. *Key: - Explain the task. - Follow a) on - Have Ss complete the - Complete the b) at in sentences with: on, at, in, sentence c) in for, in exercise 3 on page d) for 30. e) in - Call on Ss to answer -Answer f) at - Give feedback -Write down * Activity 4: Match the half- 4. Adverb clause of result. sentence (9’) So: Vì vậy, cho nên Aim: Help Ss match the use to express the result of the half-sentence with Adverb statement before. clause of result - Review the adverb clause of - Look at the picture Ex: You are here, so you may result. and listen. as well give me a hand “The Parkers are nice, so of result 2
  2. Date of planning: Period: 20th Week: 10 UNIT 4 LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and read I. Objectives 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to produce the questions for an oral examination. + Vocabulary: examinee, candidates, oral examination, written examination, examiner, aspect of, + Structures: Modal verbs with “if”. Direct and reported speech. - Skills: Reading, listening, speaking and writing. - Attitude: Positive about language. Students know how to learn English in the right way. 2. Competence and quality - Self- study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. Preparation - Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassette - Students: Books, notebooks. III. Procedures 1. Class organization (1’) 2. Checking the previous lesson.(3’) 3. New lesson (39’) Warm up (3’) Aim: Help Ss know the best way to learn English. Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content *Ask Ss some questions: -Answer the questions: *The ways to learn English. “How do you learn + I like doing more grammar English?” exercises in grammar books. I + How do you learn English? can learn and remember new + Do you sometimes watch structures English TV program? + I like learning to sing + Do you like singing English English songs. I can learn some songs? new words through English + Do you read short stories in song. These songs are very 4
  3. + Ask Ss to give the was. structure. -Give the structure - Yes-No question: + Have Ss repeat the direct: S+ asked+ O+ if + S + V2/ed Yes/ No question in the -Listen to the Teacher English 8 Ex: She asked me if I lived in the -Present the conditional If Lan wants to attend country. with modal verbs: the course, she must * Modal verbs with “if”. pass the written -What must Lan do if she If you want to attend the course, wants to attend the course? examination you must pass the written exam. * Practice (18’) Aim: Help Ss recognize reported speech. Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content - Let Ss practice the - Practice the dialogue 1) What is your name? dialogue and do exercise and do exercise 2) Where do you come from? 3) Where do you live? 4) Do you live with your parents? 5) When did you begin studying E.? -Ask Ss to compare their - Compare their 6) Why are you learning answers with the partners. answers with the English? partners. 7) Do you speak any other languages? 8) How did you learn English in your country? -Call on some pairs to -Answer in front of the 9) How will you use English answer in front of the class. class. in the future? 1, 2, 6,7, 8,9,10,17 10) What aspect of learning English do you find most difficult? 11) What are you going to learn? 12) What are your hobbies? -Give feedback -Copy. 13) Look at this picture. 1, 2, 6,7, 8,9,10,17 Describe it. 14) Read this passage * Consolidation (5’) Aim: Help Ss know the way to change the sentences into reported speech. - Remind how to change reported speech with Yes-No questions and Wh. questions. - Have Ss change Question 2, 3, 4, 5 in questionnaire into reported speech. 4. Homework (1’) 6