Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Sách Thí điểm) - Tuần 13 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lê Thị Gái


Lesson 6: Language focus

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge:

+ Modal verbs with “if”

+ Direct and reported speech. 

+ here and noun words in reported speech.

+ Reported questions.

- Skills: Reading, listening, speaking and writing.  

- Attitude: Positive about learning a foreign language. Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

- Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book,... 

- Students: Books, notebooks.

III. Procedures

1. Class organization (1’)

2. Checking the previous lesson

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  1. - Have Ss use modal verb and - Follow - may, might: có lẽ, có thể the information in the box to E.g: If you want to improve your complete the sentences. English, I can help you. - Have Ss role play dialogue - Role play *Answer key: a, b. a) . must study hard. - Do the exercises b) have to go to university. - Ask Ss to do the exercises in c) , you should do a lot of exercise. pairs. d) , he might miss the train. - Call on some pairs to give - Give the answers the answers. e) , you ought to stay in bed. - Check and give feedback. - Copy f) You must do your homework, * Activity 2: Complete the 2. Complete the table. table.(6’) Aim: Help Ss know how to change tense, adverb, Direct Reported Direct speech Reported speech modals, into reported speech speech speech present simple past simple this that - Follow - Explain how to do the task these those 2. present progressive past progressive here there - Hang the small board of - Look at it. exercise 2 on page 38. future simple would + Verb now then - Review how to change the - Listen. sentences into reported can/ may could/ might today that day the following speech. must had to tomorrow - Ask Ss to look at the table. - Look at the table. day - Let Ss complete the table. - Complete - Call on some Ss to give the - Give the answers before the class. answers. - Check and give feedback. -Write down * Activity 3: Reported 3. Reported speech. speech (10’) Aim: Help Ss know how to Eg: “I am happy to see you” aunt Xuan change direct speech into Aunt Xuan said that she was happy to reported speech (Statements) see you. - Set the scene: exercise 3 on - Follow. * Statements: page 39 :“Lan’ s father held a S1+ said + that + S + V2(lùi thì) party to celebrate his mother’ s birthday. Unfortunately, a) Uncle Hung said that the birthday Mrs Thu, her grandmother, cake was delicious. has a hearing problem and b) Miss Nga said she loved those roses she couldn’t hear what people c) Cousin Mai said she was having a 2
  2. - Prepare to do one period test next time. IV. Check and evaluate (1’) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback 4
  3. 1 point 1 point TOTAL 12 sentences 12 sentences 8 sentences 4 3 points 3,5 points 2,5 points sentences 1 point 2. The content of the test. Code: 210 I. LISTENING (2pts) Task 1. Listen and choose the best option A, B, C or D. (1pt) 1. Nga learned English at and university. A. institute B. school C. home D. college 2. She work for a(n) . bank in Ha Noi. A. nation B. national C. international D. local 3. She needs to improve her skills. A. writing B. reading C. speaking D. listening 4. Her listening is . A. good B. fair C. excellent D. terrible Task 2. Listen again and write True (T) or False (F) (1pt) ___ 1. Nga comes from Viet Nam. ___ 2. She is studying English in Paris. ___ 3. In Nga’s opinion, English is not useful. ___ 4. She wants to understand the world of her favorite songs. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS (3pts) Task 1. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. (2pts) 1. Na woke up late, she didn’t have time for breakfast. A. and B. but C. if D. so 2. The bus collected us at 5 o’clock the morning. A. on B. at C. in D. to 3. Hoa wishes he her parents. A. could visit B. is visiting C. can visit D. visit 4. He asked me where I . A. did lived B. lived C. do live D. live 5. She loves to watch the stars night. A. in B. up to C. on D. at 6. He is a strict . A. examiner B. examine C. examinee D. examination 7. If you want to get good grades, you hard. A. might study B. should study C. must study D. can study 8. Mr. Chi said that he . to Hue the next day. A. goes B. would go C. will go D. go Task 2. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B (1 pt) 6
  4. Column A Column B 1. Where is your home village? a. It takes 1 hour . 2. How far is it from the city? b. We can get there by bus. 3. How can you get there? c. It is about 30 kilometers from the city. 4. How long does it take to get there? d. It’s to the south of the city. 1. . 2. 3. . 4. Code: 212 I. LISTENING (2pts) Task 1. Listen and choose the best option A, B, C or D. (1pt) 1. Nga learned English at and university. A. college B. home C. institute D. school 2. She work for a(n) . bank in Ha Noi. A. international B. local C. national D. nation 3. She needs to improve her skills. A. reading B. listening C. writing D. speaking 4. Her listening is . A. fair B. terrible C. good D. excellent Task 2. Listen again and write True (T) or False (F) (1pt) ___ 1. Nga comes from Viet Nam ___ 2. She is studying English in Paris. ___ 3. In Nga’s opinion, English is not useful. ___ 4. She wants to understand the world of her favorite songs. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS (3pts) Task 1. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. (2pts) 1. Hoa wishes she her parents. A. could visit B. visit C. can visit D. is visiting 2. She loves to watch the stars night. A. in B. at C. up to D. on 3. The bus collected us at 5 o’clock early . the morning. A. at B. to C. in D. on 4. He is a strict . A. examiner B. examination C. examine D. examinee 5. He asked me where I . A. live B. lived C. did lived D. do live 6. If you want to get good grades, you hard. A. can study B. might study C. should study D. must study 7. Mr. Chi said that he . to Hue the next day. A. goes B. will go C. would go D. go 8. Na woke up late, she didn’t have time for breakfast. A. so B. if C. but D. and Task 2. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B (1 pt) 8
  5. Column A Column B 1. Where is your home village? a. It takes 1 hour . 2. How far is it from the city? b. We can get there by bus. 3. How can you get there? c. It is about 30 kilometers from the city. 4. How long does it take to get there? d. It’s to the south of the city. 1. . 2. 3. . 4. III. READING (3 pts) Nam, a student from Can Tho City, is an exchange student in the USA. He is now living with the Brown family in the State of Ohio. Mr. Brown is a farmer. He grows maize on his farm. Mrs. Brown works part-time at a grocery store in a nearby town . They have two children, Tim and Susan. Tim is the same age as Nam, and Susan is still in primary school. Nam often does chores after school. Sometimes, he also helps on the farm. The family relax on Saturday afternoon, and they watch Tim play baseball. The Browns are nice so Nam feels like a member of their family. Task 1. True or False statements (1 pt) 1. Nam is an exchange student in the UK. 2. He is now living with the Brown family in the State of Ohio. . 3. They have three children, Tim, Susan and Nam. . .4. The Browns are nice so Nam feels like a member of their family. Task 2. Answer the questions (2pts) 1. What does Mr. Brown do? 2. Where does Mrs. Brown work? 3. Who are Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s children? 4. Does Nam often does chores after school? IV. WRITING (2 pts) Task 1. Write a letter, using the cues given (1pt) Dear Sir, 1. I / see / Institute’s advertisements / Today’s TV program / yesterday. ___ 2. I / be / interested in / learn / English. ___ 3. I / would like / information / your Institute. ___ 4. I / want / improve / reading / writing. ___ Could you please give me some information about the length of the courses and fees for the beginners? I can complete a spoken English test if necessary. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely 10