Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Sách Thí điểm) - Tuần 17+18+19 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lê Thị Gái

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

* Review:

- The past simple

- The present perfect tense

- The past simple with “wish”

- The passive:

+ present simple 

+ present perfect 

+ past simple 

+ modal verbs

- Reported speech.   

- Prepositions of time.

- Adverb clause of result.

- Vocabulary.

- Read the passage and then answer the questions.

- Writing

+ Write a paragraph or a letter, using the cues.

+ Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make complete sentences.

doc 13 trang Hải Anh 15/07/2023 1580
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  1. Did + S + V ? Did you watch TV last night? S + did + not + V We didn’t go to school yesterday. S + used to + V Minh used to cry when he was a child. 2. The present perfect tense (HTHT): since, for, just, already, lately = recently, ever, not yet, how long, so far = up to now, several times = many times, . S + have/has + V3/Ved EX: I (teach) have taught here for 17 years. Have/has + S + V3/Ved ? How long have you studied English? S + have/has +not + V3/Ved He (not live) has not lived here since 2000. 3. Passive voice (Câu bị động): Công thức chung Active: S + V + O Pasive: S + be + V3/ed + by O TENSE ( Thì ) ACTIVE (Câu chủ động) PASSIVE (Câu bị động) 1. Simple present (HTĐ) S + V / Vs/es S + am / is / are + V3/ed + by O 2. Simple past (QKĐ) S + V2 / V-ed S + was / were + V3/ed + by O 3. Present perfect (HTHT) S + have / has + V3 / Ved S + have / has + been + V3/ed + by O 4. Simple future (TLĐ) S + will + V S + will + be + V3/ed + by O 5. Modal verbs (ĐTKK) S + can/should/must + V S + can/should/must+ be + V3/ed + by O be going to/ have to be going to / have to Active: Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet S + V + O Pasive: Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare S + be + V3/ed + by O 4. Wish sentences (Câu mong ước) Present wish (Mong ước ở hiện tại) S + wish + that + S + V2/Ved Were (cho tất cả các ngôi) Ex: We are sorry. We don’t have enough time to study. We wish we had enough time to study. Mary doesn’t know how to swim. Mary wishes she knew how to swim. What a pity. I am not very tall. I wish I were taller. 5. Prepositions of time (Giới từ chỉ thời gian) - at + giờ: at 5 o’clock, at 6 a.m, at night,, at noon, at Christmas, at the weekend - in+ mùa; tháng; năm: in May, in October 2004, in 1990s, in 2000, in the end, in Spring/Winter/Summer/Fall/, in the morning/afternoon/evening, in the 21st century, - on+ngày ; ngày, tháng; ngày,tháng, năm: On Monday, on Sunday, on Thursday morning, on March 1st; on April 2nd, 2000; on (the) weekend - Between 8.30 a.m / Monday / March and 9.30a.m / Sunday / April - from 7.00 p.m / Monday / October up to/to 10.30 p.m / Sunday / December - Till/until + Thời gian; For + Khoảng thời gian: for 5 years, for ages,
  2. B. EXERCISES I. LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. This math exercise carefully. A. must do B. does C. did D. must be done 2. The room for one hour. A. is cleaned B. cleans C. has been cleaned D. was cleaned 3. What . to Mary last year. A. happening B. will happen C. happens D. happened 4. She arrived . here Sunday morning. A. from B. on C. at D. in 5. The teacher asked me why she to class late. A. came B. will come C. comes D. is coming 6. Ba said he . to school library the following day. A. going B. can go C. goes D. would go 7. We can buy food and small things at the A. gas B. gas station C. grocery store D. campus 8. She since May. A. comes B. came C. will come D. has come 9. Hoa wishes she . her bike to school. A. rides B. can ride C. could ride D. is riding 10. He work full-time, but now he is a part-time worker. A. uses B. used to C. used D. uses to 11. The best time to visit Da lat is June and August. A. on B. in C. between D. at 12. They for dinner recently. A. went B. was going C. go D. have gone 13. Millions of Christmas cards last month. A. were sent B. sent C. are sent D. send 14. She said that she learning English most of all. A. liked B. likes C. liking D. like 15. I wish Susan harder for her examination. A. has worked B. worked C. works D. will work 16. He to her party last night. A. is invited B. invites C. invited D. was invited 17. That mosque by the worker since we came here. A. is built B. built C. has been built D. was built 18. We intend to have a picnic . December 20th. A. on B. in C. between D. at 19. They wish they . a new house. A. had B. will have C. can have D. have 20. My village near the foot of a mountain. 4
  3. - make school more colorful and lovely. Suggested: In my opinion is that secondary school students should wear casual clothes. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ In conclusion, secondary school students should wear casual clothes. C. With the cues given, write a passage about the trip to the countryside: - Last weekend / my family / two-day trip / home village. Last weekend my family had a two-day trip to our home village. - We / start / the journey / very early / morning. ___ - After three hours / travel / bus / we / reach / old banyan tree / entrance the village. ___ - Everyone / feel tired / take a rest / the tree. ___ - We / spend / enjoyable weekend / the country. ___ - We / feel / happy / and / healthy / the trip. ___ D. Write a letter, using the cues given (2pts) Dear Sir, 1. I / see / Institute’s advertisements / Today’s TV program. I saw your Institute’s advertisements on Today’s TV program. 2. I / be / interested in / learn / English. ___ 3. I / would like / information / your Institute. ___ 4. I / want / improve / reading / writing. ___ 5. Could you please / information / length / courses / fees / beginners? ___ 6. I / complete / spoken English test / necessary. ___ 7. I / look / forward / hear / you. ___ Sincerely, Thu 6
  4. How / family? I / well / my parents / too. ___ live / countryside / North / Vietnam. ___ life / quiet / peaceful / people / friendly. ___ like / come / see / next summer? ___ I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Sincerely, Richard I. Write the passage about the benefits of the internet. You can use the following cues. Start like this: Nobody / deny / benefits / of / Internet / our life. Nobody can deny the benefits of the Internet in our life. Internet / give / us / source / information. ___ We / know / news / articles / weather forecast / it. ___ Internet / supply / us / source / entertainment. ___ We / listen / music / watch / movies / play / games. ___ Internet / also / a means of education. ___ We / self– study / it / because / there are / on – line lessons / on –line schools. ___ Internet / wonderful / invention / modern life. ___ III. Arrange the given words or phrases to make the meaningful sentences. 1. he / all / passed / hard /, so / Nam / the exams / worked /. 2. That / yesterday / written / letter / was /. . 3. wish / I / telephone number / I / had / your. . 4. class / I / if / enjoyed / music / Lan / she / her / asked /. . 5. you / improve / if / you / want / to / English / your / help / we / can. . 6. asked / me /where / she / I / from / came. 8
  5. Secondly, English is useful for us to find a good job. For example, we are good at English, we can work with foreign companies to get high salary. Finally, it is necessary to get information because many books, newspapers, news, use English. Therefore, it is very important in our life. ANSWER KEYS I. LANGUAGE FOCUS. A. Multiple choice or choose the best option to complete each sentence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D C D B A D C D C B 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C D A A B D C A A B 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 C A A A D A C D A C II. WRITING A. With the cues given, write a complete letter. Dear Mom and Dad, I arrived in Ho Chi Minh City at 5 o’clock yesterday morning. - I was staying at a nice hotel not far from the city center. - I have already seen Nha Rong Harbor and some places of interested here. - Tomorrow I am going on a trip to Dam Sen Amusement Park. - I will be home on Sunday, November 10th. - I will tell you more about the trip when I am in Bac Lieu. - I hope you are both well. With love, Lan B. Use the given words to make clear argument. (2pts) Topic: Secondary school students should wear casual clothes. - Wearing casual clothes makes students feel comfortable. - Wearing casual clothes gives students freedom of choice. They have rights to choose sizes, colors, and fashion of clothes that they like. - Wearing casual clothes makes students feel self-confident when they are in their favorite clothes. - Wearing casual clothes makes school more colorful and lovely. Suggested: In my opinion is that secondary school students should wear casual clothes In conclusion, secondary school students should wear casual clothes. C. With the cues given, write a passage about the trip to the countryside: - Last weekend / my family / two-day trip / home village. 10
  6. 3. I wish I could go to your party. 4. I want to offer you embroidered jeans as a gift and I hope you will like it. I wish you many happy returns. Yours, Linh H. Write a letter, using the cues. Dear Tom, I am very pleased to receive your letter. How is your family? I am well and my parents are too. I live in the countryside in the North of Vietnam. The life here is quiet and peaceful, the people are friendly. Would you like to come and see me next summer? I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Sincerely, Richard I. Write the passage about the benefits of the internet - Nobody can deny the benefits of the Internet in our life. - The Internet gives us a source of information. - We can know about news, articles and weather forecast on it. - The Internet supplies us a source of entertainment. - We can listen to music, watch movies and play games. - The Internet is also a means of education. - We can self– study on it because there are a lot of on – line lessons and on – line schools. - The Internet is a wonderful invention of modern life. III. Arrange the given words or phrases to make the meaningful sentences. 1. Nam worked hard, so he passed all the exam. 2. That letter was written yesterday. 3. I wish I had your telephone number. 4. I asked Lan if she enjoyed classical music. 5. If you want to improve your English, we can help you. 6. She asked me where I came from. 7. He went to China last week. 8. Hoa said that she would go to Ha Noi the next day. 9. I wish I were in London now. 10. I wish I could come to your party tomorrow. 11. I am looking forward to hearing from my friends. 12. He was born on 2nd September, 2002. 13. She asked me if I went to school by bike. 14. Minh wishes he had a new bike. 15. This test must be done carefully. 12