Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Sách Thí điểm) - Tuần 22 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lê Thị Gái


Lesson 5: Language focus

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: Review:

Adj and adv.

+ S + be + Adj +that clause.

+ Conditional sentence type 1.

+ Adverb clauses of reason (as, because, since).

- Skills: Reading, listening, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

- Co-operative ability;

II. Preparation

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, …..

- Students: Books, notebooks.

III. Procedures

1. Class organization (1’)

2. Checking the previous lesson.

3. New lesson (41’) 

doc 7 trang Hải Anh 15/07/2023 1380
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  1. - Let Ss read the example -Read the example (a) and do exercise 1 in the and do exercise 1. book. - Have Ss complete the - Complete. sentences. - Ask Ss to give the - Give the answers. answers. - Check and give feedback - Copy. * Activity 2: Join the 2.Adverb clause of reason: sentences (10’) because /as/ since. Aim: Help Ss use adverb Key 2 clause of reason. b.I have a broken leg -Ask Ss to look at the -Look at the picture because/as/since I fell over while picture (a) in exercise 2 and and listen to the Iwas playing basketball. present : “Ba stayed up late teacher. c. I'm going to be late for school watching TV, so he is tired because/since/as the bus is late now Ba is tired because d. I broke the cup because/as/since I /as/ since he stayed up late was careless watching TV.” e. I want to go home - Present of reason - Follow. because/as/since I feel sick with since, as and because. f. I'm hungry because/since/as I - Have Ss do exercise -Pair work haven't eaten all day. - Call on some Ss to answer -Answer -Check and give feedback. -Copy. * Activity 3: Complete the dialogues (8’) Aim: Help Ss use adj +that *Key 3 clause b. Mrs Quyen: When are you going - Explain the task 3. - Follow on vacation with your family, Sally? - Present the structure - listen Mrs. Robinson: Tomorrow, I'm Adjective + that clause excited that I can go to Da Lat this “that clause” bổ nghĩa cho time . tính từ c. Lan: I'm sorry that I broke your - Ask Ss to read the eg (a) - Read bicyle yesterday . in exercise 3 on page 55 Tien: Don't worry. I can fix it . and do exercise. d. Liz : I forgot to tell you I was - Have Ss complete the - Complete going to Lan's place . dialogue in pairs. Mr. Robinson: I'm disappointed that - Get Ss to compare their - Compare you did not phone me about it . answers with the partners. e. Miss Lien: Congratulations ! - Call on some Ss to give - Give the answer Nga : Thanks. I'm amazed that I the answers. could win the first prize - Check and give feedback - Copy 2 - Follow. -Pair work -Answer before the class. -Copy. - Listen to the T and write down. -Read the eg (a) in ex 3 on page 55 and do ex. - Complete. -Compare their answers with the partners - Give the answers. - Copy - Listen. - Follow. - Remind
  2. 4. Homework (2) - Leant by heart some new words. - Prepare the next lesson Unit 7 getting started + Listen and read pages 57-58. IV. Check and evaluate (1’) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback 4
  3. they do to save energy?” . - turn off the radio or TV when they - Call on some Ss to -Answer the don't watch or listen . answer questions - take shower to save water Pre-Reading (8’) Vocabulary Aim: Help Ss understand - enormous (adj) very large, very new words and grammars. -Listen to the tape great: khổng lồ - Ask Ss to listen to the "listen and read" - plumber (n) a person who puts tape "listen and read" and and answer the in and repair water pipes: thợ sửa answer the questions: questions: ống nước Who are talking in the They are Mrs. Mi - rack (n) : vết nứt conversation? and Mrs. Ha - drip (v) : chảy nhỏ giọt What are they talking - They are talking - reduce (v) to make sth about? about water bill. - less/lower/smaller: làm giảm * Pre-teach vocabulary. -Listen, read and * Structure * Vocabulary game: write S + suggest + V-ing . “Jumbled words” . Play a game. S + suggest +(that) + S+ should + lepumrb plumber - Listen to the tape V carck crack again and answer orouesmn enormous the question. + She suggest - Let Ss listen again and taking showers . ask Ss question to present + She suggest that a structure: Mrs. Ha should - What does Mrs My reduce the amount suggest Mrs. Ha doing ? of water her family use. While-Reading (14’) *True or False. Correct false Aim: Help Ss write T or F. statements. then correct F statements 1. True and answer the questions - Read the dialogue 2. True -Ask Ss to read the in pairs. 3. False. Mrs. Ha will get a plumber dialogue in pairs. - Read the dialogue to make sure there are no cracks in - Call on some pairs to in front of the class. the pipes read the dialogue in front 4. False. Mrs. My suggests getting a of the class. - Do ex True - plumber to check cracks in the pipes - Get Ss to do ex True - False 5. True False . -Answer. *Answer: -Call on some Ss to a. Because her recent water bill is answer. enormous. -Have Ss work in pairs to -Work in pairs. b. She pays 200.000 dong. answer the questions: c. She advices Mrs. Ha to get a plumber to check her water pipes 6