Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Sách Thí điểm) - Tuần 26 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lê Thị Gái



I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: Review:

+ Relative clause

+ Adverb clauses of concession (although, though and even though)

- Skills: Listening, Reading, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

- Self- study ability;

- Communicative ability;

- Co-operative ability;

- Problem solving and creation ability.

II. Preparation

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassette...

- Students: Books, notebooks.

III. Procedures

1. Class organization (1’)

2. Checking the previous lesson.

3. New lesson (40’)         

          * Practice    

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  1. - Have Ss do the exercises with f) On my mom’s birthday my who, which and that. -Work in pairs to do dad gave her roses, which were - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do ex 1 on page 70. very sweet and beautiful ex 1 on page 70.They have to g) Judy like the full – moon join the clauses. -Compare their festival, which is celebrated in - Get Ss to compare their answers with the mid – fall very much answers with the others. others. h) Tomorrow I’ll go to the -Answer in front of airport to meet my friends, who - Call on some Ss to answer in the class. come to stay with us during the front of the class. Christmas - Check and give feedback. - Copy *Activity 2: Describe the 2. Describe the people in the people in the pictures (5’) pictures. Use relative clauses. Aim: Help Ss use relative * Mom is the woman who is pronouns to describe each sitting in an armchair/ picture. receiving a gift from the little - Explain the task. - Follow. girl * Dad is the man who is - Have Ss read the example. - Read the example. standing behind my sister * Linda is the little girl who is - Let Ss look at the pictures on -Look at the pictures wearing a pink dress/ giving a page 71 to describe each of the on page 71 to gift to Mom people in the pictures using describe each of the * Grandmother is the woman Relative clauses. people in the pictures who is wearing a violet blouse/ using Relative giving a gift to the baby clauses. * Uncle John is the man who is - Have Ss work in pairs. -Work in pairs. wearing a pink jumper - Ask Ss to give the answers - Give the answers. * Jack is the little boy who is before the class. sitting on his mother’s lap - Check and give feedback. -Write down. * Activity 3: Adverb clauses 3. Adverb clauses of of concession: Although(10’) concession: Although, Aim: Help Ss know adverb though, even though. clauses of concession - An goes out although it’s - Explain the task. - Listen raining - Although it’s raining, An goes out - Have Ss read the example. - Read the example. b) Although we don’t have a Mother’s day in Viet Nam, Dad and I have special gifts and - Present the adverb clauses of - Follow. parties for my mom every year concession. on the 8th of March 2
  2. - The pen is on the table is mine - The girl is talking to Nam is my sister *For class 9A: * Non - Defining clause - This book, you talked with me about, is one of Dicken’ s novel - Shakespeare, . wrote Romeo and Juliet, died in 1616. V. Feedback 4
  3. picture on page 74 and ask on page 74 and ask Picture 1: Snowstorm some questions: Is it snowy some questions: Picture 2: Earthquake in picture 1? Picture 3: Volcano What can you see in picture Picture 4: Typhoon 2? Is it an earthquake ? -Matching. What can you see in picture 3? -Answer. - Get Ss to match the pictures with these natural -Answer disasters. - Call on Ss to answer. -Let Ss look at the picture 2. Listen and read on page 74. The text is about the *Vocabulary Can you guess the topic of weather forecast - South-central (adj): Phía nam this text ? It’ s hot miền trung What’s the weather like in - Central highland (n): Cao Ho Chi Minh city? -Listen and find some nguyên miền trung - Set the scene: “ Thuy is new words. - thunderstorm (n) talking to her grandmother -Write in the - Volume (n): âm lượng about the weather forecast notebook. - Delta (n): Châu thổ on TV” - Trust (v) believe: tin tưởng -Give a question: -Play a game. - Experience (v): Trải qua +What are they watching? - Expect (v): Trông chờ -Play a tape and ask Ss - Just in case listen and find some new * Phrasal verb, tag question words. * Pre-teach vocabulary. * The present perfect tense * Checking vocabulary: We haven’t met each other “Rubout and remember” since we left school. * Practice (8’) Aim: Help Ss ask and answer the questions Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content - Let Ss listen to the tape -Listen to the tape a. Practice in group of three and answer the above and answer the above question: question: -Ask Ss to read the dialogue +They are watching in pairs. the weather forecast - Call on some pairs to read. on TV - Get Ss to read the dialogue - Read the dialogue in in silence and find words pairs. 6