Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Sách Thí điểm) - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lê Thị Gái


Lesson 4: write

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a personal letter.

- Skills: Reading, listening, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

a. Competence:

- General  capacity: self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,…

- Specialized capacity: English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 

b. Quality: 

- Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanity, cooperate with people around,…

II. Preparation

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassette... 

- Students: Books, notebooks.

III. Procedures

1. Class organization (1’)

2. Checking the previous lesson.

3. New lesson (41’)                                     

* Warm up       

doc 7 trang Hải Anh 15/07/2023 1120
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  1. letter. the letter. -What you’ve done - Gives the students some - Listen -Places you’ve visited questions and asks them to answer - people you’ve met in pairs. -Work in pairs. - food you’ve fried E.g: 1.Where did you visit? - things you’ve bought 2.When did you arrive? S : What did you do? 1 Third paragaph: 3.Who met you at the S2:I visited Ho Chi airport/bus/train station? Minh’s mausoleum, - tell how you feel 4.What have you done? the History museum.I (happy/disappointed ) -Which places have you visited? met Lan’s friends and -Say what interests you -Who have you met? we ate “nem chua” most -What kinds of food have you - Mention when you return eaten? home. -What have you bought? 5.How do you feel now? 6.What do you think interest most? 7.When are you returning home? - Calls one or two students to tell about their trips. - Reminds the students of the format of a personal letter by asking the question: -Get Ss to work in pairs. *While-Writing Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content - Let Ss write a letter in - Write a letter in * Student’s writing individually. individually. - Ask Ss to compare their answer - Compare their with the partners. answer with the partners. *Post-Writing Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content - Call on some Ss to read the - Read the letter. *Suggested answer: letter. 26 Nguyen Tri Phuong, Da Nang August 25th, 2018 Dear Mom and Dad, I arrived at Da Nang - Listen and correct(content, - Listen and copy. airport at 8 am on Tuesday. grammar, spelling) Nam and his sister met me at 2
  2. Date of planning: Period: 6th Week: 3rd UNIT 1 A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson 5: Language focus I. Objectives 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude - Knowledge: Review: + The past simple. + The past simple with “wish”. - Skills: Listening, Reading, speaking and writing. - Attitude: Students know how to learn English in the right way. 2. Competence and quality Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language II. Preparation - Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, . - Students: Books, notebooks. III. Procedures 1. Class organization (1’) 2. Checking the previous lesson. 3. New lesson (40’) * Practice Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content *Activity1: 1.Ask and answer questions - Explain the task. - Follow about what each erson did on - Set up the scene. - Listen the weekend. - Have Ss read the model - Listen and copy The simple past tense: dialogue. down + Form: - Remind the usage the simple past - Listen S + V(past) + tense: + Form: S + DID +NOT + V (bare S +V (past) + . infintive) S + Did + not +V(bare DID+S +V(bare infinitive) ? infinitive) * Example: Did +S + V(bare infinitive) ? A: What did Ba do on the Examples: weekend? •I played soccer. B: He went to see a movie •I didn’t play soccer. called “Ghosts and Monsters”. •Did you play soccer? A: When did he see it? - Have Ss recall it by using the B: He saw it on Saturday dialogue. afternoon at two o’clock. - Let Ss work in pair to ask and - Work in pairs answer about the activities in the 4
  3. i. I wish there were rivers and lakes in my hometown. 4. Homework (1’) - Ss copy all the answers into their notebooks. - Remember the past simple and the past simple with “wish”. - Prepare the next lesson Unit 1 Language focus page 12-13. IV. Check and evaluate (2’) - T: Give the comments V. Feedback SIGNATURE – WEEK 3 / / 6