Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Sách Thí điểm) - Tuần 9 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lê Thị Gái


Lesson 3: Read

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, skills, attitude

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand a life of an exchange student and summarize the text about his life in the USA.

+Vocabulary: exchange student, hamburger, maize, work part-time, grocery store.

+Structures: The present perfect continuous tense; Revise adverb clause of result.

- Skills: Reading, listening, speaking and writing.

- Attitude: Positive about country. Students know how to learn English in the right way.

2. Competence and quality

a. Competence: 

- General capacity: self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… 

- Specialized capacity: English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 

b. Quality: 

- Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanity, cooperate with people around,…

II. Preparation

- Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassette... 

- Students: Books, notebooks.

III. Procedures

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  1. * Set the scene: “Van is a student -Listen *New words. from Ho Chi Minh city. He is - exchange student (n): trao now studying in the USA. He’s đổi du học sinh. living with the Parker family on - maize = Corn (n) ngô, bắp a farm out side Columbus, Ohio. - work part-time (v): làm việc He’s an exchange student” bán thời gian. - Ask Ss some questions. - Follow - grocery store (n): cửa hàng +What trees/ vegetables do tạp hóa. farmers in America grow ? - Answer - hamburger (n): Bánh hăm +What animals do they raise ? bơ gơ (bánh mì tròn kẹp thịt) +What do they usually eat? - hot dog (n): xúc xích - Present new words - Copy *Adverb clause of result: So - Read new words with Ss. - Repeat The Parkers are nice so Van - Checking vocabulary. - Play a game feels like a member of their - Play the tape twice. - Listen family. While – Reading Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content - Ask Ss to read the text and - Read the text and a.Matching find answers. find answers. * maize - corn * feed - give food to eat - Get Ss to match the words in - Match the words in * grocery store - Where column A with the explains in column A with the people buy food and small column B. explains in column B. things * part time - shorter or less - Call on some Ss to give the - Answer than standard time answer. * collect - bring things - Check and give feedback. - Copy together - Have Ss read the text again -Read the text again b.Complete the summary and fill in the gaps in groups and fill in the gaps 1) Ohio 2) farmer 3) works part – time at a - Ask Ss to give the answers. - Give the answers. grocery store 4) Peter 5) Sam - Check and give feedback. - Copy. 6) after 7) farm 8) they watch - Have Ss read the summary. - Read the summary. 9) baseball 10) member Post – Reading 2
  2. Date of planning: Period: 18th Week: 9 UNIT 3 A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 4: Write I. Objectives 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a short paragraph describing a story happened in the past (a picnic). - Skills: Reading, listening, speaking and writing. - Attitude: Positive about country. Students know how to learn English in the right way. 2. Competence and quality a. Competence: - General capacity: self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, - Specialized capacity: English language ability, develop self capacity, b. Quality: - Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanity, cooperate with people around, II. Preparation - Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, tape, cassette - Students: Books, notebooks. III. Procedures 1. Class organization (1’) 2. Checking the previous lesson. 3. New lesson (41’) Warm up Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content - Give Ss some verbs - Follow go – went walk - walked take – took - Ask Ss to write past of some -Write past of some put – put words. words. enjoy – enjoyed run - ran - Check and give feedback. - Copy catch – caught arrive – arrived lay – laid gather – gathered play – played Pre – Writing 4
  3. Write 5 sentences about Ss’ trip to the countryside. 5. Homework. - Leant by heart some new words. - Write the passage in the notebook. - Prepare the next lesson Unit 3 Language focus pages 28-29-30-31. IV. Check and evaluate (2’) - T: Ask Ss to tell the main content of the lesson. - Ss: Tell the main content of the lesson - T: Give the comments V. Feedback SIGNATURE – WEEK 9 / / 6