Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 10 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

I. Objective:         

1. Language knowledge: 

-Review: prepositions  at time and introduce some grammar notes: Modal could with wish, the past simple with wish, adverbs of clauses of result

2. Skills: writing skills.


II. Teaching aids:

1.Teacher’s: Cassette tape, pictures, lesson plan,….

2.Student’s: Textbooks, notebooks,……

III. Procedures:

1. Checking attendance.

2. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.

3. New lesson.

docx 5 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1480
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  1. lai S1+ wish/ wishes+ S2+ would + V ( bare) -Show the projector with -Look at the exercises on Activity 1: What do these people exercises the projector wish? Write sentences. -Have students work in -Work in groups b. Hoa wishes she could visit her groups parents -Have some students write -Write the answer on the c. I wish I passed the exam the answers on the board board d. We wish It didn’t rain -Check and give feedback e. He wishes he could fly -Have students copy the right - Copy the right answers f.They wish they could stayed in answers into the book into the book Hue - Have students look at Mr. II. prepositions of time Thanh‘s itinerary for his -Take note -Itineraty (n) lịch trình business trip to Singapore. -Depart (v) khởi hành -In+ tháng / năm ( in June , in 2007, -Introduce( Base on the in October , 2009) information in the itinerary, - Listen In+ buôỉ ( in the morning ) you complete the sentence in In + mùa ( in the summer ) a by using the prepositions in -On+ thứ/ ngày ( on Monday, on the box) May 1st ) On + ngày lể/ kì nghỉ ( on holiday/ -Have students look at the on Christmas day) Mr. Thanh’s itinerary on the -Look the Mr. Thanh’s On time projector itinerary -At + buổi ( at night, at midnight, at noon ) -Explain new words and - at the moment, at the present, at prepositions of time -Copy in the book this time -before -after -between .and -from . To/ till/ up to -Have students look at the * Activity 2: Look at Mr.Thanh’s sentences on the projector - Look at the sentences on itinerary for his trip to Singapore. -Have students work in the projector Complete the sentences.Use groups, complete the prepositions in the box sentences with the - Work in groups complete b. on prepositions of time the sentences with the c. between -Have students write prepositions of time d. till the answers on the -Write the e. after board answers on the f. up to -Give feedback and show the board correct answers on the projector -Take note and copy the right answers on the book
  2. A.but B. because D. and 5.Homework: - Write five sentences with wish -Learn grammar notes by heart - Prepare unit 4 getting started + listen and read + The ways to learn English + Pick out new words. IV. Feedback Week: 10 Date of preparing: Period: 20 UNIT 4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Getting started + listen and read I. Objective: 1. Language knowledge: - Review: about learning a foreign language - After the lesson Ss can speech direct and reported speech 2. Skills: Listening and reading skills. 3.Attitude: II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher’s: Cassette tape, pictures, lesson plan, . 2.Student’s: Textbooks, notebooks, III. Procedures: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook. 3. New lesson. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content *Warm – up : - Do you sometimes watch English T.V -Ask Ss some questions Answers programs? - Do you like singing English song? - Do you read short stories in English? - Introduce some the ways - Speak English with foreigners to study English - Copy in the book - Use a cassette recorder - Read fairy tales in English *Presentation: - Stick the picture on the - Who are they? board - Guess - What are they doing? -Ask Ss some questions - Have you ever had an oral - Answers examination in English? - If yes, What did teacher ask you?