Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 12 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

I. Objective:know how to scan for specific information from an advertisement

1. Language knowledge: 

-Vocabularies:  beginner, intermdiate, advanced clases, well – qualified teachers…       

-Strucrures: present simple tense

2. Skills:  reading skills.


II. Teaching aids:

1.Teacher’s: Cassette tape, pictures, lesson plan,….

2.Student’s: Textbooks, notebooks,……

III. Procedures:

1. Checking attendance.

2. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.

3. New lesson.

docx 4 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1520
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  1. complete the table in 5 School Class time Languag Time to minutes. The fastest -Students keep morning/ e start group will go to the board silent reading, afternoon/ level/(beg to complete the sheet. group work with evening inner/ completion the intermedi table in five ate.) minutes. Academy Morning, Advanced First *TASK 2: Choose the Students compare of afternoon, week of suitable language school their answers with Language evening Novemb for Mr. Lam their friends, then er - T has Ss read the notes shows Ss the sheet Foreign Morning Beginner/ 3rd Mr. Lam made then have Language and intermedi Novemb a look at the Council evening ate er Ss read the notes advertisements and New Afternoon, Beginner (today) Mr. Lam made choose suitable language English evening, then have a look at school for him in 3 Institute weekend minutes. the advertisements - Ss compare their answer and choose with some others pairs to suitable language Answers: correct themselves. school for him in 3 Foreing language Council is the most suitable -Ask students to work in minutes. school for Mr. Lam because it meets all the pairs. Student A is a requirements set out staff of a language school in the compare their advertisements. Student answer with some B is the person who is others pairs to looking for an English correct course. Students B is themselves. calling the school to get -Students read necessary information. aloud their answers infront of the class. 4. Consolidation: - students look at the sample dialogue and play the roll in pairs infront of the class. 5. Home work: - Prepare next lesson IV. Feed back
  2. - Ask students to divide the -divide the letter (written by Answers: letter (written by Robinson) Robinson) into 4 parts and 1.Introduction: say how you come to into 4 parts and match each match each paragraph with a know the Institution(advertisement paragraph with a suitable suitable headline. )on newspaper/ watch on TV); headline. express your interest(want to know - Let students work in pairs -compare their the answer more information). compare their the answer. 2. Request: say how good your English is: exactly what kind of information you want. 3. Further information: say you are ready to supply more information about your English/ study if necessary. 4. Conclusion: End with a polite * Writing a letter: closing. - Have student read again -student read again the three * Suggested letter: the three advertisements on advertisements on page 36 Dear Sir, page 36 and choose one of and choose one of the I saw your Instates advertisement on the schools they want to schools they want to attend today’s TV program. I am very attend to improve their to improve their English. interested in learning English and I English. would like some more in formation - Get students to write a -write a letter of inquiry to about your Institute. letter of inquiry to the the intuition requesting for I can speak a little English, but I intuition requesting for more information about the read it very slowly and my writing more information about the courses and fees. is bad. So want to improve my courses and fees. The reading and writing. exercise Matching above Could you please provide more will help students write information about the length of the their letters easily. courses and fees for beginners? I - After finishing the letter, -After finishing the letter, can supply my record of English students have to compare students have to compare study necessary. with their partners and with their partners and make I look forward to hearing from you make some correction. some correction. soon. - Give feedback. Call on some students to read their Your faithfully, some students to read their letter before class. Lan letter before class. - Make some corrections. 4. Consolidation: - Choose three letters which were written to 3 schools. / /2017 - Ask students to read aloud the letters. Signature 5. Home work: - Prepare next lesson IV. Feed back 10/10/2016 Signature