Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 1+2 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students can review knowledge to do the test first year.

II. Teaching aids:           

III. Procedures:

  1. Warm - up:

* Ask some questions: 

1. Were you happy  last summer vacation?

2. Where did you go ?

3. Did you study at home ?


2. Practice:

* THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE: To talk about things that happen repeatedly ( habits, regular occurrences, customs, and routines)

+ Affirmative:                S + V(S/ES) + …

+ Negative:           S + to be / do/ does + not + bare infinitive + …

+ Question:           To Be / Do / Does + S + Bare Infinitive + … ?

* THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE: To talk about an action that 

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  1. + Negative: S + were / was / + not + V - ing + + Question: Were / Was + S + V - ing + ? * Would/ Do you mind if + V(simple past) + O? Would/ Do you mind + Ving + O? * Adj + Noun clause : S + be + adj + that + Clause * Adj + to_infinitive : S + be + adj + to Vinf * Requests with Will/ Would * Passive voice S + V + O S + be + P.P + by O * Reported speech S + asked/ told / ordered/ + O + (not) to Vinf S + advised + O + (not) to Vinf S + said (that) + S + Modal verb (not) + Vinf 3. Homework - Review and do the exercises at home. - Prepare new lesson: Unit1 . Getting started + Listen & read IV. Feedback Week: 1 Date of planning: Period: 2 UNIT1: A VISIT FROM A PEN-PAL Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen & read I.Objectives: After the lesson students will be able to write a letter and talk about visit their relatives or friends. 1. Language knowledge: + past simple + present perfect + future simple: 2. Skills:Developing writing skill 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others. II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:: Extra board, lesson plan, . 2.Students' :Textbooks, notebooks, III. Procedures:
  2. *Practice: - Have students read - Read the new the new words in words in chore. Answers : chore. - Listen to the E- 1. C, 2. B, 3.C, 4. B - Play the e-Teacher Teacher. again. - Read the text in - Have students read silence. Make some questions about the text. the text in silence. 1. Is Maryam Lan’s pen pal ? - Call some students - Some students read 2. Have they been pen pal for over two week read the text in front the text in front of ? of class. class. 3.Did Maryam like HaNoi - Have students - Work in groups. 4.Why was she impressed ? choose the correct option to complete the sentences in the book page 7. - Take note. - Give the feedback. 4. Consolidation: Remind the lesson + used to + V: + Tenses : Simple present, past, present perfect, past progressives, passives voice 5. Home work: - Prepare speak and listen page 8 & 9 - Learn by heart all the new words IV. Feedback: / /2017 Signature
  3. outside her school. 1c; 5b;4d; 2e; 3a; 6 Put the dialogue in - Work in pairs the correct order to - Give answer make a complete one - Correct -Have Ss do exercise - Call some Ss to give - Listen to the answer teacher and work in - Check and correct pairs 2. While - speaking: - Introduce Now you use the information in the book and make - Practice in front of similar dialogues class introducing yourselves to - Role play Maryam’s friends. - Call some pairs to - Pairs work practice 3. Post - speaking: - Have Ss role – play Tuan: Are you Paul? the exercise Paul: That’s right, I am - Have students work Tuan: Very nice to meet you. Let me introduce in pairs myself. My name is Tuan. I am 15 years old. Paul: Me too. Do you live in Hanoi? Tuan: Yes, I do. Is the first time you have been to Ha Noi? Paul: Yes, it is the first time. Ha Noi is a very nice city. People here are friendly and very hospitable Tuan: Where do you live in England? Do you live in a city? Paul: I live in Liverpool. It is an industrial city in the north of England. Have you ever been there? Tuan: No, I hope I will be able to go there next summer. - Ask Ss to go to the Substitution drill (speak): board and introduce - Introduce about Introduce about yourself using “ Let me about themselves themselves introduce myself. I’m * Listen: 1. Pre - listening: - Introduce and elicit - Take note - What does picture a1 mean? the request the lesson. - What is different between picture ab1, ab2, ac2, ac3?
  4. Week: 2 Date of planning: Period: 4 UNIT1: A VISIT FROM A PEN-PAL READ I.Objectives: After the lesson, students will be able to: -Read the passage and find the information true or false. - Focus on reading skill. 1. Language knowledge: + past simple + present perfect + future simple: 2. Skills:Developing writing skill 3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others. II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's:: Extra board, lesson plan, . 2.Students' :Textbooks, notebooks, III. Procedures: 1. Greetings. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Asks some question 3. New lesson. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content *Warm up: Questions: - Explain situation - Discussion and - What is Kuala Lumpur? and ask students answers - Is Malaysia a member country of ASEAN? some questions - How many Malaysia divided into regions? - Elicit: - Listen - How many people are there in Malaysia? Today we will learn about Malaysia, a member country of New words: ASEAN. - separate(n) - Have students look - Look at the - comprise(v) at the information information about - ringgit (n) about Malaysia Malaysia - Islam (n) - Explain the new -Take note - religion (n) ; words - Buddhism (n) -Repeat - Tamil (n) ; -Read new words -Read new words in - compulsory (adj) -Call some students front of the class to read new words in front of the class -Listen -Play the cassette tape *While reading: