Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 13 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

I. Objective:know how to scan for specific information from an advertisement

1. Language knowledge: 

              - Conditional sentence with modal verb

  • Direct and reported speech
  • Here and more words in reported speech
  • Reported questions

2. Skills:  writing skills.


II. Teaching aids:

1.Teacher’s: pictures, lesson plan,….

2.Student’s: Textbooks, notebooks,……

III. Procedures:

1. Checking attendance.

2. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.

3. New lesson.

docx 6 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1500
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 13 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

  1. - Remind the rules to change direct into - Listen to teacher d + V Past indirect speech simple Would speech Reporte Past progres sive Could / might Had to - Have students read the - Work in groups indirect sentences that they change e Direct simple simple speech Future Present Present progressiv Can / may Must Activity 3: a. Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was delicious. b. Miss Nga said , she love those flowers. c. Cousin Mai said she hang a wonderful time there. d. Mr. Chi said he would go to Hue the following day. e. Mrs. Hoa said she might have a new job. - Call some students to - Read the answer in f. Mr. Quang said he had to leave then. write indirect sentences front of class. Activity 4: that they completed - change yes/no question into reported question S + asked + (obj) + if/whether + S + V - change question have question word into reported question - Give feed back. - Write indirect S + asked + (obj) + question word sentences that they + S + V completed Answers: a. She ask me how old I was b. She ask me if / whether my school was near there. c. She ask me what the name of my school was. d. She ask me if / whether I went to school by bicycle. e. She ask me which grade I was in. f. She ask me if / whether I could see a computer. g. She ask me why I wanted that job. h. She ask me when my school vacation started. -Practice some more exercises about reported speech.
  2. TEST 1 (Học sinh làm bài trên đề) I. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences: (5pts) 1. The bus collected us 5 o’clock early the morning. A. at/ on B. at/ at C. from/ to D. at/ in 2. Ba wishes he stay in Hue for a few days. A. can B. will C. could D. ought 3. My sister studies very hard, she always gets good marks . A. because B. so C. although D. but 4. If he home early, he can prepare the meal for the family A. to return B. returning C. returns D. returned 5. “ Are you a student ” -> A foreigner asked me I was a student. A. where B. who C. what D. whether 6 . She works for a bank of the USA in Ha Noi. A. nation B. national C. international D. nationality 7.They .me if I could speak Chinese. A.told B. said C. talked D.asked 8.I wish I a car. It would make life so much easier. A. have B. would have C. had D. had had 9. They are new to English, so they attend a class for A. intermediate level B. advanced level C. beginner D. elementary 10. She has lived in the city ten years A. since B. at C. for D. by II. Read the passage. Then answer the questions bellow (3pts) Every year people in many countries learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school. Other study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in films. On television, in the office or among their friends. Most people must work hard to learn English. Why do all these people learn English? It’s not difficult to answer this question. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English. Beside, they want to talk to people from all over the world, and understand their favorite English songs. * Answer the questions: 1. Who is learning English ? 2. Where do many boys and girls learn English? 3. How do most people learn English? 4. Why do teenagers learn English?
  3. IV. Feedback / /2017 Signature