Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 16 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

I. Objectives:

1. Language knowledge: 

- Help Students write a passage about internet and complaint letter.

- Focus on writing skill.

2. Skills: Writing skills.


II. Teaching aids:

1.Teacher’s:pictures, lesson plan,….

2.Student’s: Textbooks, notebooks,……

III. Procedures:      

1. Checking attendance.

2. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.

3. New lesson.

docx 4 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1560
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 16 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

  1. - Have students methods for study. In addition, we can do one – line work in groups exercises and take one – line test. We don’t need to go write a passage to school but we still can complete the educational about internet. - Give comments. programs. In conclusion, the internet brings us a lot of - Correct a typical benefits which make our life more modern and passage and give - Take note convenient. comments - Give eliciting Talk about disadvantages of the Internet. 4. Consolidation: - Have them read the passage in front of class. 5. Home work: - Read the forum at home, learn by heart new words, prepare write. - Prepare new lesson IV. Feed back Week: 16 Date of preparing: Period: 32 UNIT 5: MEDIA Language focus I. Objectives: 1. Language knowledge: - Review tag-questions, gerunds after some verbs - Focus on writing skill. 2. Skills: Writing skills. 3.Attitude: II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher’s:pictures, lesson plan, . 2.Student’s: Textbooks, notebooks, III. Procedures: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook. 3. New lesson. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content *Warm - up: - Have one or two - State the writing in students state the the last period. writing in the last period. - Give feed back. - Take note *Practice: If the verbs in the sentence are in the affirmative
  2. gerunds after the - Copy in book verbs in the box. - Give eliciting answers -Do some more exercises on tag questions 4. Consolidation: 1. We don’t have to pay, ( did we / do we) ? 2. Mai should pass the exam, ( shouldn’t he / shouldn’t Mai?) 3. Mary won’t be late, ( will she / doesn’t she?) 4. They don’t like us, (haven’t they / do they>) 5. You haven’t got a car, (have you / has you?) 6. It’s a nice day, (is it / isn’t it?) 7. Tim doesn’t look well, (does Tim / does he?) 8. She has beautiful eyes, (doesn’t she / is she?) 5. Home work: - Read the forum at home, learn by heart new words, prepare write. - Prepare new lesson IV. Feed back / /2017 Signature