Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh


-Simple past

-Present perfect

-Used to + V

- Read the passage

II. Teaching aids:

Book,board …..

III. Produres:

1. Greetings.

2. Checking attendance.

3. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.

4. New lesson.

docx 4 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1480
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 17 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

  1. 10. Jeans in many clothing stores. (sell/ have sold/ are sold/ are selling) II. Writing: Use the words and phrases to write complete and -Ask Ss -Ss to meaningful sentences to write write the 1. I / arrived / Hue Train Station / 4 o’clock / Tuesday afternoon. the sentences sentences 2. Last weekend/ my friends/ I go/ picnic/ countryside 3. I / not see/ Mai/ since/ she / move/ Ho Chi Minh City -Give 4. wear uniforms / help / students / feel equal / may ways. feedback 5. I / see / your school’s advertisement / VTV3 last night. III.Read the passage then decide if the following sentences are True, False or not mentioned. Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some -Ask Ss Ss to learn at school. Others study by themselves. A few learn English just by to read read the hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their the passage friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work passage and hard on their lessons to learn English. and check check T Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of T or F or F their subjects. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their -Give work. Others people learn English because they want to read newspapers feedback or magazines in English. 1. According to the writer English is learned by many people.___ 2. Most people learn English by working hard on their lessons. ___ 3. Many boys and girls learn English because English can give them a job. ___ 4. Many adults learn English because they want to find work. ___ 5.Homework: -Look again the exercises -Learn by heart the vocabulary IV. Feedback Week: 17 Date of preparing: 04/12/2016 Period: 33 REVISON TERM 1 I.Objectives: -Wish sentences -The passive
  2. b. He will be in Singapore from Tuesday Thursday. (on / since / till / and) c. He has a meeting 8.00 and 10.00 AM in September 22. (from/ at/ between/ in/ on) d. We walked half an hour to reach the waterfall. (in / for / at / on) e. They have learned English nearly 4 years. (in / for / at / since) III.Make a complete letter: -Ask Ss to make -Ss to make a Dear Sir, a letter using the letter using the 1.I / see/ school’ advertisement / TV / last night. cue givens cue givens 2.I / interested/learn English/ and/ I / like / information / school. -Give feedback 3. I / study / English / four years / but / want / improve / speaking / and / listening / skill. 4. I / be / very grateful / if / you / send / details / courses / fees. 5. Look / forward / hear / you / soon. Your sincerely, Nguyen Van Hao. 5.Homework: -Look again the exercises -Learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare to do test term 1 IV. Feedback / /2017 Signature