Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 20 đến Tuần 23 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh


I. Objectives: 

II. Knowledge: 

1.Language knowledge:

    - Use new words about environmental problems in the correct way.

    -Read the text for general and specific information through Matching exercises and Answering questions.

2. Skills:  listening & reading skills.    

 Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, ….

3. Teaching method: Communicative approach.

4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape …..

III. Steps of teaching:

1. Checking attendance.

2. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.

3. New lesson.

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 20 đến Tuần 23 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

  1. *Pre - reading: - Introduce the poem - Listen and answer the A mother and her son are having a picnic in a - Play the tape twice. teacher’s question. park. The son sees that place is polluted he - Explain new words. - Listen to the tape. asks his mother about the problems of - Take note. pollution. What does mother think about pollution? - Divide the poem New words: into phrase. - Take note. -junkyard (n) - Read the new -treasure (n) words. And call some - Read new words in - foam (n) students to read new front of class. - hedge (n) words in front of -folk (n) class. - end up (v) *While - reading: - Match A B - Have students match 1. junk- c. a piece of land full of each word in A to an yard rubbish appropriate - compare the answer 2. end g. reach a state of explanation in B. with a partner up -Have students - write the answer on 3. f. valuable or precious compare the answer the board. treasure things with a partner 4. foam e. mass of bubbles of - Have they write the air or gar answer on the board. 5. d. a flow of water. stream 6. hedge a. a row of things forming a fence - Take note 7. folk b. people Answers: - Read the questions in 1. If the pollution goes on, the world will end - Explain phrases in part B and find the up like a second hand junk-yard part B again. answers 2. The mother thinks other folk pollute (are - Have students read responsible for the pollution of) the the questions in part environment but mother and her son. B and find the 3. If the boy keeps on asking such questions answers his mother will takes him home right away. 4. No, because he is right. If he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods. 5. The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible foe keeping the environment from pollution / stopping pollution. Encourage Ss to translate the poem into Vietnamese. -> Students’ answer 4. Post - reading: - review the conditional sentence type 1.
  2. and finish in the shortest time is the winter. New words: *Pre - writing: - Listen to the - Complain (v) - set the scene teacher -complaint (n): Mr. Nhat wrote a - truck (n): complaint letter to - refreshment (n): the director of - fly (v): L&P company in - respond (v): HoChiMinh city. - break (n) The five sections of The format of a complaint: the letter are note - Situation: state the reason for writing. in the right order. - Complaint: mentions the problem. Label each section - Take note - Resolution: makes a suggestion. with the - Action: talk about future action appropriate letter: S, C, R, A or P. - Politeness: ends the letter polite - Explain the new - Work in pairs read Answer key: words and the the letter with the R, S, A, C, P format of a correct order. Each complaint pairs reads aloud - Have students one part. work in pairs read - Take note the letter with the correct order. Each pairs reads aloud one part. - Are there any lakes behind your house? - Give feed back - What do people do in the lake? and answer key. - Answer the - What makes you worried most? *While - writing: teacher’s questions - Ask Ss questions - Read the Eliciting writing: situation in the Dear Mr. President, - Have students textbook I am writing to you about the problem of fish read the situation in - Work in groups, catching in the lake behind my house. the textbook write the letter to I am very worried because they don’t use fishing - Have students head of local rod or net but use electricity to catch fish. After a work in groups, authorities to short time they leave the lake, a lot of small fish die write the letter to complain about the and float on the water surface. Other animals such head of local way of catching fish as frogs, toads, and event birds have also died from authorities to in the lake behind electric shock waves, complain about the their house. Follow I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit way of catching S-C-R-A-P format and find heavily anyone using this way of catching fish in the lake fish. behind your house. I am looking forward to hearing from you and Follow S-C-R-A-P seeing the actions taken to protect the environment format from the local authority. Sincerely.
  3. words’ whose letters 4. pahpy – happy are not in good other 5. termexe – extreme on the board / of on the card. - Work in groups - Ask students to work in groups and arrange the letters to make complete words. -Tell students which groups has more correct words first Activity 1: will be the winner. - Answer. - How are adverbs formed? *Practice: - What do we use adverbs for? - Review the Formation: formation and use of Adjective + ly = adverb. adverbs of manner - Do exercise Adjective Adverb through questions. Extreme Extremely Good Well - Introduce the Happy Happily examples by asking Sad Sadly students to do Slow Slowly exercise 1 (part 1) in Use: the textbook. Change We use adverbs of manner to modify the verb. the adjectives into - Complete the It usually goes after the main verb. adverbs. sentences Answers: a. Hoa was extremely pleased that she got an - Ask students to go A for her assignment. on with exercise 1. b. The old man walked slowly to the park. use the adverbs to c. Tuan sighed sadly when he heard that he complete the failed the test. sentences. d. The baby laughed happily as she played - Copy in the book. with her toys. e. Mrs. Nga speaks English quite well. - Take note. Activity 2: - Give the feed back He failed the exams. He is too lazy. and correct the Reason. answers. Because = as = since. Ex: Ba is tired because /as/since he stayed up -Take note late watching TV. a. Answer: b. I have a broken leg because/as/since I fell - Review the adverb over while I was playing basketball clauses of reason c. I’m going to be late for school because - Give out two /as/since the bus is late. clauses. - Do exercise d. I broke the cup because/as/since I was - Introduce the words
  4. Week: 22 Date of preparing: 25/12/2016 Period: 44 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Getting started, listen and read I.Objectives: II. Knowledge: 1.Language knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Use the words and phrases relating to energy – saving - Understand the dialogue and the ways to save energy. 2. Skills: listening and reading skills. Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, . 3. Teaching method: Communicative approach. 4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape III. Steps of teaching: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook. 3. New lesson. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content *Warm - up: - Is the TV on? - ask students questions - answer - Who’s watching TV? - Who is listening to the radio? - Should we turn the TV off? - What should we do to save energy? Save water by turning off the faucet. Turn off the lights when unnecessary / reduce light bulbs. Turn off TV and radio when nobody *Presentation: watches or listens. - divide class into groups - work in groups - give groups a piece of paper New words Meaning consisting 2 columns: A (new 1. water bill a. thợ sửa ống nước words); B (Vietnamese 2. enormous b. hóa đơn tiền meaning) and ask them to nước match the words in A with the 3. crack c. vòi nước nhỏ vọt meaning in B 4. pipe d. to, lớn - give feed back and correct 5. plumber e. ống nước answer - read the new words and 6. dripping f. vết nức, vết gạn faucet
  5. Week: 23 Date of preparing: Period: 45 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Speak,Listen I.Objectives: II. Knowledge: 1.Language knowledge: -By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use suggestions to suggest ways to save energy through group discussion. - Focus on speaking and listening skill. 2. Skills: speaking and listening skills. Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, . 3. Teaching method: Communicative approach. 4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape III. Steps of teaching: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook. 3. New lesson. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content 1. Speak: *Pre - speaking: Suggestions Response - Review the ways the - Take note I suggest + V- OK. make suggestions. ing That’s a good I think we idea. should Shall All right we ? No, I don’t Why don’t we want to. ? How about I prefer to - Ask students to make - Make sentences + V-ing? some sentences with the Wwhat about+V- Let’s structures above ing? *While - speaking: Let’s - Have students look at the - Make suggestions Ex: Why don’t we go to Hue? expressions an the above how to save energy tables and pictures in the base on the pictures. a. I think we should turn off the faucet. I book to make suggestions suggest fixing the faucet. about how to save energy. b. I think we should turn off the gas fire - Call some students to read - Read. c. I suggested Turing off the fan the suggestions aloud. d. I think we should turn off the air - Give suggested answers - Copy in the book conditioner when no one is on e. Why don’t we turn off the TV when *Post - speaking: no one watches it. - Ask students work in f. I think we shouldn’t go to school but groups of four. Work out motorbike. an action plan to save - Work in groups Let’s go to school by bus or bicycle. energy for your class. The
  6. solar energy instead of coal gas and oil. Make some more suggestions about how to save energy (Free practice 4.Consolidation : - Read aloud 5 to 7 statements about content of the listening. If the statements are true, students repeat after teacher. If the statements are false , students stay silent. Any students don’t follow this rule, they will give a kind of “punishment” by class members or teacher. - Have students to make some more suggestions about how to save energy (Free practice) 5. Home work: - Practice the ways to make suggestions at home. - Prepare read IV.Feedback: Week: 23 Date of preparing: Period: 46 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 3: Read I.Objectives: II. Knowledge: 1.Language knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get general idea of the reading through choosing the best summary and answering questions. 2. Skills: Reading skills. Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, . 3. Teaching method: Communicative approach. 4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape III. Steps of teaching: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook. 3. New lesson. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content *Warm - up: Extra board: - Let students play game - Play game find some one who. Do you usually ? name -Prepare a two column table turn off the light when with yes / no question and it is not necessary? name. go to school by bus? - Let students go around put garbage into dust class and ask other students bin? what they usually do to save use banana leaves to
  7. answers. the same category so that they can save money and energy. Make a list of ways how to save energy. -> Students’ answer 4. Post - reading: - Why should we save energy? (Save money, conserve the earth’s resources, protect environment, prevent natural disasters.) 5. Home work: - Learn new words by heart - Read the passage at home and prepare Write. IV.Feed back: / / 2017 Signature