Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 24 đến Tuần 27 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh



1.Language knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a short, simple speech with clear organization and present in front of the whole class.

2. Skills: writing skills. 

   - Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, ….

3. Teaching method: Communicative approach.

4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape …..                                           

III. Steps of teaching:

1. Checking attendance.

2. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.

3. New lesson.

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 24 đến Tuần 27 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

  1. pairs, put the sections in 3. Good evening, ladies and gentlement. I’m the correct place to -Deliver the speech Professors Roberts and tonight I’m going to tell complete a speech. in front of the class you how to save money. - Call on some students to 2. Most of us use too much gas. You can deliver the speech in front - Take note reduce this amount by: of the class. + travelling by bicycle or public transport. - Comment and correct + having mechanic check your motorcycle any necessary mistakes regularly. - Tell students to choose -Choose one of the 1.If you follow these simple rules, not only will one of the topics in the topics in the book. you save money, but also the environment will book. Reducing garbage. Reducing garbage. be cleaner. Reusing paper and saving Reusing paper and Give suggested answers: enery in the kitchen and saving enery in the Reducing garbage then prepare a speech for kitchen and prepare Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thank the class. a speech for the you for your coming here today. I’m professor -Ask students to compare class Hung, President of friends of the earth. I’m the writing with a friend. - Compare the going to tell you about the ways of reducing -Go around class and offer writing with a garbage. help if necessary. friend As we know that reducing garbage is -Call on some groups to -Stick the answer necessary. We can reduce garbage by: stick the answer on the on the board + Collecting plastic bags board . - Take note + Not keeping solid waste with food waste. - Give comments Putting different kinds of waste in different places. I hope that you will able to find the most suitable way to reduce the amount of garbage - Ask students to make a - Make a speech we reduce. speech about saving about saving energy in front of the energy in front of Make a speech about saving energy in front class. the class. of the class. - Call some students to give answers - Give answers 4. Post - writing: - Ask students to read their writing aloud. - Ask for comments from other students - Remind the way to write a speech again 5. Home work: - Prepare Language focus IV.Feed back:
  2. - now can you guess the finish watching. meaning of those of phrasal - It’s important to look for a job verbs in the following after graduation. context? - My sister look after the pet when I am away. - He goes on talking about himself. - Have students do exercise - Do exercise 2. Activity 2: 2. complete the sentences a. look after use the right sentence tense b. go from of the phrasal verbs in c. turn on the box and the pictures. d. look for - Have students compare the - Compare the answer with e. turn off answer with their friends their friends - Correct any mistakes - Give the correct answers - Take note and copy *Complete the sentences with the the one word below: for, up, after, on, off, away, 1. Who’s going to look the children while you’re away? - Give some more - Do some more exercises 2. Turn .the TV for me. I exercises about about connectives and want to watch the cartoon. connectives and phrasal phrasal verbs. 3. She’s looked .her keys verbs. everywhere. 4. Turn .the radio. I’m working. 5. If we go littering, the environment will become seriously polluted. 4. Consolidation: *Choose the correct word to complete each sentence: and. but. or, so, because, however, therefore. 1. You can take it leave it. 2. She closed the door left for the city. 3. She’s beatiful, I don’t like her 4. Jane is interlligent .hard-working. 5. We often have eggs bread for breakfast. 5. Home work: - Have students practice at home - Prepare to take test 45 mins. IV.Feed back: / / 2017 Signature
  3. A.turn on B.turn off C.go on D. switch on 5. We will spend less on lighting if we energy-saving light bulbs. A .used B .use C. will use D. to use 6. I suggest ordinary 100-watt light bulbs with energy-saving bulbs. A .to replace B.replace C .replacing D. replaces 7. I am tired now I stayed up late watching TV last night. A. because B. and C .but D. or 8. we pollute the water, we will have no fresh water to use. A .Because B .Since C. If D. Althought 9. We should take a shower instead of a bath to water. A .use B .save C. waste D. recycle 10. His hobbies are playing soccer collecting stamps. A. however B .and C. although D. but II/ Read the text and answer the questions. (3.0 pts) Most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, oil, water power and nuclear power. We are looking for a cheap and clean source of power. Solar energy can be cheap and clean because it is available and it doesn’t cause pollution. One percent of the solar power that reaches the earth is enough to provide power for the total population. It is possible to store energy for a number of days, so solar energy can be used on cloudy days. Many countries in the world are beginning to use solar energy. By this way, we can save natural resources. 1. Where does most of our electricity come from? . 2. Why do we think solar energy is clean? 3. Why is it possible to use solar energy on cloudy days? 4. What are people looking for ? 5. Is the solar power enough to provide power for the total population ? 6.According to the passage, how can we save natural resources? III/ Rewrite each sentences: 1. “Do you have an appointment?” The doctor asked . 2. My mother usually feeds the dog. The dog . 3.I broke the cup. I was careless. ( because ) . 4. We pollute the water, we will have to no fresh water to use . ( if)
  4. Điểm Tổng số bài của lớp So sánh lần kiểm tra liền Tổng % tăng% giảm% 8 – 10 6,5 – 7 5 – 6,4 3,5 – 4,9 0 – 3,4 V. Feedback / / 2017 Signature Week: 26 Date of preparing: Period: 51 UNIT 8: CELERATIONS Getting started, listen & read I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Get further information about celebrations in the world II. Knowledge: 1.Language knowledge: Practice reading comprehension skill for details to complete a table. 2. Skills: Reading skills. Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, . 3. Teaching method: Communicative approach. 4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape III. Steps of teaching: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.
  5. - Ask students - Answer the 1. What is the most celebration for Vietnamese ? some questions quetions 2.What do young children receive on Easter Day? about the text. 3. What do people do on Passover? 4. Consolidation: - Have students work in groups of the three - Ask students to make a mini presentation about the celebration SUGGEST ANSWERS: Good morning , every body it’s my pleasure to be here today to tell you about one of the biggest celebrations in Viet Nam. It is Luner new year festival or Tet. This is the most important family gatherings which falls in late January or early February 5. Home work: - Read the passage and learn new words at home. - Prepare Speak + Listen IV.Feedback: Week: 26 Date of preparing: Period: 52 UNIT 8: CELERATIONS Speak, Listen I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give and respond to a compliment for common situation II. Knowledge: 1.Language knowledge: Practice give a compliment and respond to a compliment. 2. Skills: speaking and listening skills. Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, . 3. Teaching method: Communicative approach. 4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape III. Steps of teaching: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook. 3. New lesson. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content *Warm - up: 1. when do people give a compliment to - Ask student - Answer another? 2. do you usually give a compliment? On questions. which occasion? To whom? 3. do you know how to respond to it? 1. Speak: Pre - speaking: New words:
  6. practice the dialogue in front of class 2. Listen: Pre - listening: New words: - Introduce - Listen - acquaintance (n): - being to mind (v): remember - Explain the new - Copy in the book - kindness (n): being kind to other words. - trusty (a): While - listening: - Ask students to read - Guess Answer keys: the song and guess the a. day missing words - Listen to the tape b. take - Play the tape several c. mind time if necessary. - Compare d. hand - Tell students to e. kindness. compare the answers - Sing in front of with a friend. class. - Call on some students to read / sing the song aloud in front - Take note of class. - Feed back. - Ask students to sing - Sing an English Sing an English song an English song song 4. Consolidation: -What do you and your family usually do on New Year’s Eve? Suggest answers: - go out in the streets - see fireworks display - hold year – end party - wait for lucky money. 5.Home work: Prepare read IV. Feedback: . / / 2017 Signature
  7. *While - reading: - Have students read - Read the passage the passage about Pita, Answers: about Pita, Jane and Jane and Bob. Answer a. To her father Bob. Answer the the questions b. He is possibly dead. These ideas may tell about questions - Have students work that “ how much you are missed . I now - Work in groups of in groups of four have children, Dad ”” four - Have students write c. His sense of humor mark him different from the answer on the others - Write the answer board A father can be a teacher, a cake taker and o frund. on the board - Give the correct - Take note answers Tell about Ss’ father/ a person Ss like best - Tell students to Suggested questions: work in small groups - Work in groups or three to four and - Can you tell me about your father? discuss about their - How old is he? father - What does he do? - What does he look like? - What do you like best about him? Which memories do you have about your father that you remember until now? 4. Post - reading: Review the text and structure 5. Home work: -Learn new words by heart and read the passage at home. -Prepare write. IV. Feedback: . Week: 27 Date of preparing: Period: 54 UNIT 8: CELERATIONS Write I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to write a letter to friend to share their ideas about a particular issue (there should be a Day for Mother of Mother in Viet Nam) II. Knowledge: 1.Language knowledge: 2. Skills: writing skills. Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, . 3. Teaching method: Communicative approach. 4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape III. Steps of teaching: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson.
  8. somethings about Ss’preparations on Ss’preparations on mother’s day/ mother’s day/ father’s father’s day day 4. Post - writing: - Ask students to work with partner exchange their writing and correct for each other. - Ask students recognize their friends miss stakes an the writing and offer suggest correction 5. Home work:Prepare language focus IV. Feedback: . / / 2017 Signature