Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 3 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

I.Objectives: After the lesson students will be able to write a letter and talk about visit their relatives or friends.

1. Language knowledge: 

+ past simple

+ present perfect

+ future simple:

2. Skills:Developing  writing skill

3.Attitude: Helps students to know the way of greeting and to tell about the others.

II. Teaching aids: 

1.Teacher's:: Extra board, lesson plan,….

2.Students' :Textbooks, notebooks,……

III. Procedures:

1. Greetings.

2. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Asks some question in the book. 

3. New lesson.

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  1. questions - Recall S + WILL/SHALL + V - Remind the past First paragraph: simple, past perfect I arrived at Danang airport/train station/bus and future simple. station at 12 pm./8 am/ late in the afternoon/at *White-writing: night,etc. on Tuesday/Wednesday. Hoa/Nam/uncle Tan/aunt Huong met me at the airport/train station/bus station, then he/she took me at home by taxi/motorbike/bicycle Second paragraph: I’ve visited/been to many places like the - Have students beaches, the Cham Museum, marble write the letter - Work in groups Mountains, supermarket, the water park, etc. I’ve tried different foods, Da nang specialties I’ll visit Hoi An on tomorrow/on Sunday Third paragraph: I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much. The people here so nice and friendly, the foods are so delicious, and the sights are so beautiful. I will leave Danang at 2 pm./7 pm next Thursday/Sunday and will arrive home at 11pm/5 pm please pick me up at the airport/bus/station/train station. - Ask Ss to answer - Answer about the -Ask answer about the writing about the writing writing 4.Consolidation : -Have students rewatch the letterand state the content of the letter in front of the class 5.Home work : -Write the letter at home -Prepare Language Focus page 11, 12 IV.Feedback: Week:3 Date of planning: Period:6 UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PEN-PAL Language focus I. Objectives: 1. Language knowledge: -The past simple
  2. subject, the verb after wish e. I wish I had a sister. is past tense) f. I wish I drew well. - Have students do exercises - Do exercises g. I wish I had my friend’s phone - Have students exchange - Exchange the answers number the answers h. I wish I knew many friends. - Ask students to give the - Give the answers i. I wish there were rivers and answers lakes in may home town - Have students make 5 - Make 5 sentences with sentences with ‘wish’ ‘wish’ 4.Consolidation: - Have students write the past tense of some verbs. 5.Home work: - Review the old lesson. - Prepare Unit 2: Getting started, listen and read page 13, 14 IV.Feedback: / /2017 Signature