Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 32 đến Tuần 36 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about UFO with basic information received through discussion 

II. Knowledge: 

1.Language knowledge: 

2. Skills:  writing skills. 

 Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, ….

3. Teaching method: Communicative approach.

4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape …..                                           

III. Steps of teaching:

1. Checking attendance.

2. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.

3. New lesson.

1. Warm - up:

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 32 đến Tuần 36 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

  1. Week: 34 Date of preparing: Period: 68 REVISION I.Objectives: -Help students review the old grammar notes -Focus on the writing skill II. Knowledge: 1.Language knowledge: 2. Skills: reading skills. Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, . 3. Teaching method: Communicative approach. 4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape III. Steps of teaching: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook. 3. New lesson. 1. Warm-up: Teacher’s activities Student’s Content activities -Have students - Remind the use I.Adjectives and adverbs( tính từ và trạng từ) remind the use of of adjectives, II. Adverbs clauses of reason ( Mệnh đề trạng adjectives, adverds,adverbs ngữ chỉ lí do/nguyên nhân) adverds,adverbs clauses of reason, As clauses of reason, adj + that clause, Because he has no money, he can’t buy adj + that clause, conditional that house. conditional sentence sentence type 1 , SinceVìanh ta không có tiền ,anh ta không thể type 1 , type2, type2, connectives, mua ngôi nhà đó. connectives, phrasal phrasal verbs, verbs, suggestion suggestion and and relative clauses relative clauses Adverbs clauses of reason - Review these • Beause of + noun/ noun phrase. grammar notes -Take note III. Adjective + that clause/ Adj + to V ( Tínhtừ again -Take note + mệnhđề That) -Give examples +I am afraid that I will not come tomorrow (Tôi e rằng ngày mai không đến được) IV. Conditional sentences: Type1 , type2 V . Connectives (từ nối) And, but, or, so, however,therefore,because, although VI. Phrasal verbs: (Cụm độn gtừ) đi sau kèm động từ làmột giớ itừ và mang một ý nghĩa khác turn off (tắt), turn on(mở), look for (tìmkiếm), look after ( chămsóc), go on(tiếptục)
  2. till night there are crowds of people on the main streets. Some part of the city are very noisy. I have -Have students read - read and write the a long journey to school everyday, but I don’t and write the answers on the mind because it is so interesting. There’s always answers on the board something happening in the streets. There are all board kinds of people selling things – fruits, flowers, cooked food, clothes – everything you can imagine. I really enjoy the excitement of the -Have students crowded streets and large modern buildings. I love explain the answers walking around the streets at the weekend with if necessary. some other boys from my class. 1. when did the writer move to Bangkok ? A. When he was three month years old. B. At the age of three C. When he was in grade three.D. At the age of thirteen. -Check and give the - take note 2. What does the word “main” in paragraph 2 correct answers mean ? A.quiet B.minor C.major D.clean 3. Why doesn’t the writer mind the long journey to his school ? A. Because he travel by bus B. Because he can see many interesting things in the streets. C. Because he is selling fruits. D. Because he can enjoy cooked food. 4. Which of the following sentences is not true ? A. The writer was born in Bangkok. B. Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand. C. The writer’s house is very far from his school. D. Almost streets in Bangkok are crowded and busy. 5. Who does the writer walk around the streets at weekends with ? A. his sister B.his brother C.his cousins D.his classmates 4. Consolidation: Dear sir, 1. I / write / you / terrible smell / sea/product factory / my neighborhood 2. When / factory / produce / it / have / smell and lots of flies. 3. I / suggest / the local authorities / stop / move it / the countryside. 4. I / look forward / see / answer. Sincerely The people around this factory. 5. Home work: -Review the exercise at home
  3. 1- The old man walked to the -Write the exercises on park. the board a. slows b. slowl c. slowes d. slow -Do the exercises in 2- Mrs. Lan speaks English quite pairs a. well b. good -Have students do the -Read and write the c. goodly d. welly exercises in pairs exercises on the 3- I am the boy is wearing a white T. -Have students read and board shirt. write the exercises on the a- who b- whom c- which board d- with 4- Tet is a festival .occurs in late -Take note January or early February. a- with b- whom c- who -Give feedback d- which 5- Lan and Hoa suggest the faucet. a- fix b- fixs c- fixing d- fixes 6- If he .rich, he would travel around the world. a- is b- are c- was d- were 7- She got wet she forgot her umbrella. a- because b- but c- or d- however 8- It’s raining, he can’t go to the zoo. a- so b- because c- and d- however 9- I’m disappointed people have spoiled this area. a- which b- that c- who d- so 10- If you can’t find your place, I will you get there with this map. a- help b- helps c- helped helping II. Read the passage and answer the questions ( 3pts) -Copy in the book Easter is on different Sunday each year. But it is always in March or April. Easter is -Write the exercises on not a national holiday. It is a religious holiday the board for Christians. For many people, Easter celebrates the beginning of spring. The English word for Easter comes from the
  4. -Review the exercise at home -Continue revewing the old lesson IV. Feed back: Week: 35 Date of preparing: Period: 70 REVISION I.Objectives: -Help students review the old grammar notes -Focus on the writing skill II. Knowledge: 1.Language knowledge: 2. Skills: reading skills. Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, . 3. Teaching method: Communicative approach. 4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape III. Steps of teaching: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook. 3. New lesson. Teacher’s Student’s activites Content activites -Write the exercise Copy in the book I. Language focus: on the board Choose the best option to complete each sentences -Have students - Work in pairs ,do (5pts) work in pairs ,do the exercise 1. She sings very the exercise - Read and write the a. beauty b. beautify -Have students answer on the board c. beautiful d. beautifully read and write the - Explain the answers 2. I was very that you won the first answer on the if necessary prize. board -Copy in the book a. amaze b. amazed -Have students c. amazing d. amazement explain the 3. If it doesn’t rain, we to the movies. answers if a. will go b. could go necessary c. would go d. went -Check and give 4. My father has to go to work it is raining the correct heavily. answers a. because b. but c. and d. although 5. She is very tired; , she has to finish her homework.
  5. 5. What do the traditional Christmas dinner consist of ? III. Write a letter ( 2pts) 1. I /write /the noise caused /Karaoke shop / near / - Read and write the house - Write the answer on the board 2. They play /music / loudly /that / I / not study / exercise on the - Work in pairs ,do evening / or sleep / night board the exercise 3. They /should lower / volume / when /it /9 p.m 4. I / look forward /hear / you /and see / how you -Have students - Read and write the /solve /problem explain the answer on the board Dear Mr President, answers if - Explain the answers . necessary if necessary -Check and give -Copy in the book the correct Sincerely, answers Minh 4. Consolidation: -Remind the grammar notes again -Have students give example if necessary 5. Home work: -Review the exercise at home -Continue revewing the old lesson IV. Feed back: / / 2017 Signature
  6. -Give feedback -Take note A.turning off B.turn off C.turns off turn. 6.If Lan hard .She will pass her examination. A.learns B.learnt C.would learn D.will learn. 7. The energy that gets to the Earth can provide enongh power for the world's population. A. lunar B. sun C. solar D. moon 8. Please turn the gas I want to cook my lunch A. over B. back C. in D.on 9. I’m disappointed . people have spoiled this area. A. that B. when C. if D. how 10. she can’t drive, she has buoght a car. A. Even B. Even though C. even when D. even if II. Read the passage and answer the questions ( 3pts) The environment is everything around us, both natural and made by man. A major problem in the world today is the destruction -Write the exercises on -Copy in the book of the natural environment. This is a the board complicated problem. We burn fuel, and this causes air pollution. We throw away plastc bags, containing toys and other subjects. These stay in the environment; they are not like paper or wood that slowly disappear. We -Have students do the -Do the exercises in have made thousands of new chemicals. exercises in pairs pairs Factories that make or use chemicals always -Have students read have chemical wastes. These are often and write the exercises -Read and write the poisonous and thay also stay in the on the board exercises on the board environment. Since 1945 several countries have been testing nuclear bombs in the air and underground. The explosions in the air cause nuclear fallout. The nuclear fallout -Give feedback -Take note causes cancer and kills animals and people. Nuclear power plants that make electricity also produce dangerous wastes and have accidents that can be very dissstrous. 1. What is the environment?
  7. Week: 36 Date of preparing: Period: 72 REVISION I.Objectives: -Help students review the old grammar notes -Focus on the writing skill II. Knowledge: 1.Language knowledge: 2. Skills: reading skills. Techniques: pair work, group work, choral, . 3. Teaching method: Communicative approach. 4. Visual aids: flash cards, pictures, tape III. Steps of teaching: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook. 3. New lesson. 1/ Warm up: Teacher’s activites Student’s activites Content -Review grammar -Take note notes again -Remind the way to -Take note write about father’s or mother’s day 2/ Practice: . I. Choose the correct answer : 1. Most of earthquakes in the world___ in the Ring of Fire. A. happen B. hit C. erupt D. occur. 2. The men and animals ___ you -Write the exercises saw on TV were from Japan. on the board -Copy in the book A. that B. which C. where D. whom. 3. Mr. Brown is ___ that people have spoiled this area. A. disappoint B. disappointed -Have students do the C. to disappoint D. disappointing. exercises in pairs -Do the exercises in 4. She is looked forward to ___ his -Have students read pairs first pay packet. and write the A. receive B. have receive exercises on the board -Read and write the C. receiving D. be receiving. exercises on the board 5. If she ___ enough money, She ___ a new car. -Give feedback A. have/ will buy B. has/will buy
  8. 5. Will there be any sunshine in the east? -Remind the way to -Write the sentences write the sentences III- Put the following words in the correct order to make meaning sentences : -Have students write -Write the sentences 1- should / the amount / your / uses / you / of / the sentences in on the board family / reduce / electricity. groups 2- showers / can / neighbor / because / water / my / taking save / suggests / they. -Give feedback - Copy in the book 4. Consolidation: -Remind the grammar notes again -Remind the way to write the request letter again 5. Home work: -Review the exercise at home -Prepare for exam IV. Feed back: / / 2017 Signature