Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 6 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

I. Objectives:

1. Language knowledge:

-Students know how to make a point of view about a thing.

2. Skills: writing skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to write the simple problem.

II. Teaching aids:

1.Teacher's: teaching plan; extra board

2.Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens.

III. Steps of teaching:

1. Checking attendance.

2. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.

3. New lesson.

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  1. present their paragraph freedom of choice they have rights to choice paragraph syzes, colors and fashion that they love Thirdly, casual clothes make Ss feel; self confident when they are in their favorite clothes Finally, casual clothes make school more colorful and lively In conclution, secondary school Ss should wear casual clothes. Wearing casual clothes is covenient, comfortable and fun - Ask students to - Talk about Ss’ Talk about Ss’ favorite clothes talk about Ss’ favorite clothes favorite clothes 4. Consolidation: - Ask other groups give comments if necessary - Remind the steps and content to present one side of argument 5. Home work: - Do exercises - Prepare language focus IV. Feedback Week:6 Date of planning: Period: 12 Unit 2: CLOTHING Language Focus I. Objectives: 1. Language knowledge: - present perfect with since and for, yet, already. - passive voice - Focus on writing skill. 2. Skills: writing skills. 3.Attitude: Helps students to review unit 2. II. Teaching aids: 1.Teacher's: teaching plan; extra board 2.Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens. III. Steps of teaching: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Reviewing the previous lesson. - Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook. 3. New lesson. Teacher’s Students’ Content
  2. - This exercise can be done easily - The date of the meeting has to be changed again a. The problem can be solved b. Exerpriments on animals should be stooped c. Life might be found on another planet d. All the schoolon the city have to be improved e. A new bicycleis going to be built in the area Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: Do some more - Do some more 1.He ( live )___in an apartment in District 5 exercises about exercises about for ten years. (live) present perfect present perfect 2.Millions of Christmas cards(send) ___last tense and passive tense and year. voice. passive voice. (send) 3. Wearing uniforms helps students(feel) ___equal in many ways. (feel) 4. Consolidation: 1.Rice (grow)___in tropical countries. 2.You (eat)___dinner yet? 3. I___English since I graduated from university. - Ask students to do some more exercises about present perfect tense and passive voice 5. Home work: - Do exercises - Prepare unit 3 , G.s + Listen and read. IV. Feedback / /2017 Signature