Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 8 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

I. Objective:         

1. Language knowledge:

  -After the lesson students can speak, describe, about the countryside           

2. Skills: listening & speaking skills.

3.Attitude: Helps students to speak about the countryside.

II. Teaching aids:

1.Teacher’s: Cassette tape, pictures, lesson plan,….

2.Student’s: Textbooks, notebooks,……

III. Procedures:

1. Checking attendance.

2. Reviewing the previous lesson. 

- Calls some Ss to hand in the preparation notebook.

3. New lesson.

docx 5 trang Hải Anh 11/07/2023 1480
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 8 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Nguyễn Loan Anh

  1. - snack (n): - hero (n): *Practice: 1. F (Ba and his family had a day trip to their - Have students read - Read the text in silence home village) the text in silence 2. T 3. F: There is a big old banyan tree at the -Have Ss read the -Read in front of class entrance to the village passage in front of 4. F: People had a snack under the banyan tree class 5. T -Have Ss check the - check the boxes. Write true ot false 6. F: People had a picnic on the river bank boxes. Write true or 7. T false then correct then correct the false sentences 8. F: Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to false sentences her parents 9. T - Work in pairs Answers: - Ask students 1. It about 60 kilometers to the north of Hanoi answer the question 2. Ba and his family got to the village by bus in the book 3. The banyan tree is at the entrance to the village - Go around and 4. They saw the shrine of the Vietnamese hero help on the mountain 5. They had the picnic on the river bank -Take note 6. Liz took a lot of photos show the trip to her - Check and feed parents back 7. Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village again 4. Consolidation: - Ask students to talk about Ss’ trip to their hometown. 5. Home work: -Do exercises -Prepare speak, listen IV. Feedback Week: 8 Date of preparing: Period: 16 Unit 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE Speak and Listen I. Objective: 1. Language knowledge: - Modal could with wish
  2. -Call on some pair to T : How can you get there? practice infront of the S : I can get there by bus. class T : How long does it take to get there? -Give feedback and S : it takes 1 hour to get there. correct ss’ -Write into their T : What do people do for a living? pronuciation notebook S : They plant rice and vegetables. T : Does your village have a river? *Pre – listening: S : Yes, there is a river. -Explain the new words Vocabularies : -Ask ss read aloud the -Write the new words 1. Pick sb up : đón ai lên xe new words infront of into their notebook 2. Drop sb off : cho ai xuống xe the class ss read aloud the new 3. Go to West: đi về hướng tây words infront of the 4. Go in the opposite direction: đi đến vị trí class 5. Turn letf on to a road: quẹo trái trên đường *While - listening: đi -places in the box to -ss look at the map the points on the road and guess the answer map presents some phrases of words sts haven’t Answers -plays the tape twice known in the listening A : Banyan tree or three times -listen and check their B : airport guesses C: Dragon bridge -Ask ss to compare D : Gas station your answers with a -compare your F :Store partner’s answers with a G: pond -call on some students partner’s H : bamboo forest to answer some students to I: parking lot. -plays the tape again answer and pauses at each sentence if necessary to help sts check their answers make comments and corections, if necessary then give correct answers Make similar dialogues about your real home villages. 4. Consolidation: 1. Did the road to Ba’s village go through a bamboo forest? 2. Where did it stop to get some fuel? 3. Where did they go after leaving the highway? 4. Where did the bus go next?