Ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh 9

I. WORD FORM( ADJ & ADV): trạng từ , tính từ

1/Coal, oil, gas…. are  _____________resources.

A. nature              B. natural              C. naturally           D. unnaturally                   

2/ In many countries, people crowd the streets to watch __________parades.

A. color                B. colorfully          C. colorful            D. colorless         

3/ I can speak English__________.

A. good                B. well                  C. bad                   D. quick           

4/ Your program is very interesting and ________________.

          A. use                  B. useful               C. useless             D.uselessly                       

5/ Her parents were_________happy that she won the prize.

A.extreme             B.extremeness                C.extremely           D.extremism                 

6/ Tom looks very __________.Do you know what happened to him?

A.sad                    B.sadly                          C.sadness             D.sadless           

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Nội dung text: Ôn tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh 9

  1. III. CONNECTIVE: từ nối(and (và), but( nhưng), because( bởi vì), or( hoặc), therefore( vì vậy: đứng ở dầu câu), however( tuy nhiên: đứng đầu câu)). 1/ I’m tired___ I stayed up late watching TV . A. because B. because of C. so D. but 2/ Nga is hungry___ she hasn’t eaten all day. A. since B. because of C. though D. and 3/ Nam was absent from class yesterday___ he felt sick. A. so B. because C. although D. but 4 / We didn’t go for a walk___ it was very cold. A. though B. because C. but D. so 5/ ___they live near us, we can see them very often. A. Even B. So C. But D. Since 6 / Tom failed the exam ___his laziness. A. because of B. because C. in spite of D. though 7 / The barbecue was cancelled ___the heavy rain. A. because B. because of C. although D. in spite of 8/ ___the forest is important to the environment, people should stop cutting down trees. A. despite B. Though C. Since D. Because of 9/ ___there are many celebrations throughout the year, Tet is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people . A. Because B. But C. Although D. As 10/ I’d love to go to the party ___ I have to finish my homework. A. but B.because C. therefore D. however 11/ He bought a lot of things: notebooks, pens ___ pencils from the shop. A. but B. or C. and D. so 12/ Would you like tea ___ coffee ? A. and B. but C. so D. or 13/ Paul isn’t going to the concert ___ the tickets are too expensive. A. because B. because of C. so D. and 14/ It was raining . ___, the soccer match was going on. A. And B. However C. Therefore D. But 15/ Lan doesn’t like sports. ___, she doesn’t mind watching football matches. 2 | P a g e
  2. A. who B . which C. whom D. whose 2/ Tet is a festival . occurs in late January or early February A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 3/ The car he has just bought is very expensive. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 4/ We often go to the town cultural house, always opens on public holidays. A. whose B. which C. who D. whom 5/ He is the film director . we want to meet. A. where B. when C. whom D. which 6/ The watch is a gift was given to me by my aunt on my 14th birthday. A. that B. who C. whom D. whose 7/ The waitress served us dinner was friendly. A. which B.whom C. whose D. who 8/ This is the old man son is a famous football player. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 9/ Last week, Helen went to Hue, . is the ancient capital of Vietnam. A. which B. when C. where D. that 10/ The explosion . injured twenty people happened at about 11:00 p.m A. which B. who C. þ D. what 11/ This is the first student . came this morning. A. who B. that C. whom D. whose 12/ Neil Armstrong, first walked on the moon, lived in the USA. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 13/ The men and animals you saw on TV were from China. A. who B. that C. which D. whom 14/ Next weekend I’m going to Can Tho, . my sister lives. A. that B. where C. which D. whose 15/ Have you seen the place the accident took place ? A. which B. that C. when D. where VI. Adv clause of concession:(trạng từ chỉ nhượng bộ: although, though, even though (mặc dù, theo sau là 1 mệnh đề); despite, in spite of( mặc dù, theo sau là cụm danh từ hay 1 danh từ). 1/ ___it rained, the boys played football. A. Even B. Even though C. Despite D. In spite of 2/ ___I heard the telephone ring, I didn’t answer . A. Because B. Only if C. Even though D. So 4 | P a g e
  3. 200C and 220C. Tomorrow morning there will be big wind throughout the whole country, so be careful on the roads. There may also be thunderstorm on the east. * Questions: 1. What’s the weather today going to be like? 2. Will there be a lot of sunshine in the south? 3. How about the east? 4. What will the weather be like tomorrow morning? 5. Will there be any sunshine in the east? III- Put the following words in the correct order to make meaning sentences : 1- should / the amount / your / uses / you / of / family / reduce / electricity. 2- showers / can / neighbor / because / water / my / taking save / suggests / they. TEST 2 I.Choose the correct answer : 1. She sings very a. beauty b. beautify c. beautiful d. beautifully 2. I was very that you won the first prize. a. amaze b. amazed c. amazing d. amazement 3. If it doesn’t rain, we to the movies. a. will go b. could go c. would go d. went 4. My father has to go to work it is raining heavily. a. because b. but c. and d. although 5. She is very tired; , she has to finish her homework. a. so b. and c. however d. or 6 | P a g e
  4. 2- turn off / when / must / the classroom / remember / you / the fan / to / leave / you. 3- love / TV / do / has to / homework / would / to / but / his / Minh / watch / he. TEST 3 I. Choose the correct answer : 1. Many people become because of the natural disasters every year. A. homesick B. homeland C. homeless D. homework 2. The of the volcano was a terrible disaster. A. prediction B. eruption C. cyclone D. shift 3. My dog always barks if it anything unusual. A. hears B. will hear C. would hear D. heard 4. The earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet from the sun. A. that B. who C. which D. whose 5. The train was on time in spite of A. the snow heavy B. the heavy snow C. the snow heaviness D. the heaviness of snow. 6. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all .people. A. English B. Japanese C. Vietnamese D. Jewish 7. She cried with when she heard the news. It was her .time. A. joy/joyful B. joyful/joy C. joyfully/joy D. joy/joyfully 8. A small fish needs camouflage to hide itself its enemies cannot find it. A. so that B. because C. therefore D. only if 9. He will never advance in his job he improves his language skills. A. if B. otherwise C. only if D. unless 10. “Should I begin typing these letters? “I suggest .the book keeping firs A. you finished B. you finish C. you to finish D. you will finish II. Read the passage below and answer the questions. Vietnam’s New Year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar. It is officially known as Tet Nguyen Dan or Tet. It begins between January the twenty-first and February the nineteen. The exact date changes from year to year. Vietnamese people usually make preparations for the holiday several weeks beforehand. They tidy their houses, cook special food, clean and make offerings on the family altars. On the New Year’s Eve, people sit up to midnight to see New Year in, then they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the season. Tet lasts ten days. The first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that how people act during those days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as much as possible. 1. What is Vietnam’s New Year known as? 8 | P a g e
  5. Dear Mr President, . Sincerely, Minh TEST 4 I.Language focus.(5pts) Choose the best option (a,b,c,d) to complete each sentence: 1- The old man walked to the park. a. slows b. slowl c. slowes d. slow 2- Mrs. Lan speaks English quite a. well b. good c. goodly d. welly 3- I am the boy is wearing a white T. shirt. a- who b- whom c- which d- with 4- Tet is a festival .occurs in late January or early February. a- with b- whom c- who d- which 5- Lan and Hoa suggest the faucet. a- fix b- fixs c- fixing d- fixes 6- If he .rich, he would travel around the world. a- is b- are c- was d- were 7- She got wet she forgot her umbrella. a- because b- but c- or d- however 8- It’s raining, he can’t go to the zoo. a- so b- because c- and d- however 9- I’m disappointed people have spoiled this area. a- which b- that c- who d- so 10- If you can’t find your place, I will you get there with this map. a- help b- helps c- helped helping 10 | P a g e
  6. 4. If I / be there / all of us / have / good time. 5. I hope / your party / a success 12 | P a g e