Bài giảng English 9 - Period 48, Unit 8: Celebrations - Lesson: Read

1.Who do you think Rita send this card to?

2.Is Jane’s father alive or dead? How do you know this?

3.What quality makes Bob’s father different from others?

4.What image of a father can you draw from the three passages?

ppt 20 trang mianlien 04/03/2023 2460
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng English 9 - Period 48, Unit 8: Celebrations - Lesson: Read

  1. Listen to a song and find out on which day this song can be sung. 1 Tet 2 Christmas 3 Father’s Day 4 Birthday 5 Mother’s Day
  2. (cont) E.9
  3. Matching : 1. considerate (adj): mất niềm tin 2. hug (v,n) phân biệt với 3. terrific (adj): 4. a groom: chu đáo 5. priority (n): tuyệt vời 6. tear (n): sự ưu tiên 7. to lose heart : ôm 8. to distinguish nước mắt chú rể
  4. Rita Bob 1. Prediction Jane Predict whose feelings and opinions each sentence describes. Listen Statements Read S1 S2 a His daughter never forgets the tears and the hug of her father on her wedding day. b His sense of humor makes his father different from others. c He is a considerate and generous father. d The word love can’t describe his feelings for his child.
  5. The answers 1.I think he sends this card to his Dad. 2.He is possibly dead. “How much you are missed and loved, I now have children, Dad”. 3.The quality makes Bob’s father different from others is his sense of humor. 4The best person in the world, a teacher, a mom, a friend
  6. A father as a caretaker He looks after us carefully.
  7. www.themegallery.com
  8. Report your survey I’m happy to tell you about my father and my group mates’ fathers. Diep’s father is