Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 6 - Unit 5: Things I do

a) Do you play sports?

b) Do you watch TV ?

c) Do you do the housework ?

d) Do you play volleyball ?

e) Do  you listen to music ?

f) Do you  read ?

g) Do you do your homework?

ppt 37 trang Hải Anh 13/07/2023 3620
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  1. Pelmanism Team A Team B 3050401020 1020305040 go1 to listen2 to watch3 do4 schoolA homeworkB musicC TVD
  2. A. MY DAY (A5-A6) A5. Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner.
  3. A. MY DAY (A5-A6) A5. Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. 1. New words: Games: - play volleyball (v) Rub out and remember - play soccer (v) = play football - play sports (v) - boy (n) - girl (n)
  4. A. MY DAY (A5-A6) A5. Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. 1. New words: Listen to the dialogue: - play volleyball (v) Lan Nga Thu Vui - play soccer (v) = play football - play sports (v) - boy (n) - girl (n) Ba Lan
  5. A. MY DAY (A5-A6) A5. Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. 1. New words: Roleplay the dialogue. - play volleyball (v) - play soccer (v) = play football - play sports (v) - boy (n) - girl (n)
  6. A. MY DAY (A5-A6) A5. Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. 1. New words: Lan Nga Vui Thu - play volleyball (v) - play soccer (v) = play football - play sports (v) - boy (n) - girl (n) Ba Lan
  7. * Practice: Volleyball Soccer Lan Nga Thu Vui Girls Ex: Does Lan play volleyball? - Yes, she does. Does Thu play volleyball? - No, she doesn’t.
  8. LUCKY NUMBER Team A Team B 101214162468 101214162468 a b Lucky c d 1 2 Number3 4 5 e f Lucky g Lucky 6 7 Number8 9 number10
  9. b) Do you watch TV ?
  10. d) Do you play volleyball ?
  11. f) Do you read ?
  12. A. MY DAY (A5-A6) A5. Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. 1. New words: 2. Structures: Yes / No question. - play volleyball (v) a) Do you play soccer ? - Yes, I do. / - No, I don’t. - play soccer (v) b) Does he play volleyball ? = play football - Yes, he does. / - No, he doesn’t. - play sports (v) c) Do they play sports ? - boy (n) - Yes, they do. / - No, they don’t. - girl (n) Dùng để hỏi, đoán người nào đó có làm việc gì hay không, và câu trả lời là: Yes, . / No, * Consolidation: A6. Listen and answer. Say “Yes, I do. No, I don’t.”
  13. Does he watch television?
  14. 2. Does he listen to music? A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, she does. C. No, he do. D. No, she doesn’t.
  15. 4 does Vui do after school? A. How B. Where C. Who D. What
  16. Homework - Learn by heart the new words and structures. - Copy the answers (A6) into your notebook. - Prepare: Unit 5. Part B1-B2.