Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 6: Places, A: Our house

   I. Write. Complete the sentences:

II. Listen. Write the words you hear in your exercise book.

1. New words:

Village (n) :

ppt 20 trang Hải Anh 17/07/2023 1580
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 6: Places, A: Our house

  1. Kim’s game hết071715141310119183000616292272625242322212012080304 giờ START 195821
  2. Unit 6: Places A.Our house Lesson 2: A 3, 4, 5 I. Write. Complete the sentences: Our house has a It is near a Our house has a yard. It is near a rice paddy. There is a near the There is a hotel near the lake There is a and a There is a river and a park. There are and In the park There are trees and flowers In the park
  3. 2. Listen and complete the following exercise: a. house hotel school village Guess Check hotel b. town country city yard Guess Check City c. Rice paddy river lake Guess Check river
  4. There is There are
  5. There is a river
  6. There are trees
  7. There is a rice paddy
  8. There are flowers
  9. Unit 6: Places A.Our house Lesson 2: A 3, 4, 5 I. Write. Complete the sentences: II. Which of these are near your house? III. Which of these are near your house? 1. New words: 2. Listen and complete the exercise: 3. Introduce your school and your house. My school has It’s near My house has It’s near
  10. Good bye See you again