Đề cương Tiếng Anh 7 - Chủ đề: Câu điều kiện - Trường THCS Giá Rai B

1.Future possible (tương lai có thể xãy ra) còn gọi là câu điều kiện loại I

*.Form: ((công thức)

If -clause Main clause

Simple present

If  + S + V / V (-s/es)

Simple future

, S + will + V

*Chú ý:   - Ở mệnh đề chính có thể dùng can, may, must thay cho will

  •  mệnh đề chính có thể dùng dạng mệnh lệnh.

*Ví dụ nè:   If you learn hard, you will pass any examination

Lan can speak English fluently if she practices every day

Come to visit me if you have spare time.

2.Present unreal (hiện tại không thật) còn gọi là câu điều kiện loại II

* Form: (công thức)

If -clause Main clause

Simple past

If  + S + V‑2 / V-ed

(were cho tất cả các ngôi )

Future in past

S + would  + V


 Chú ý: - có thể dùng might, could thay cho would

VD: I would tell you the answer if I knew it myself

        If she had time, she could go to the movie now.

( trên thực tế, hiện giờ cô ta bận và cô ta không đi được) 

docx 2 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 4320
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Nội dung text: Đề cương Tiếng Anh 7 - Chủ đề: Câu điều kiện - Trường THCS Giá Rai B

  1. 22. If Mary doesn’t improve in math, we ___ have to A. had B. have C. will have D. didn’t have find a tutor for her. 30.Where__you go if you had a lot of money? A. will B. can C. should D. would A. will B. would C. do D. can 23. If you know where she lives, please let me___ 31.If the weather gets worse, the children ___ school A. know B. knew C. known D. to know for some days 24. If he ___ a student, he will get a discount A. don’t have B. won’t have C. wouldn’t have A. is B. was C. were D. will be 32. If she ___ enough money, she will buy her son a 25. If people ___ public transport, there will be less motorbike. pollution. A. earn B. will earn C. earns A. use B. will use C. can use D. used 33. If today ___ Sunday, we ___ to the beach. 26.If the sea water continues to be polluted, many fish A. is/ would go B. were/ would go species ___ extinct. C. will be/ will go D. were/ will go A. became B. will become 34. Please___ your hand if you want to ask the C. would become D. become teacher a question. Plants ___ if they don’t get sun and water. A. rise B. push C. raise D. lift A. die B. would die C. won’t die D. will die 35. If you saw a UFO, what ___ you do ? 27. If everybody ___ all the trash in the trash can, the A. will B. are C. would D. were beach will not be so dirty like this. 36. If he __ rich, he would travel around the world. A. put B. puts C. will be put D. will put A. were B. was C. is D. be 28. If she ___ enough money, she will buy a 37. If you want to lose weight, you _ go on a strict diet. motorbike for her son. A. can B. should C. could D. may A. earn B. will earn C. earns D. earned 29. If I ___wings, I wouldn’t have to take an airplane to fly home. II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form : ( unless = if not) 1. If I find it, I (give)___you a call. 2. If you (like)___, I can get you a job in this company. 3. If he pays me tonight, I (have)___ enough money for the tickets. 4. If Nam (pass) ___ the exam, he will go to the university 5. If I tell the police the truth, I’m sure they (believe) ___ you. 6. We (be)___able to walk across the river if the ice is thick enough. 7. If it (be)___ fine tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk. 8. You can see my phone if your phone (not work)___ 9. Unless I (hear)___the alarm, I won’t wake up. 10. If you put these glasses into very hot water, they (crack) ___ 11. Plants (die) ___if they don’t get the sun and water. (die) 12.I am looking forward to (hear) ___from you (hear) 13. I suggest (travel) ___by bus. (travel) 14. If you (have) ___a chance to study in a foreign country, just take it. 15. If it (be)___ raining this evening, I (not go)___. 16. If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plants ___. (die) (die) 17. If we ___on littering, the environment will become seriously polluted. (go) 18. What ___they ___if they work hard today? (achieve) 19. If we plant more trees along the streets, we ___more shade and fresh air. (have) 20. If the pollution ___on, the world will end up like a second-hand junk-yard. (go) 21. If people (continue) ___ to throw trash onto the water, it (not be) ___fresh enough to use. 22. If the weather (be) ___ fine, we (go) ___ on our picnic. 23. You (not finish) ___ your work if you are lazy. 24. If people (use)___ public transport, there (be) ___ less pollution. 25. If you don’t study harder, you (not pass) ___the final exam. (not pass)