Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 1+2 - Năm học 2020-2021 - Lưu Quang Thơ

1- Periods : 1-7

2- Objectives:  By the end of this Unit, students can:

  1. Pronounce correctly the sounds / ə∪ / and /∧/ in isolation and in context
  2. Use the lexical items related to the topic “My NewSchool”
  3. Use the combinations: to study, to have, to do, to play + noun
  4. Use the present simple and the present continuous
  5. Ask appropriate questions when making new friends at a new school
  6. Read for specific information about schools, and read e-mails and web pages
  7. Talk about school activities, subject, and what Ss do at school
  8. Listen to get information about school activities

Write a webpage for their school, using correct punctuation

doc 17 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 1780
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  1. PERIOD 3/ WEEK 1 Date of planning:30/ 8 / 2020 Unit 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 2 - A CLOSER LOOK 1 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can: • Use the lexical items related to the topic “My New School” • Pronounce correctly the sounds / ə∪ / and /∧/ in isolation and in context - Vocabulary: Physics- History- science-lesson- Judo-exercise- healthy, school lunch- to study- to have- to do *. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English. 2. Competences - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking up : Ss write some word(special - be excited about - heavy - uniform - wear uniform- put on- school year- early) .(3ms) 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities students’ activities Content Activity1 :Warm up (5ms) Y-K.: Who are they? Aim:Help Ss understand the Ss look at the picture K-G What is Phong doing? lesson. and guess what they Let Ss look at the picture and guess - Let Ss look at the picture are doing what they are doing and guess what they are - Play the recording and let Ss listen. doing - Play the recording and let I- Vocabulary Ss listen. 1/- subject -Play it again and pause for -Physics them to repeat each word. - History Correct their pronunciation - science - explain some new words -lesson Activity2/Presentation(10 - Judo ms) -exercise Aim:Help Ss understand the Ss work in pairs. They - healthy new words and structrures have to put the words - school lunch -Let Ss work in pairs. They in 1 into groups. - to study have to put the words in 1 - to have into groups. - to do
  2. sentences answers on the board. 3. His brother eats lunch in the school -Play the recording. Let Ss Correct their mistakes canteen. repeat sentences. Ss repeat sentences. 4. The new school year stars next - Ss recognize the two Make 5 sentences with month. sounds, then underline them new words 5. My brother is doing his homework. in the sentences 6.He goes to the judo club every 6.He goes to the Sunday judo club every Sunday 4. Homework (1m) - Aim:Help Ss recognize the two sounds, - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words -Practice vocabulary and pronunciation of 2 sounds/ ə∪ / and /∧/ again -Make 5 sentences with new words -Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 2 -T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: Who are they? - Ss T: What is P wearing ? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V.Feedback DUYỆT 3/9/2020 PERIOD 4/ WEEK 2 Date of planning: 5 / 9 / 2020 Unit 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson3 - A CLOSER LOOK 2 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can: • Use the present simple and the present continuous • Use the lexical items related to the topic “My New School” - Vocabulary: The present simple *. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English.
  3. the board *Does+ he/she V? - Check their answers Yes ,he/she . does (or) sentence by sentence Ss to write the sentences in No, he/she doesn’t - Then ask Ss to give the their notebooks, referring rule and use of the present to interview. 2/Correct the sentences according simple themselves. Ss answer to the information in 1 above -Let them study the /Duy lives . 1/Duy lives . grammar box. 2/D likes 2/D likes -T can add something and 3/Vy and D ride to school give more examples if 4/Mr Q teaches D E necessary: 5/ .P reads - Ss work in pairs. Take Ss work in pairs. Take turns to ask questions and turns to ask questions and give answers. give answers. Key: 1. Duy lives near here. - T goes round and corrects Ss answer mistakes or gives help : 1. Duy lives near here. 2. Duy likes/loves his new when and where necessary school. :The present continuous 2. Duy likes/loves his 3. Vy and Duy ride to school. - Ask Ss to refer to the new school. 4. Mr.Quang teaches Duy conversation in Getting English Started. T can ask Ss to 5. At break time, Phong reads in focus on the verbs used in the librar the present continuous. -Play the recording again Ss answer 3/Work in pairs.make questios and ask Ss to listen and 1. Do you ride your then interview your partner follow the conversation on bicycle to school? the page. 2. Do you read in the ? Key: 1. Do you ride your bicycle -Ask Ss to underline the library at break to school? present continuous form: is 2. Do you read in the library at knocking , is having , break time? are wearing 3. Do you like your new school? -Use the grammar box to help you explain how the 4. Do your friends go to school present continuous is with you? formed and used 5. Do you do your homework -Have Ss study the example after school? first. -Then ask them to give the II- The present continuous correct verb forms. (Ask 1-Usage:We use the present them to repeat the verb Ss to refer to the continuous to talk about something form in each sentence, and conversation in Getting which is happening at or around the read the whole sentences Started. T can ask Ss to time of speaking correctly). focus on the verbs used in 2- Formation: -T may ask them to say the present continuous. why to use the tense in each Positive: sentences. S+ am /is/ are + V-ing -Ask Ss to say the differences between the two Negative
  4. day, but Vy wears her . uniform only on Mondays - and Saturdays 4. Homework (1m) - Aim:Help Ss use the present simple or the present continuous, focusing on the context of the sentences - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words Write five sentences in simple present tense and five sentences in present continuous tense about you. -Prepare communication -T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: What do you do at the weekend? - Ss T: What is P wearing ? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V.Feedback PERIOD 5/ WEEK 2 Date of planning: 5 / 9 / 2020 Unit 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 4 - COMMUNICATION I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can: • Ask appropriate questions when making new friends at a new school - Vocabulary: pocket money,to remember,to share,to help,classmate The present simple *. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English. 2. Competences - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking up : Ss write some word(special - be excited about - heavy - uniform - wear uniform- put on- school year- early) .(3ms) 3. New lesson:
  5. about your good friends. -Choose some Ss to present to the class about their good friends and why they are good friends (avoid talking about someone who is considered “not a good friend” 4. Homework (1m) - Aim:Help Ss Write five sentences about your good friends - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words - Prepare SKILLS 1 -T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: What do you do at the weekend? - Ss T: What is P wearing ? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V.Feedback PERIOD 6/ WEEK 2 Date of planning: 5/ 9 / 2020 Unit 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 5 – SKILLS 1 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can: • Read for specific information about schools, and read e-mails and web pages • Talk about school activities, subject, and what Ss do at school - Vocabulary: to join,*overseas, kindergarten, equipment,art club The present simple *. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English. 2. Competences - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m)
  6. - Tell them to pay attention find words to finish the * Why do you like it? to the context of the sentences *Why don’t you like the others? words: -Have Ss reread the text 2- Complete the table and find words to finish Name Reasons you Reasons you the sentences like it don’t like it -Ask Ss to note where they found the information that Ss answer helped them complete the 1. boarding Key: sentences. 2. Vinabrita 1. boarding 2. Vinabrita 3. Ss can compare answers Australia before discussing them as 4. mountains 5. English speaking a class. teachers Allow Ss to read in chorus Ss reread the text and once. Then, call some find words to finish the - PLC Sydney (Presbyterian Ladies individuals to read aloud sentences College Sydney): an international to the class in order to school for girls from kindergarten to check their pronunciation year 12 in Sydney, Australia. and intonation. - An Lac Lower Secondary School: a 3. Australia small school in a mountainous region SPEAKING in Son Dong Dist, Bac Giang -Ask Ss to refer back to Province. the three schools. Give - Vinabrita School: an international some background of the school for Ss from year 1 to year 12 in schools discuss their answer to Ha Noi. - Allow Ss time to answer the questions, and give - Allow Ss time to answer the the questions complete the reasons. questions complete the table in their table in their notebooks. When they finish, ask notebooks. -T divides the class into some Ss to talk to the - PLC Sydney (Presbyterian Ladies groups of 4 or 5, let them class give their College Sydney): an international discuss their answer to the comments on their school for girls from kindergarten to questions, and give friends’ content, year 12 in Sydney, Australia. reasons. pronunciation, fluency - An Lac Lower Secondary School: a When they finish, ask small school in a mountainous region some Ss to talk to the class in Son Dong Dist, Bac Giang give their comments on Province. their friends’ content, - Vinabrita School: an international pronunciation, fluency, school for Ss from year 1 to year 12 in language (grammar, use of Ha Noi. words ), body language, etc. Activity4/consolidation(5 ms) Aim:Help ss discuss their answer to the questions, and give reasons. (Discuss any common errors and provide further