Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 1+2+3 - Lưu Quang Thơ

4. Homework (1m)

- Aim:Help Ss  Practise exercises again 

Learn by heart preposition of place

- You can write about your dream  school at home

- T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words


 -T: Grammar, structures, newwords,  sentences,…………


- T: Where is yourbooks?

-  Ss ...

T: is your hat in your school bag ?

Ss .....

- T summarizes: Ss study hard


doc 28 trang Hải Anh 14/07/2023 2020
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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Thí điểm - Tuần 1+2+3 - Lưu Quang Thơ

  1. 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking up : Ss write some word( pocket money,to remember,to share,to help,classmate ) .(3ms) 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities students’ activities Content Activity1 :Warm up (5ms) Ss answer Y-K:Do you ride your bicycle to Aim:Help Ss pay attention school? the lesson. to give nice sentences Y-k; Do you read in the library at T guids about friendship: break time? -T corrects their answers “Friends are forever” K-G:How do you often make friends? PLC SYSNEY: in Australia-1,250 girls VINABRITA SCHOOL: international school- art club AN LAC LOWER SECONDARY Activity2/Presentation(10 read the passages again, SCHOOL: 194 students, Bac Giang ms) then find the words in Province Aim:Help Ss understand the passages. The new words - Give the meaning of I- READING READING the words, explanations 1 Vocabulary -Tell Ss to read the three and examples * It is a boarding school passages quickly in four (Vietnamese equivalent) * The school is surrounded by . minutes * international school T check their ideas by *Some creative students classmate asking them to close their * to join books and finding out to pay attention to the *overseas which school has the context of the words * kindergarten suitable information: * equipment PLC SYSNEY – *art club VINABRITA SCHOOL – Ss reread the text and AN LAC LOWER find words to finish the PLC SYSNEY – VINABRITA SECONDARY SCHOOL sentences SCHOOL – -Let Ss open their books Ss reread the text and AN LAC LOWER SECONDARY and correct find words to finish the SCHOOL Activity3/Practice(20ms) sentences 194 students- international school- Aim:Help Ss answer the in Australia – Bac Giang Province- questions and Complete the 1,250 girls table -boarding school- art club Ask Ss to read the passages again, then find II- SPEAKING the words in the passages. Ss reread the text and 1- Answer the questions
  2. their answer to the questions, and give reasons. (Discuss any common errors and provide further practice if necessary. T gives feedback 4. Homework (1m) - Aim:Help Ss Write five sentences about your school - T: Have Ss Learn by heart all the new words - Prepare SKILLS 2 -T: Grammar, structures, newwords, sentences, IV. Check and evaluate topic / lesson: - T: What do you do at recess? - Ss T: is your school big ? Ss - T summarizes: Ss study hard V.Feedback DUYỆT - PERIOD 7/ WEEK 3 Date of planning: Unit 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 6 – SKILLS 2 I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can: • Listen to get information about school activities • Write a webpage for their school, using correct punctuation - Vocabulary: * helpful , favourite *. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English. 2. Quality, capacity to from and develop for students - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks
  3. before listening to the sentences on the recording a final time to board. Let the class II- WRITING check comment and check A webpage for your school WRITING correct the passage and write the correct Writing tip: Tell the class version 1- Write to correct the punctuation in the the importance of sentences punctuation marks. Allow Ss brainstorm for the 1. School starts on the 5th September. some time for the Ss to language necessary 2. Does he live in Ha Noi? study the writing tip. for writing. Allow Ss 3. I’m excited about the first day of school. Explain to them the new to refer back to 4. Are you doing your homework? words and punctuation reading for useful 5. We’re having an English lessons in class marks. language, and note : Ask Ss to correct the interesting punctuation in the expressions and 2- Write to correct the passage sentences in their language on the Hi. I’m Phong and I’m from Ho Chi Minh notebooks. Then call 5 Ss board. City. I wear my uniform to school every day. to write the 5 sentences on My favourite teacher is Mr.Trung. He the board. Let the class teaches me science. comment and check. T finally gives correction Example English lessons in class. Quang Trung secondary school is on Hong - Ask Ss to correct the Bang street in Bao Loc city in Lam Dong passage and write the province.It has over 1,700 students.It has correct version big buildings and modern equipment.We - Create a webpage for only go to school half a day, in the morning your school or in the afternoon.At school, we learn -First Ss brainstorm for about 13 or 14 subjects.We wear our the language necessary for Ss brainstorm for the uniform to school everyday. writing. Allow Ss to refer language necessary I like maths and English.I often play games back to reading for useful for writing. Allow Ss or chat at break time.I do my homework and language, and note to refer back to watch T.V after school interesting expressions reading for useful and language on the board. language, and note -T can also show a interesting webpage to inspire Ss expressions and -Tell Ss to write a draft language on the first by trying to answer board. all the questions. Activity4/consolidation(5 ms) Aim:Help Ss Write to correct the passage -Then Ss write a paragraph of about 80 words about their school,
  4. - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary III. PROCEDURES: 1. Class order: Greeting, checking attendance, asking for date (1m) 2.Checking up : Ss write some word(* helpful , favourite overseas, kindergarten, equipment,art club ) .(3ms) 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content Activity1 :Warm up (5ms) Aim:Help Ss pay attention to K-G1. you/ ride your bicycle to school? the lesson. S Ss to write the K-G2. she/ read in the library at break T guids words in their time? T asks some questoins notebooks. s work in K-G3. he / not/like your new school? -T corrects their answer pairs Y-K4. your friends /go to school with Write five sentences in you? simple present tense Y-K5. he/ do your homework after T gives feedback school? I- Vocabulary S Ss to write the 1. dictionary Activity2/Presentation(10m words in their 2. uniform s) notebooks. s work in 3. pencil sharpener Aim:Help Ss understand pairs 4. notebook The new words dictionary . 5.compass T guids uniform 6. calculator Vocabulary 1- Write words that match the pictures repeat the words Key: 1. dictionary 2. uniform Activity3/Practice(20ms) Ss answer 3. pencil sharpener 4. notebook Aim:Help Ss answer the 1. dictionary 5.compass 6. calculator questions and Complete the 2.uniform table 2-Match the words in A and the ones in B - Tell Ss to write the words in Ss write their answers Key: 1.b 2.c 3.a 4. their notebooks. in their - Then T corrects the 3- Listen. Then write the words in the mistakes. Ss write the words in correct places - Let them repeat the words. the correct places * play: sports, badminton, music Check their pronunciation 1.b 2.c 3.a * do: morning exercise, homework Have Ss write their answers *study: new words, geography in their notebooks. *have: English lessons, a new book -T checks their answers . Play the recording twice. Let II- Grammar Ss write the words in the
  5. 1- Periods : 8 14 2- Objectives: By the end of this Unit, students can: • Pronounce correctly the ending sounds /z /,/s / and /iz/ in isolation and in context • Use the lexical items related to the topic “My home” • Use prepositions of place and there is/ there isn’t/ there are/ there aren’t correctly and appropriately • Ask about and describe houses, rooms and furniture • Read for specific information about rooms and houses • Listen to get information about rooms and houses • Write an e-mail to a friend PERIOD 9/ WEEK 3 Date of planning: Unit 2 : MY HOME Lesson1 - GETTING STARTED: A look inside I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge, skills and attitude * Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students can: • Use some vocabularies and structures to talk about rooms and houses • Use prepositions of place - Vocabulary: - behind - sofa - town house -city center,-apartment= flat - cousin- aunt- uncle *. Skill: Reading, writing and speaking *. Attitude: love the subject, love English. 2. Quality, capacity to from and develop for students - Self-study ability; - Communicative ability; - Co-operative ability; - Problem solving and creation ability. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Materials: lesson plan. Ss’ books, textbooks 2. Ss: Textbooks, notebooks, pens, rulers.vocabulary
  6. listen and read. -Ask Ss to give the TV; sofa answers without reading house 3.sitting on the sofa the conversation again. 4.noisy Which family members 5.three does Mi talk about? 3 – Practice -Then ask them to read 1a Which family members does Mi talk the conversation and about check their answers. grandparents -Confirm the correct dad  uncle answers. mum  aunt  Ss work independently. Ss work independently brother  cousin  Allow them to share 1b Complete sentences answers before 1-F 1. TV; sofa house discussing as a class. 2-T 3.sitting on the sofa 4.noisy 5.three Write the correct 2: Match the preposition with the picture answers on the board. A. on B. next to C. behind D. in - -Ask Ss if they know Ss if they know the E. in front of F. between G. under the prepositions in the prepositions in the box. 3-Write a sentence to describe the box. picture - Have Ss do this A- The dog is on the chair exercise in pairs. Ask Ss write the sentences B- The dog is next to the bowl. for Ss’ answers. individually, then share the C- The cat is behind the TV. -Ss write the sentences sentences with a friend. D- The cat is in the wardrobe individually, then share E-The dog is in front of the kennel. the sentences with a F- The cat is between the lamp and the friend. 1. They are on the desk./ sofa - -Call on some Ss to bookshelf. G- The cat is under the table write their answers on 2. They are on the floor. 4- True or false the board. Check the 3. Yes, it is. 1-F (The dog is between the bookshelf sentences with the and the bed.) whole clas 2-T -Ss look at the picture 3-F (The clock is between the pictures.) of the room and do this Ss look at the picture of the 4-F (The cat is in front of the computer.) exercise individually. room and do this exercise 5-F (The cap is next to the pillow.) -Ss share their answers individually 6-T with a partner before giving T the answers. -Confirm the correct answers. Activity4/consolidatio 5- Play a game Look at the picture and n(5ms) answer the questions Aim:Help Ss - Play a 1. They are on the desk./ bookshelf. game Look at the 2. They are on the floor. picture and answer the Ss to do this exercise 3. Yes, it is. questions without looking at the 4. No, they aren’t. They’re on the bed. picture again and play a